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Songs in Ediferian
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Lyrics from some songs in Ediferian
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 29 Jun 2021, 07:40.

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Menu 1. Moana moana 2. Pocahontas pokaxontas 3. Ballerina - Zantetan zantetan 4. Aladdin aladdin
[edit] [top]Moana moana

Soti Uval - How Far I'll Go
EdiferianEnglish (Translation)
Salfe ili siba eg menoti
Kya gïfit kenosinag
Sem anpal eshi jïrim
Egi potan daftalten sim välïam
Sem anpal kümi salfeasal
Thetäm eg dim fïrkitrinag

Eg virtat pensi
Sem jïral kümi
Eg sinet bruthi
Sem anpal jïssi
Shabetal niuvim
Egi eshekïamag
Beler kenosi

Chïlmetar salfetarim liner
Meg navvit
Niuval sïat
Sef shesen vit meki, churr vatur
Kalobi ake
Framen sinen fïrkobeam, sef salsotïam

Füntar sar jenujilatim voranit
Femirr jenujilatim
Zum älmurr vinit poturr
Älmiri vit nesinn gasyunen jÏrim
Chunt anpal fïrkinat
Eg ente jïrim fïrkeki

Jïrim esheki
Jïrim vulseki
Jenujalt matalt
Chan tregge vorit
Meginim dini
Gïfit välinag
Kuan meki gïfit?

Salfea fechor aklanan vit
Meg navvit
Kuän fechärkïat
Zum meki
“Jïssoi ake kaloi”
Divit välit
Nas kalobi
Chinn fechirinim
Rajobi eshanurr

Chïlmetar salfetarim liner
Meg navvit
Niuval sïat
Sef shesen vit meki, churr vatur
Kalobi ake
Soti uval
I look at the sea since I can remember.
I don’t know why it happens,
But I’m always here.
I wish I could be a perfect daughter
But I always walk to the sea
Even though I try not to do it.

I travel along the paths,
But I walk to this place
I change my way
But I always come here
To the place where I
I shouldn’t be in.
I know this well.

The line between the sky and the sea
Calls me,
And I don’t know
Where it goes.
If the wind is with me,
I will explore and know
these waters.
I would make a long journey if I depart right now.

People on this island are
Happy on the island,
Everything seems to be fine.
Everyone has his job on this island
And they always do it,
I also have to do that here.

I must stay here,
I must rule here,
This will surely be
A great island.
But inside me
I don’t want this to happen.
Why does this happen to me?

The light of the sea is blinding,
It calls me,
And I don’t know
how much it shines.
Like it wants to say me
“Come and explore”

I’ll explore it.
I’ll find out
What’s into that light.

The line between the sky and the sea
Calls me,
And I don’t know
Where it goes.
If the wind is with me,
I will explore and know
these waters.
Where can I go?

Soti Uval - How Far I'll Go
EdiferianEnglish (Translation)
Anva Tala: Kya muntir?
Moana: Kenosinag

Anva Tala: Jenujitas myellan nea
Zum alaen myellaen vinnag
Salfe koi neasiom füntet koi
Neasiom famsulilat värit
Münor zum nategi ostu sïat
Sinn palnunt ostu alekïat
Sem palnurr anpal neltinat
Kur vison

Teg füntar nesom thu värit
Koi rat dim densir bruthinat
Ake nechen thangurnit frode
Din teginim tregge eshit
Ake chunt froder jeranit tegi
Moana, vis moluframalt
Moana, kïrti
Ker vis kenosïar thu?

Moana: Ker vim eg?
Eg vim myellan nea väri man
Jenujilat koi salfe
Meg navvit

Eg vim myellan vulsiros bäguti
Kemorison salsetinsal nes
Nesunt virtet friniminat
Meg navvinat

Naem paflimi jïral ake eg
Raiframege simi
Eg vim rat dem densimi ake
Meg navvinat

Ake navvanten vit naframen
Vit mekinim
Zum saldemer vit
Din nagri shabinnag
Thu eshir mins challotim anpal
Naf menir ni
Gïfarat gïfobïam
Kenosi ker vim
Eg vim Moana
Gramma Tala: Why do you hesitate?
Moana: I don't know

Gramma Tala: A girl of the island who
Is not like the other girls
Loves the sea and her people and
Her family
Sometimes it's like the world isn't for us
And this sometimes make a scar
But scars always tell
Who we are

People who you love
And things you learn change you
But nothing can silence the voice
Which is sure inside you
And that voice says to you
Moana, you are so far
Moana, I ask
Do you know who you are?

