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a really bad explanation of the world taron is in
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speedrun through history lets go
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Oct 2022, 13:07. Editing of this article is shared with idk what i'm doing.

[comments] [history] alright, so the most common "religion" of the taroks' is basically one story, and its this;

In the beginning, the gods made the land, and made Man to rule over the land. All of the gods gave man their rules. The god of fire gave them the rule of safety, the god of water gave them the rule of not drowning (blah blah we get it) etc.
but the god of wind told them a different rule;
"do not try to open the box in my kingdom."
All of man followed the rules, except one.
his name was Aiven. He was selfish, and wanted what he thought was treasure in the kingdom of the gods. He gathered followers to help him steal the Wind God's box, to build a really big ladder and go to heaven (??)
Aiven snuck into the land, and stole the box, strapping it to his back with a rope.
as he was climbing down the ladder, the Wind God saw him, and questioned him about the box.
"do you remember my one rule, Aiven?"
of course he did, so the Wind God took the box, and opened it.
Inside, (according to all found accounts, which is one) was the first Tarok.
The Tarok destroyed Man from the planet, banishing them to a realm without the gods protection.
Taroks ruled the land now, a light hold on the fern and fauna of the land. able to adapt to the landscape, they were the ones suited best to this planet, and mother earth breathed a sigh of relief.

yeah basically thats Taro'to 👍
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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 16-Oct-22 23:16 [Deactivated User]
neat creation story
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on 14/10/22 13:070[Deactivated User]rong tg
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