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Hanagant (old)
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About this particular Arnoldiinian conworld
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 6 Mar 2017, 07:01.

3. Heron
This article has been marked as out of date. There's a possibility that some information is incorrect.
Menu 1. Introduction 2. The Symbol 3. Locations of Interest 4. Realms
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As of March 4, 2017, this article is now considered outdated, and the OOD tag will be cleared upon a now-WIP revamp.


Hanagant (Lithian: hanagaŋ Hanagant /hanagant̚/ ; Lilian: Ganādha /gɐn*dʱɐ/ ; Teknite: Reynah /ɾɛynah/) is a con-universe where the planet Luf and its solar system is located, which is where the Kitrian Three (Lithians, Lilians, and Teknites) lives, alongside with the other people groups and tribes. Characteristically, Hanagant is -kinda- similar to that of our (Terran) universe. The present day in Hanagant (the equivalent of 2017 AD) is on 724 MNMaida Nat; for more info, see Heron calendar. - on that time, Luf's technological level is equal to those of 2030s in Terra. It is the place where all of Kitrian-based stories (which includes stories from/on the Lithians, Lilians, and/or Teknites) take place. There is no particular "main story"; the Hanagant universe has a set of stories taking place on various time settings. For example, the story of the prophet Maida takes place on around 1 MN to 70 MN. Another is the "Lufian War I" in 6th century MN (500-600) as well as the ancient story of the city and the kingdom of Wilau on about 3000 LMLotia Maida; years before 1 MN, working similarly to BC.

In a nutshell, this is a one-man conworld project with various stories taking place on various places (although it is central towards those of the Kitrian Three, particularly those of the Lithians) on various time settings. The (probably) novelized story will take place on 740 MN (see Stories; still WIP). This page will give you an overview about Hanagant - from the Kitrian Three's standpoints.

[top]The Symbol

The spiral symbol that you see on the top of this article is the symbol of Hanagant, known as the World's Path (Lithian: gandilaja Gandilaja). The center of the spiral marks the Genesis (Lithian: nirní Nirnia) - the beginning of the universe. The line "follows" an outward spiral path - symbolizing the growth of the universe. The outer end of the spiral marks the Apocalypse (Lithian: menerhevet Menerhevet) - the end of the living universe and the transition into the True Afterlife (Lithian: látígaŋ Laitiagant) where each humans enter either Heaven or Hell depending on how good and sinful is each of them.

[top]Locations of Interest

Our home system
Nathasha, named after the Delia of the Cosmos, is the solar system that consists of nine primary planets - 5 inner, and 4 outer. This includes the 3rd planet - Luf, where Humans live in the Hanagant. In this solar system, only Luf is perfectly habitable, although there are two other planets (eh... actually - 1 planet, 1 moon) that are semi-habitable, but not as perfect as Luf.

Here are the lists of celestial objects of the Nathasha solar system - denoted in exoplanet classification-style:
  • Natlan (The Sun) : This is the Sun of the Nathasha solar system, having pretty similar characteristics to Sol. In Teknite, this sun is called Diant /diant/.
  • Natlan b : A planet with Mercury-like characteristics (including the lack of atmosphere).
  • Natlan c : A terrestrial planet with a thick atmosphere (about twelve times of those of Terra) made mostly out of carbon dioxide. It has the size of Venus, but slightly smaller.
  • Natlan d (Luf) : A highly habitable terrestrial Terra-like planet with a single moon (for more information, see Luf section below).
  • Natlan e (Naflen): A terrestrial Luf-sized planet with a nitrogen-dominant atmosphere and no water.
  • Natlan f: A terrestrial planet with Mars-like characteristics, including the red colour, but volcanic activity remains present.
  • Natlan g: A gas giant similar to Jupiter but has one notable semi-habitable moon.
  • Natlan h: A gas giant with thin polar rings (just like Uranus, no pun intended).
  • Natlan i: A Neptune-like ringed gas giant.
  • Natlan j: An another Neptune-like gas giant.

Our home world
Luf is the home planet of all humans (known as Lufians) of Hanagant as well as all known Lufian life, both flora and fauna. This is basically Hanagant's Earth. Characteristically, it is almost similar to that of Earth, although some differences may be present. Luf is a part of the Nathasha solar system - the third one, from inner to outer, with the Sun in the center. Luf, just like Earth, has a single Moon.

Right now, in 2017 AD, it is 724 MN. In that year, Luf has the technological level equivalent of those of 2030s in Earth/Terra. On that time, Luf has a population of around 4,8 billion. Currently, Luf uses the Lithian language as an international lingua franca.

The main stage of the Hanagant stories takes place on the Kitrian archipelago - i.e. the Kingdom of Luhangida. Luhangida itself is a confederation of three major kingdoms that mainly rules in each of the three major islands - Lithians' Lugetia kingdom in Mina island, Teknite's Tehyena kingdom in Tenefe island, and Lilians' Nadya kingdom in Mothe island. Geographically, Luhangida is reminiscent of Terra's Republic of Indonesia, except there are three major islands instead of five, and it is a kingdom - or technically, a constitutional monarchy with the royal family (currently, the Merget) having executive authority.


The Hanagant has a number of "neighboring" realms. In the other words, realms that are physically separate from each other - but is considered a part of Hanagant as there is a some sort of connection in between (usually spiritual). Here are the lists of them.

The world beyond us (pseudo-world)
Arneliagant is a concept thought out by a Lithian priest in Mount Zakra, when he claimed to be "felt in spiritual love" with the flower, called Arnelia (reminiscent of Rafflesia Arnoldii). He believes that there is "a world beyond us" - an Extraverse, where the true creator of Hanagant, Arnelia, reigns. However, given the holiness and the highness of THE ONE CREATOR Lithia, both Arneliagant and Arnelia is largely considered as a pseudo-concept. This did, however, inspired Zakran artists to attempt picturing the Arneliagant - the most well-known picture is that Arneliagant is a place where other "Hanagants" exist - akin to the Multiverse concept.

