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 Dreseláe Namebase
Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Borugt Given name Male one king of the agr of Vomnör
Brigâlh Given name Male one the disciples of vomnör
Khrórn Other Other from khrórânk, meaning "burned". Name of a godlike fireking from the age of Vomnör
Mérme Given name Female Name of one of the queens of the age of Vomnör, and also one of its disciples
Stédriaf Given name Female one the disciples of vomnör
Surkhâlh Given name Male name of one the disciples of vomnör
Temean Given name Male Name of one of the kings of the age of Vomnör, and also one of its disciples
Vomnör Given name Male name of the first emperor of all races
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