Moana: Who am I?
I'm a girl who loves my
Island and the sea
It calls me

I'm the daughter of the village chief
We descended from sailors who
Found their way
They call me

I brought us here and I
Have travelled further
I'm the things that I have learned and
They call me

And the call is not far
It's inside me
It's like the tide
Which never stops
You are always in my heart
To remember that
What will happen will happen
I know who I am
I am Moana

Te Fitis Challor - Te Fiti's Heart *
EdiferianEnglish (Translation)
Moana: Te Fiti… Eshinnag!
Maui: Te Ka! [Maorim jerirr]
Moana:Mekilat sit kollir.

[Kā jōri tōa owe]
Salfea toi frinelisad persimi
[E pipoa nelā ihopa same]
Nun kenosi
[Hei kwangaiha]
Sïba challiros frïdunt fïrkinat
[Kota paoye tōa owe]
Thuni sïam menulimir
[Hei kwangaiha]
Siva thu vinnag
Toinim dim kenosi
Thuni sïat menoi

Te Fiti!
Moana: Te Fiti… is gone!
Maui: Te Ka! [Words in Maori]
Moana: Let her come to me.

[Your eyes]
I’ve gone along the sea to find you,
[Are full of wonder]
Now I know.
[There's a warrior]
Since they stole your heart
[In your heart]
You forgot who you are.
[A warrior]
You are not like this,
You know that inside you.
Remember who you are.

Te Fiti!

*Parts in italics and brackets are in  Naregan

[edit] [top]Pocahontas pokaxontas

Sheses Köletiomet - With the Colours of the Wind
EdiferianEnglish (Translation)
Toi vim nakenosanan söfralt
Thu sir tregge möniripem
Nisiva sïam turi
Sem eg ilotinag
Nisef eg kenosïamag
Kya livat idelisad ärnirag

Niedalt dim ilir ebïar thu turir
Mönor vit ensolge ren ebekten
Sem eg kenosi nimegvalim ratim
Eshinat onder, nanfunt koi fyarten
Ninanfunt füntera vinnag thu turir
Sef nesunt turanten zum thunt vinnag
Sem sef ente alins paffunt selgurëar
Rajobir rat dim thu kenosimirag

Lefrins auliret klärilai länilai chaurïar
Ake linsani kya glittïat kïrtïar
Barmus frodiomet älmiri kongotïar
Sheses köletiomet dreganitrimïar
Sheses köletiomet dreganitrimïar

Solkitas nailektet listetem chaukoi
Tanes shavilet fruchtunt guntoi
Tegvalim flomaer agretim välvoi
Ake nidyaren vinat menuloi
Rupan koi efren vinat mirr fräthar
Chargor koi lotror vinat mirr mirvar
Vältetenim dini nagri fëlobit
Älmirr nam vison forgege lingethar

Kuän chalten syataken vit
Sef snëkilen vit

Griret klärilai länilai chaurobirag
Thetäm nam älmirr delsimar vison
Barmus frodiomet älmiri kongekison
Sheses köletiomet dreganekison
Thetäm ebobïar mönor
Ilobir dim raifulor
Tuv dreganobir köletiomet sheses
For you I’m an unknowing savage
You've been surely through the world
I think it is like so
But I can’t see
If I'm the one who doesn't know
Why don’t you open your eyes to see?
You don’t see

You think you own the land that you see
The world is only a thing you can own
But I know that inside the things around me
There are a spirit, a name and a life
You think that the people don’t have a name
If their way of thinking isn’t like yours
But if you followed also the steps of the others
You’ll discover things you didn’t know

Do you hear the howling of the wolf to the blue moon?
And have you asked the bobcat why he grins?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Have you tried to paint with the colors of the wind?
Have you tried to paint with the colors of the wind?

