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 Bradigian Namebase
Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Bescepalcano Surname Unisex given to someone born in the town of Bescepalca
Cèabante Given name Unisex lit. "light [that] lasts forever"
Cèachbante Given name Unisex older form of "Cèabante"
Daudhe Given name Male other form of "Davidhe"
Davidhe Given name Male "David"
Iuain Given name Male "John"
Lomudue Given name Unisex lit. "he/she is loved"
Maintùa Given name Female lit. "beauty"
n'Dònaudhe Surname Unisex "McDonald"
n'Eiscecaire Surname Male
Robhèrte Given name Male "Robert"
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