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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 21 Apr 2015, 12:01.

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Menu 1. Vocabulary 2. Dialogue 3. Notes 4. Test Welcome to Lesson 1 in Nithalosian!

In this lesson, you will learn: how to greet someone, how to ask how someone is, how to say your name, and how to say goodbye.


Take a look below at the vocabulary for this lesson.
sađ(a)hello!sađa is a friendlier 'hello'
anuI aman means "I"
mouyou aremo means "you" (singular)
švututhe/my name isšvut means "name"
yođ dravu asi?how are you?in more familiar situations, you can shorten this to yođ drav
i mo?and you?i means "and"
votoo, also
vaiwell then, so...
eštiya kan(I) must go
oršoka iriva seit was nice to meet youthe se emphasises the phrase; this can be dropped
on koal(good) byesaid if you're the person leaving
drama(good) byesaid if you're the person staying


See below the dialogue between Lađga (L) and Yanar (Y). These two have never met before and will introduce themselves to each other.

Dialogue 1 L: Sađ! Y: Sađa! L: Anu Lađga, mou soš? Y: Švutu Yanar. Yođ dravu asi? L: Ša ša, i mo? Y: Ša vo!
After introducing themselves, they talk for a while, but now it is time to leave.
Dialogue 2 Y: Vai, seta eštiya kan. L: Vai, oršoka iriva se. Y: Ša ša, vai, on koal. L: Drama.


My name is ...
There are various ways to phrase this. Two of which are shown in the dialogue. Other methods can include the the word ana (my) before švut (name), or could use a verb instead: Yanar po yova ("I am called Yanar").

How are you?
The phrase how are you in Nithalos is unique. The phrase yođ dravu asi literally means "do you have good grass?". The phrase originated from Nithalosia's national motto "beyond our borders is nothing but dead grass" which stemmed from their bitterness towards their ancestor's rejection of the people.

The normal positive response to this question can be ša ša (very good, or literally: yes yes) or ša (good). Negative responses can range from the basic ve (a rude 'no'), or pe (a regular 'no'), to more colourful phrases such as ošen vo tapriya vese tasiyo ("even the cows won't fucking eat it").


Here's a short test to see if you're able to manipulate the information in this lesson. Some of these structures may not have been directly covered in the lesson, but by using the information given you should be able to work them out. Please note you only have one attempt at each question!

1How do you say 'Who are you?'  
2How do you say 'Me and you are...'  
3I'm leaving, what should I say?  
4How do you say 'Me too'  
5Complete this sentenceAnu  , mou soš?

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