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 Eo'iona Namebase
Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Aeá'o Given name Unisex "Aeá'o" is from "old" and "young" because parents want children to live long
E'ínó‌ Given name Unisex "E'ínó" is from "mountain" because mountains are rare in Oea'i
Given name Unisex "Eó" is from Eo. Eo was in the Eo' creation myth.
Iaà'éoá Surname N/A From "ía'à" (create) + "eôa" (person); "person creator"
Iâná Given name Unisex "Iâná" is from "rare".
Iíné Given name Unisex "Iíné" is from "beauty"
Ná'ié Given name Unisex "Ná'ié" is from Baties. Baties is in Oea'i. "Ná'ié" is a common name in Baties.
Nâ'ió Given name Unisex "Nâ'ió" is from "sun".
Ôîéá Given name Unisex "Ôîéá" is from "peace"
Ôío Given name Unisex From ôí (water/blood)
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