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History of Yerlan
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A history of the Joint Republic of Yerlan
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Dec 2017, 04:46. Editing of this article is shared with .

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Menu 1. Prehistory of the Early Yerlanis Tribes 2. First Century CE 3. Late 12th and Early 13th Century CE 4. 18th Century CE 5. The Consumer Electronics Boom (1930-1970) 6. The Great Ekuosian War (1945-1951)
[edit] [top]Prehistory of the Early Yerlanis Tribes

In approximately 2000 BCE the Greater Yerlanis Region was compromised of both Yerlanis tribes and various other tribal groups, most notably the Shohuanese, Qonklese, and Ceothians. The Yerlanis tribes mainly practiced the religion of Eiyrnas and were either henotheistic or polytheistic with most believing in the supreme deity, Eiyr. Although a common pantheon interconnected most of the Yerlanis Tribes, they were still quite separate from one another with, at it's greatest, around 250 tribes.

[edit] [top]First Century CE

Around 100 CE, Letsatia arrived on the coasts of modern-day southeastern Yerlan and attempted to colonize, however this didn't last long because in 179 CE, the battle of Galadrosia vanquished most of the Letsatian presence in Vaniu, which was quickly reciprocated in Yerlan.
During the 190s the Lugid Empire greatly supported the spread of Iovist beliefs into Yerlan. These were initially met with great hostility by the native Yerlanis, most of whom followed Eiyrnas. During the second century CE, practicing Eiyrns were persecuting, which is considered the start of the downfall of Eiyrnas.

[edit] [top]Late 12th and Early 13th Century CE

In 1183 CE, prince Sømmbheonhaum came to power as king of Ceothia and invaded large swaths of land controlled by the northeastern Yerlanis tribes in 1192 CE which prompted the unification of the nearby tribes to form the early beginnings of what would become the Slaŝa Empire in order to fend of the Ceothians. By 1221 CE the Slaŝa Empire was fully formed and considered a sovereign state.

[edit] [top]18th Century CE

In 1701 CE the Slaŝa Empire becomes a union state with the Shohuanese Empire in order to fight back against the ever-expanding Ráseum Empire. In 1773 CE the Shohuanese Revolution occurs destroying the monarchy thus dissolving the Union.

[edit] [top]The Consumer Electronics Boom (1930-1970)

[edit] [top]The Great Ekuosian War (1945-1951)

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on 20/12/17 04:46+60[Deactivated User]consumer electronic date added
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