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 Sáharían Namebase
Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Alíra Given name Female "beautiful"
Alnóra Given name Female "moral"
Ánarun Given name Male "excessive"
Ánerún Given name Male "worry" - name of the second king of Sáharía
Anrána Given name Female "blue"
Anrún Given name Male "blue"
Árta Nickname Male shortened form of Ártanun
Ártanun Given name Male "hunger"
Aryéna Given name Female "seed"
Baylíra Given name Female "rain"
Bejýra Given name Female "tolerant"
Beyára Given name Female "reason"
Bírun Given name Male "moderation"
Bíthunórun Given name Male "flinty"
Bívena Given name Female "apology"
Biyéna Given name Female "fern"
Bórtanun Given name Male "inquisitive troublemaker"/"one who behaves like a goat" Not a name you'd find in the upper classes
Cajéna Given name Female "shadow"
Cálun Given name Male "light" - name of "The Last King" of Sáharía; went decidedly out of fashion after that
Cársun Given name Male "fire" - name of a Late Sáharían prince
Cayna Given name Female "depth"
Caynún Given name Male "depth"
Celína Given name Female "shining one"
Celínun Given name Male "shining one"
Cílfanún Given name Male "helper"
Cílfara Given name Female "helpful"
Cílfun Given name Male "assistance" - name of a Late Sáharían King
Cínun Given name Male "snake" in Old Sáharían - name of an Early Sáharían king; no longer in use, except rarely in Ároásh
Círarun Given name Male "mighty"
Círnu Nickname Male shortened form of Laycírnun
Círyo Nickname Male shortened form of Círyonun
Círyonun Given name Male "soot"
Cuvóra Given name Female "soft"
Éona Given name Female "joy"
Éthrun Given name Male "spiritual" - "updated" form of the name of "The First King" of Sáharía, Édhrun; not a name in use
Fáli Nickname Male shortened form of Fálisun
Falína Given name Female "music"
Fálisun Given name Male "sword"
Falnóra Given name Female "drummer"
Fan Nickname Female shortened form of Shílfana
Fanú Nickname Male shortened form of Cílfanún
Far Nickname Female shortened form of Cílfara
Fejýrun Given name Male "forgetful"/"forgotten"
Fethóra Given name Female "shy"
Fiyára Given name Female "rememberance"
Fónun Given name Male "eagle" in Old Sáharían - name of an Early Sáharían king; no longer in use
Galnóra Given name Female "proud"
Galnún Given name Male "pride" - name of a famous Early Sáharían king
Gayéna Given name Female "leaf"
Gén Nickname Female shortened form of Negéna and Lagéna
Gíli Nickname Male shortened form of Gílirún
Gílirún Given name Male "mud"
Gírun Given name Male "soil"
Gith Nickname Female shortened form of Négitha
Han Nickname Female shortened form of Sáhana
Hanu Nickname Male shortened form of Thílhanun
Hárna Given name Female "black"
Hárnun Given name Male "black"
Harú Nickname Male shortened form of Ólharún
Hárun Given name Male "knowledgeable" - name of a famous Late Sáharían-Early Vúlnorían noble
Hasúna Given name Female "safety"
Háyarun Given name Male "believer" - name of a Late Sáharían king
Hírun Given name Male "growth"
Ília Given name Female "water"
Jacún Given name Male "boar" - name of an Early Sáharían king; no longer in use, except rarely in Ároásh
Jána Given name Female "moon"
Jén Nickname Female shortened form of Cajéna
Jénun Given name Male "bridge" - name of the first Cárshalór/Fortress king (Late Sáharián)
Jérnun Given name Male "caregiver"
Jethóra Given name Female "resistant"/"steadfast"
Jýr Nickname Female shortened form of Bejýra
Jýru Nickname Male shortened form of Fejýrun
Lagéna Given name Female "purple"
Lagún Given name Male "purple"
Lav Nickname Female shortened form of Týlava
Laycírnun Given name Male "serious"
Lín Nickname Female shortened form of Celína and Falína
Línu Nickname Male shortened form of Celínun
Lír Nickname Female shortened form of Alíra and Baylíra
Lishu Nickname Male shortened form of Ólishun
Líshun Given name Male "owl" in Old Sáharían- name of an Early Sáharían king; no longer in use
Lisu Nickname Male alternate shortened form of Fálisun
Lisú Nickname Male shortened form of Válisún
