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However you found yourself here, Welcome! If you're an existing member, please login here, or if you're new, we've arranged a few points of interest about CWS here:

What is CWS?

CWS, or ConWorkShop is a conlanging community and tools website started in early 2014 aimed at providing the tools and community to help you strive in your conlanging endeavours. We are a very eclectic group of people who are enthusiastic about conlangs and concultures. We have teenagers, students, professionals, and so on - everyone is welcome.

It is completely free of charge and will always remain so. It is a community built by conlangers, for conlangers. We are always aiming to update our tools to give you the largest range of choices possible, and we have a very helpful staff team who will help us achieve that goal.

CWS is largely geared towards conlangers with a working knowledge of language and linguistics, however we do invite everyone to join! We have a good base of members with an infinite wealth of knowledge, and we're here to help.

What sort of things do you have/do?

Where do we start?! The site is broken up into three main sections: the Library, the Tools, and the Community (and yes, they're colour-coded :D).


The library is your centre of language creation. There's a highly detailed dictionary to store your lexicon, to search, edit, import and export your lexicon. There are grammar tables that automatically conjugate entries based on rules, there are phonologies, and orthographies, and more! Some examples of some things from the creator's language (Nithalos) can be seen here:

  • Sample Language Summary page
  • Sample Word Entry
  • Sample Translated Text (UDHR article 1)
  • Sample Language Article
  • Tools

    The tools section contains everything from word generators, to word banks, to lexical field vocabulary sets (we call these 'LexiBuild'), our conlanger's Swadesh List, and much more!


    The community is where the people and languages come together. We have a bunch of clans for varied interests, active discussion boards with games, challenges, and month-long events, and more!


    CWS has a number of events - usually a month long that run throughout the year to help inspire and motivation your language building. Check out the overview of our events for more information.


    At CWS, we love doing projects, like this beautiful thing.

    How do I join?

    We're glad you've found this section. Create a login account using a valid email address and password. Don't worry, we don't share this information. Once you have an account, you can log in to CWS to be part of it.

    Please note that you must be at least 13 years old to join CWS.

    Why does CWS exist?

    If you're interested to know, it was born out of the idea that conlangers and conlang tools are found all over the internet, and we wanted a place to centralise these in order to create one single place to go for everything.

    CWS's integrated model also means you have the ability to do more with your language as we not only have your lexicon, but your grammar, your phonology, your orthography, and this means these elements can interact in ways that other sites may not be able to. Because CWS was created by conlangers, for conlangers, it will always be free. We aren't professionals at this, so sometimes patience is appreciated, but it's worth the wait. We also welcome feedback and suggestions to improve the site, and without those we've already received, who knows what opportunities we might have missed.

    CWS can also be found on Social Media if you have the urge to follow or like us there. See the site footer for the links!
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