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[1] The World - Mani
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The very basics of this conworld (setting, location, map...)
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 16 Sep 2016, 13:13. Editing of this article is shared with Mani Project - Helpers.

This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.
Welcome and thanks for reading into the world of the Chimean conlang!

Beforehand, you have to know that we are set in a fantasy age, typical dragon-magic-demon medieval world you see in many different works of literature, videogames and movies like Lord of the Rings, The Elder Scrolls or even Minecraft.
The mysterious creatures, the magical spells, bizarre religions, mighty countries and much more are described in their own articles over time.
Let's start then, huh?

The planet all of this is set on is called Mani. It is a planet fairly similar to ours, but much, much smaller. Generally, you can say that Earth is about six times bigger than Mani.
Mani is made of a single, huge ocean and several continents on it.
As the population did not have a single, united map of their world, but rather many different maps by many different cartographers, they weren't very aware of the different continents, thus they do not have definite names on Mani.
There are, however, many countries on Mani, all of which will be briefly explained in the following short overviews:

The country that would be the most famous probably would be Chimea (or Cimea, if we stick to the proper word used by the Chimean people).
Chimea is the country that many believe mankind emerged from. It is an island that is isolated from the rest of the world except for a single overpass that is regularily overflooded with the traders and other folk trying to get into or out of Chimea. It's populated with only the most exquisite of all people, the richest and most powerful people on Mani almost all live on Cimea. The "lower" people were more and more driven out, as Cimean government raised taxes exorbitantly for the poorer people. Cimea is the most crowded, most expensive and most decadent country with the most settlements per area on Mani. You can barely find any nature there.

The single connection from Cimea with the other parts of the world leads westwards into the country of Gat'evelei /gathevelei/.
Gat'evelei is most known for its gigantic mountains and its unusually warm climate. Its mountain ranges block the way to the west and north, and only the most skilled climbers and adventurers can cross these mountains. The citizens of Gat'evelei are essentially the middle class people driven out of Cimea, now making their money through "harvesting" honey bats, crafting brooms, making soap or other consumables for the decadent people in Cimea. Unrelated to these people, there are two other different ethnic groups, the Avanis and the Idovos, both living in their respective colonies in the mountains, hidden away from the rest of Gat'evelei. They're practicing their crude religious views and visions and are possibly fighting each other through secretive assassin organizations, but nobody really knows what they're really doing.

West of Gat'evelei lies Havel /χavel/. Lush forests and beautiful clearings are scattered around the green plains - many species of both animals and flowers populate this wonderful country. Towards the east of Havel (so in the direction of Gat'evelei), there are wild mountain ranges and dangerous gorges. The further you go eastwards, the warmer it gets. There are even some jungly aread in East Havel that are home to even more mystical creatures and plants. Havel is barely inhabited by humans, but much more by the woodlings (see their own article for clarification), who call Havel their main home. Havel isn't very huge and much less populated. Many unknown species and flowers are believed to live here, that's why it's an extremely popular place for wizards, magicians and hags to do their magic.

North of Havel lies Ifelia /iɸelia/.
The south of Ifelia is still largely made of Havel's typical forests and lush plains - the further one goes north, the less forests and nature you will find. Ifelia has many small villages and huge towns, as the northern islands of Ifelia serve as popular trading posts due to their rich harbors and an abundance of fish.
The people of Ifelia are mostly rich tradesmen who don't want to live in Cimea - be it because of finances or just the hate against the decadent inhabitants.

Again, west of Ifelia are both Nert-Kawalie /neɾt kaⱱalie/ as well as Suit-Kawalie /zyt kaⱱalie/.
These military nations once were united under the name and flag of Kawalie, until a certain emperor once decided he had to outlaw the practicing of the Kalca cult. A civil war emerged and thus they split in half, creating Suit- and Nert-Kawalie. The Kalca followers went down to the South, where they are currently in charge of the country (the current queen being in favor of Kalca people), while their enemies fortified themselves in the North.
Kawalie is a politically tense place, and war could break out any second.

North of and kind of squished between Nert-Kawalie and Ifelia, there is an extremely small mini-country by the name of Rewelia /ɾeⱱelia/. It split off of Ifelia a few decades ago, when the local Avoneri-population decided to become independent from Ifelia. They are now living an anti-capitalistic lifestyle in the hills and woods of Rewelia, though getting in constant arguments over the sovereignity of Rewelia with the Ifelian army. It has a single huge town, completely self-sustaining.
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