Run through the hidden paths of the forest
Taste the sweet fruits of the earth
Roll in the flower fields around you
And forget if they are valuable
The rain and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
In a circle that will never end
We are all firmly tied

How tall is the sycamore
You can’t know
If it’s cut

You won’t hear the crying to the blue moon
Even if we all are different
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain
We need to paint with the colors of the wind
Even if you’ll own the world
You will see it more beautiful
When you’ll paint with the colors of the wind

[edit] [top]Ballerina - Zantetan zantetan

Nashabevalt - Unstoppable
EdiferianEnglish (Translation)
Vis fyonarektalt toi
Protutinim dim shetrir
Ker sïar kenosirag
Kuet fïrkotïar
Mopronim dim rajobir

Tuv thu vorisag tregalt
Ake thu challobir
Anpal thirim fechor eshit

Chalte thu fyolkobir
Thu molge fechärkobir
Vatuti iloboi
Fïlital chaukoi
Thu vis
Maethe roshagobir
Chïlme thu stuvobir
Skubat sokoroi
Fïlital fyolkoi
Thu vis

Vis chins shabes lathilalt
Lätimir, fümïar välir
Lätoinag, sïrtoi
Livat stälnoi
Tegfonim fechor eshit

Tuv thu vorisag tregalt
Ake thu challobir
Anpal thirim fechor eshit

Chalte thu fyolkobir
Thu molge fechärkobir
Vatuti iloboi
Fïlital chaukoi
Thu vis
Maethe roshagobir
Chïlme thu stuvobir
Skubat sokoroi
Fïlital fyolkoi
Thu vis

Sïrtoi, lätoinag
Fechärkoi, vis nashabevalt
Sïrtoi, lätoinag
Mekribetim enid vis fechor
Sïrtoi, lätoinag
Fechärkoi, vis nashabevalt
Sïrtoi, lätoinag
Mekribetim enid vis fechor

Chalte thu fyolkobir
Thu molge fechärkobir
Vatuti iloboi
Fïlital chaukoi
Thu vis
Maethe roshagobir
Chïlme thu stuvobir
Skubat sokoroi
Fïlital fyolkoi
Thu vis
Jat thu vis
You’re too unfair to yourself
You feel it in the chest
You don’t who you are
What can you do?
Very soon you will discover it.

When you will be unsure
And you will fall down
There will always be a light

You will fly high
You will shine so much
Look at the way
Run until the end
You are
You will delete the fear
You will aim at the sky
You will go over the clouds
Fly until the end
You are

You are tired of that place
You gave up, you want to escape
Don’t give up, hope
Raise your eyes
Over you there’s a light

When you will be unsure
And you will fall down
There will always be a light

You will fly high
You will shine so much
Look at the way
Run until the end
You are
You will delete the fear
You will aim at the sky
You will go over the clouds
Fly until the end
You are

Hope, don’t give up
Shine, you are unstoppable
Hope, don’t surrender
Even in the dark you are the light
Hope, don’t surrender
Shine, you’re unstoppable
Hope, don’t surrender
Even in the dark you are the light

You will fly high
You will shine much
Look at the way
Run until the end
You are
You will delete the fear
You will aim to the sky
You will go over the clouds
Fly until the end
You are
Yes, you are