The world of the divines

Deliagant is where the Lithian believes as the place of the divines (Lithian: liдe Lithe). This includes Lithia, the Delians, and the Angels as well. No human, even the highest of prophets, may enter the Deliagant, before the Menerhevet. This place is where the divines have a discussion, and see as the Hanagant grows, until THE ONE CREATOR Lithia will begin the Menerhevet. Only THE ONE CREATOR Lithia can know the exact time of the Menerhevet.

Deliagant is often depicted in art as "a place as majestic as a palace painted with an infinite amount of colors". It is depicted similarly to the Heaven, but in most depictions of Deliagant, the "palace" is made out of diamond. Other depictions use "star matter". Another one, which is rarely depicted with, is "a living castle".

The known universe

Here is the universe, and the primary universe, Hanagant. Within Hanagant is pretty much everything: planets, stars, galaxies, and living things. Just like our (Terran) universe. It begins with the Nirnia, and will end with the Menerhevet - where Hanagant will pretty much be replaced by Laitiagant - the True Afterlife.

According to the Lithians, the Hanagant is made from "the eight basic elements of the universe", which is known as the Bernehan. In that theory, the Hanagant is created during the Nirnia. Here are the eight Bernehans:
  • Natri - Time: the past, the present, and the future.
  • Lumina - Space: the stars, the galaxies, and the entire final frontier.
  • Vant - Force: the spiritual and the natural force.
  • Vatia - Life: the plants, the animals, and the mankind.
  • Luf - Earth: the green and blue sphere of life.
  • Laitia - Afterlife: the Hell and the Heaven, the world after the apocalypse.
  • Farkalan - Knowledge: the informational awareness of things.
  • Mitia - Emotion: the feelings of living things.

Teknites, in the other hand, has a bit different concept. In the Teknite concept, the Hanagant consists of four pre-created realms:
  • Existence: the things in the known, living universe.
  • Mental: the mind, including knowledge and emotion.
  • Spiritual: the realm of the divines and the place of divine interaction.
  • Time: the past, the present, and the future.

The dead's world

This is the world where the souls that went through physical death wander. In other words - a bridge between Life and (true) Afterlife. Sometimes, this is called the "false afterlife". The concept of this world varies between the Kitrian Three.

To the Lithians (particularly in the Delianism religion), as well as the most widely known view of the Vastugant, is that this world is where the "have-lived souls" go past the First Judgement. The First Judgement here is committed by two opposite angels - one checks the soul's purity, and the other checks the soul's sin. Usually, the two have a "debate", where they try to summarize the soul's level of pureness. If the soul is mostly pure, the soul is let free, to then roam around its Domain (a piece of Vastugant's region dedicated for each soul) while being meandered with the small breeze of Heaven. If the soul is mostly sinful, the soul is "held up" in the Domain with the small breeze of Hell. The soul usually spends "forty units of time" in the Vastugant Domain, before either the soul is reincarnated, or the Menerhevet comes, when all souls are transported to the True Afterlife, for judgement by the Delia of Afterlife, Vezura.

For the Teknites, Vastugant is a place of wandering, but it is not the place of Judgement. Upon physical death, a soul is brought to this Vastugant, that is described as "a lonely land of black sky, thin air, and faint sun", to become its resting place before either the Reincarnation or the Menerhevet. Similarly, the soul spends "forty units of time" in there before the said events.

For the Lilians, there is no Vastugant - souls immediately go to the True Afterlife upon physical death. However, in their version of the True Afterlife, souls will initially "wake up" in a long, dark tunnel, where the soul will then walk to the light, for that the soul will then enter the usual True Afterlife. This "beginning tunnel" concept doesn't exist in Lithians' and Teknites' view of the Vastugant.

Currently, the Lithian concept is the most widely believed - particularly due to it's spread through the Delianism religion. The Teknites' and Lilians' views of Vastugant almost died because of it - however, these concepts then did got "resurrected" through Lithian artists and poets, especially during the 5th century MN when the Luhanese royal government raised awareness of the culture of non-Lithian Luhanese people.

The true afterlife

In here is where the Heaven, Hell, and the Great Judgement is. Here, all three views seems to "agree" on each other - i.e. same concept. A slight exception is the Lilians' view, where a soul that entered Laitiagant begins from a long, dark tunnel. The Great Judgement takes place in a some sort of barren version of Luf - perhaps similar to Teknites' view on the Vastugant, except that there are a gargantuan amount of souls, all following the "pillar of light", where the Great Judge (in Lithians' case, Delia of Afterlife, Vezura) awaits, sending souls to either Heaven (Lithian: julí Julia) or Hell (Lithian: мarga Charga) according to the souls' purity and sinfulness. The souls will spent an indefinite "forty units of time" in either Heaven or Hell.

The Heaven is often depicted as "a place with a lot of elegantly floating islands with rivers smoothly flowing under", just like the Delianism religion's depiction. Another depiction is that the Heaven is a place mainly out of flower meadows. The Hell, in the other hand, is a place depicted as "a place where fire engulfs all sides" - this depiction is the same among all of Kitrian Three.

What happens after this "forty units of time" is a subject of mystery. Delianism does not state what happens after the said time. A common theory is that the entire cycle will reset - starting another Hanagant in the process. Some, however, do believe that after the said time, all souls will be in a "great oblivion", given the lack of description after this "forty units of time".
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