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 Magiunie Namebase
Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Generation result:
Lami Slhugoi
Format:{G} {M} {S} 
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Adair Given name Male Nordic origin
Aliceh Surname Unisex Noble House, third rulers of the Royal Islands, currently prices and princesses of Maya's Country (one of the islands) and subordinated to the imperial House
Ayal Given name Male Oriental origin
Ayala Given name Female Oriental origin
Borjga Surname Unisex Noble House, princes and princesses of Hairê's Country (one of the Royal Islands) and subordinated to the imperial House
Carl Given name Male Nordic origin
Donni Given name Unisex Nordic origin
Éleas Given name Male
Ila Given name Female Nordic origin
K'Lor Given name Male Oriental origin
Klark Given name Male Nordic origin
Komky Surname Unisex Noble House that are the third and current rulers the Royal Empire
Kosth Surname Female Female members of the elvish noble house that rules as princesses in Petra and Sahf Fir's Country (one of the Royal Islands) side by side with the Lankoe (male and human side of the family)
L'Enstreum Surname Unisex Means "of Enstreum", who is a magician demon, used to name those said to be his descendants
L'Ulceh Surname Unisex Means "of Ulceh", name of one of the Northern Islands. The surname is used to name those said to be the descendants of a legendary pirate called "the Man of Ulceh" (Tuqe L'Ulceh)
L'Urizenah Surname Unisex Means "of Urizenah", name of one of the Northern Islands. The surname is used to name those said to be the descendants of a legendary man blessed by Komyi, the king of the gods, whose name was also Urizenah. The island was also named after him to determine where he was born.
Lami Given name Female Oriental origin
Lankoe Surname Male Male members of the human noble house that rules as princes in Petra and Sahf Fir's Country (one of the Royal Islands) side by side with the Kosth (female and elvish side of the family)
Laz Surname Unisex Noble House, princes and princesses of Fökiri's Country (one of the Royal Islands) and subordinated to the imperial House
Limo Given name Male Oriental origin
Lumor Surname Unisex Imperial House, second rulers of the Royal Empire, currently extinct
Mainli Given name Female Oriental origin
Marina Given name Female
me Glori Surname Unisex Surname of the noble House that rules the Glorian Empire since its foundation 108 thousands of years ago
Minje Surname Unisex Noble House, fourth rulers of the Royal Islands and founders of the Royal Empire, currently extinct
Niraza Given name Female Name of Nordic origin
Pam'meka Given name Female The name of the goddess of winter, snow, loyalty and courage
Samch Surname Unisex Noble House, second rulers of the Royal Islands, currently are only part of the nobility
Samra Given name Female Oriental origin
Shal Nickname Male Short version of Shalar
Shala Nickname Female Short version of Shalahara
Shalahara Given name Female Nordic origin
Shalar Given name Male Nordic origin
Slhugoi Surname Unisex Noble House, first rulers of the Royal Islands and currently princes and princesses of Liunna's Country(one of the islands) and subbordinated to the imperial House
Surana Given name Female
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