Lón Nickname Female shortened form of Shalóna
Lóru Nickname Male shortened form of Talórun
Lún Nickname Female shortened form of Velúna
Lúthi Nickname Male shortened form of Lúthinún
Lúthinún Given name Male "spear"
Lyrún Given name Male "distance"
Naru Nickname Male shortened form of Ánarun
Nayu Nickname Male alternate shortened form of Rínayun
Negéna Given name Female "green"
Négitha Given name Female "fennel"
Negún Given name Male "green"
Nerú Nickname Male shortened form of Ánerún
Nil Nickname Female shortened form of Sónila
Nór Nickname Female shortened form of Alnóra, Falnóra, and Galnóra
Nóru Nickname Male shortened form of Bíthunórun
Ólharún Given name Male "obsidian"
Ólishun Given name Male "vengeance"
Rán Nickname Female shortened form of Anrána
Rána Given name Female "red"
Ránun Given name Male "red"
Rayána Given name Female "yellow"
Rayánun Given name Male "yellow"
Reth Nickname Female shortened form of Túretha
Rína Nickname Male shortened form of Rínayun
Rínayun Given name Male "river bank"
Róshun Given name Male "ship"
Rothúna Given name Female "roughness"
Rúthun Given name Male "exhaustion"
Sábrun Given name Male "grasp"/"grip" - name of a famous, semi-successful Late Sáharían contender to the throne commonly nicknamed the Ghost King
Sáhana Given name Female "liberator" - name of a famous Early Vúlnorían queen regnant
Sárnun Given name Male "family"
Sáthura Given name Female "ice"
Séinun Given name Male "creek"
Shalóna Given name Female "fortifier"
Shalún Given name Male "fort" - name of the third king of Sáharía
Shérnun Given name Male "well-informed"/"informative"
Shílfana Given name Female "prosperity"
Shír Nickname Female shortened form of Vashíra
Sílnun Given name Male "friend" - name of a Middle Sáharían king
Sílvina Given name Female "pardoner"
Sóanún Given name Male "tree" or less commonly "wood"
Sónila Given name Female "lake"
Sóvishun Given name Male "hazel"
Sún Nickname Female shortened form of Hasúna
Talórun Given name Male "envious" - name of a Late Sáharían king
Tanu Nickname Male shortened form of Bórtanun and Ártanun
Tárun Given name Male "cloud" or "eater" - name of a Late Sáharían king
Tayna Given name Female "snow"
Tevórun Given name Male "sorrowful"/"tragic"
Thayéna Given name Female "oak"
Theyóra Given name Female "joiner"
Thílhanun Given name Male "combatant" - name of a famous Late Sáharían king
Thilvún Given name Male "wall"
Thinú Nickname Male alternate shortened form of Lúthinún
Thór Nickname Female shortened form of Jethóra and Fethóra
Thóshun Given name Male "cat" in updated Old Sáharían - name of a famous Early Sáharían king; no longer in use
Thún Nickname Female shortened form of Rothúna
Thur Nickname Female shortened form of Sáthura
Thurún Given name Male "stone"
Tirshún Given name Male "dragon" - name of an Early Sáharían king; no longer in use, except occasionally in Ároásh
Tírvun Given name Male "labour" - name of a Late Sáharían King
Túretha Given name Female "nut"
Týlava Given name Female "ivy"
Váhun Given name Male "difficulty"
Váli Nickname Male alternate shortened form of Válisún
Válisún Given name Male "storm"
Varún Given name Male "dog" in Old Sáharían - name of Sáharía's fourth king; no longer in use
Vashíra Given name Female "one who emboldens"
Váshun Given name Male "fear"
Velúna Given name Female "loyal"
Ven Nickname Female shortened form of Bívena
Vin Nickname Female shortened form of Sílvina
Vishu Nickname Male shortened form of Sóvishun
Vór Nickname Female shortened form of Cuvóra
Vóru Nickname Male shortened form of Tevórun
Vulna Given name Female "healer"
Yán Nickname Female shortened form of Rayána
Yánu Nickname Male shortened form of Rayánun
Yár Nickname Female shortened form of Beyára
Yaru Nickname Male shortened form of Háyarun
Yéara Given name Female "dignified"
Yén Nickname Female shortened form of Aryéna, Biyéna, Gayéna, and Thayéna
Yonu Nickname Male alternative shortened form of Círyonun
Yór Nickname Female shortened form of Theyóra
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