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Namebase is a mini-database of personal proper names in your language.
Name Type of name Gender Notes
Ampu Given name Unisex powerful
Aopu Given name Unisex free
Aotha Surname Unisex judge
Atu Given name Unisex "the rightous one"
Bona Given name Unisex calm
Daena Surname Unisex baker
Däixa Surname Unisex ruler
Eeta Given name Unisex moon
Gobase\ Given name Unisex thankful
Gompu Given name Unisex dark
Holutho Given name Unisex the strong one
Iima Surname Unisex miller
Imotha Given name Unisex the chosen one
Ipu Given name Unisex "gift"
Jaana Given name Female pretty
Jiiho Given name Unisex winner
Jilsa Surname Unisex servant
Joma Surname Unisex farmer
Juma Surname Unisex plougher
Käi Given name Unisex valley
Kärishe\ Given name Female little star
Korune\ Given name Unisex ??
Kräma Surname Unisex tailor
Kura Surname Unisex small
Leni Given name Female "flower"
Luba Surname Unisex builder
Lulo Given name Unisex ??
Luma Surname Unisex tall
Mahonga Given name Female great daughter
Mahopu Given name Male great son
Mila Given name Unisex ??
Nganda Given name Unisex wise
Ngande Given name Unisex wise
Ona Surname Unisex apple
Ondasu\ Given name Unisex lively
Paora Surname Unisex free
Ptoolu Given name Unisex follower
Ptooma Surname Unisex juicer
Puungäsh\ Surname Unisex on the mountain
Shoi Surname Unisex river
Teleme\ Given name Unisex love
Thaoru Given name Unisex strong
Thraamo Given name Unisex good
Thriju Given name Male handsome
Togi Given name Unisex happy
Toto Given name Unisex ??
Wanga Surname Unisex teacher
Woiru Given name Unisex light
Wroka Surname Unisex hunter
Xada Surname Unisex protector
Xatha Surname Unisex merchant
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