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 Old Oxian Namebase
Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Ael Given name Male name of the primordial god
Astnoth Given name Male name of the fourth king, name of the god of secrets
Avoriste Given name Female goddess of greed
Etibonec Given name Male god of dark desires
Feliste Given name Female goddess of joy
Grendel Given name Male god of indulgence and monstrousness
Helios Given name Male god of anger
Ilbitros Given name Male god of chaos
Ililend Given name Female goddess of assassins
Iria Other N/A name of the land
Irial Other N/A name of language
Irinoth Given name Male name of the first king, name of the war god
Jahutes Given name Male god of technology
Letonaty Given name Female goddess of honour
Macash Given name Male god of insects
Magmathor Given name Male god of natural disasters
Metanox Given name Male the unspeakable creature from beyond
Nothel Given name Male emperor god, last of the kings
Okiju Given name Male god of answers
Okinawatle Given name Female warrior goddess
Okinazu Given name Male ocean god
Oxitajotle Given name Male god of tenacity
Oxitanatle Given name Male trickster god
Penans Given name Male god of pain
Quark Given name Male god of the apocalypse
Saturno Given name Male god of sadness
Siridoronoth Given name Female name of the goddess of law
Sirinoth Given name Male name of the fifth king, name of the god of indulgance
Ujiko Given name Female goddess of shrines
Ulgulanoth Given name Male name of the sixth king, name of the undead god of martial arts
Ulthomen Given name Male name of the god of ascension
Vegnoth Given name Male name of the second king, name of the assassin god
Watluxnoth Given name Female name of the goddess of benevolance
Watnoth Given name Male name of the third king, name of the god of cities
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