[edit] [top]Aladdin aladdin

A Whole New World
Ediferian - Münor Noi VitEnglish (Translation) - It's Our World
Aladdin: Füntaf megek ilir
Müniri dim sermimir
Frenthalt, kän challor
Vavit naf rishit nesi lyačor
Eg smuntobi stirmurr
Dain livat ärnobir thu,
Kenosobir ni münor vit alinn
Tuv jëraf ilir
Ninn münor vit
Nevrinn fechor oget lyusit
Jërim “nen, fërkoinag”
Chunt münotim vis lyačalt
Jazmin: Ninn münor vit
Nevrinn sinen megek fyolkit
Tuval jërim eshi
Luzdege ili
Ni eshi trassinpotim münotim
Aladdin: Eshi trassinpotim münotim
Jazmin: Ili rat venevat,
Shetri angaudet fëletun
Nun tuv sison linesun
Chëlmedusim letretor
Ninn münor vit
Aladdin: Livat laukoinag
Jazmin: Molgan dem rajobi eshinat
Aladdin: Nechet alunt turoinag
Jazmin: Eg grilvotobinag
Mesge ilinag
Vim zum stälan fechärkanan füntim
Aladdin: Nin münor vit
Jazmin: Chunt myolgikor tënther
Aladdin: Nun chaerizer naframen vit
Jazmin: Zum nafëlnaten chëlmer
Mer: Eshinnag raifulan
Mer vedekan
Münotim din noi ensolge vit
Aladdin: Ninn münor vit
Jazmin: Ninn münor vit
Aladdin: Noi ensolge
Jazmin: Noi ensolge
Aladdin: Shaben stirmunt
Jazmin: Shaben nevrunt
Mer: Münor noi vit
Aladdin: You see from here with me
The world you have dreamed of
Princess, when was your heart
Free of deciding for himself
I will show you the wonders
Then you will open your eyes
You will know that the world is other
When you look it from here
It’s our world
A new light lights up [my/your/our] face
Here there are no
“No, you can’t”
In this world you’re free
Jasmine: It’s our world
A new adventure flies with me
Since I’m here
I see clearly
That I’m in a perfect world
Aladdin: I’m in a perfect world
Jasmine: I see pleasant things
I feel an endless joy
Now that we travel without a route
Under a glassy sky
It’s our world
Aladdin: Don’t close your eyes
Jasmine: There are many things I will discover
Aladdin: Don’t think to anything else
Jasmine: I won’t manage to come back
I don’t see in the same way
I’m like a shiny star up here
Aladdin: It’s our world
Jasmine: This magic moment
Aladdin: Now the horizon isn’t far
Jasmine: Like the endless sky
Together: There’s nothing more wonderful
Than being together
In a world that is only ours.
Aladdin: It’s our world
Jasmine: It’s our world
Aladdin: Only for us
Jasmine: Only for us
Aladdin: A wonderful place
Jasmine: A new place
Together: The world is ours

Speechless (2019 Film)
Ediferian - Falthaom FrodeaEnglish - The Wings of the Voice
Saldemer raichalten moltuntim vit
Unthilt salfeasilai drachinat
Ogen tanetifonim, thangurni
Jerirr stärmuntim pïrsinat

Lätebinobinag nun
Meki chindinnag
Ni välinat thangurnunt

Nunaf fältalt vesinag
Imag maethe eshinnag
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea
Thetäm vangitrinat meg
Shabobi najerirrun, eg
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea

Lechen kürabilen vit terpotim
Jerirr nabruthilar vinat
“Najeradanan thinn shabeluntim”
Nunaf lechat bruthekinat

Rab eg
Lätebinotinag nun
Sikkitroiga meg
Kaestitroiga ni thangurnïam

Nunaf fältalt vesinag
Imag maethe eshinnag
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea
Thetäm vangitrisar meg
Shabobi najerirrun, eg
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea

Meg shabalitrimisar
Imag ensolge flobinag
Ni chaurïam älmunt dim divisesar
Munt reker chaurobisar

Thetäm välisar ni sikkïam
Eg challinag
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea
Thetäm vangitrisar meg
Shabobi najerirrun, eg
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea
Pangobi falthaom mus frodea
In a second, the tide is higher
The waves are dragging to the sea
Face on the ground, I am silent
The words get lost in the storm

I won’t fall
I won’t start to give up now
I don’t care
If they want silence

I won’t be silent
From now on I won’t be mute
There’s no more fear
I’ll spread out the wings of my voice
I’ll breathe
Even if they try to drown me
I won’t stand still without words, I
I will spread the wings of my voice

The law has been written in stone
The words have not been changed
“Silently in your place”
From now on the laws must change

Because I
Can’t start giving up now
Try to sink me
To require me to be silent

I won’t be silent
From now on I won’t be mute
There’s no more fear
I’ll spread the wings of my voice
I’ll breathe
Even if you try to drown me
I won’t stand still without words, I
I will spread the wings of my voice

You tried to stop me
I will no longer just accept
To listen to what you say
Without speaking
You will hear my echo

I’m not silent
Even if you want me to sink
I won’t fall
I’ll spread the wings of my voice
I’ll breathe
Even if you try to drown me
I won’t stand still without words, I
I will unfold the wings of my voice
I will unfold the wings of my voice

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