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Lesson #2 — Introduction to Evuyumish (2)
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Introductory vocabulary and pronouns
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 3 Nov 2022, 08:29.

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Ara, mrab!

It is the second lesson of the Evuyumish language and in this lesson you'll learn some basic vocabulary and your first grammar structures

ar[aɹ]hiar, komsat! (hi, my friend!)
ara[a'ɹa]hi, more informal than arara, mrab! (hey guys!)
semdzje['sẽd͡ʒɪ]how are you? what's up? how are you doing?issem semdzje? (is everything alright?)
semdzjedoeun[ˌsẽd͡ʒɪ'dũ]what's up (a way to say "hi")oja semdzjedoeun! (hey, what's up, guys?)
ike[ɪ'ke]byeike, Abvadek! (bye, Abvadek!)
komsat[kũ'sar]friend (often used instead of Mr./Mrs. etc.)komsat Hatki sem kvif kometakum (Mr. Hatki is very kind)
mav[mẽ]sentient being, human beingessemke mav (I am human)
kometakumu[kəm'ɾak(y)my]in a nice manner, in a good mannerkometakumu amsijem! (nice to meet you!)

Evuyumish has following personal pronouns:

1 person2 person3 person
Singulares (I)xaf (you sg.)if (she), af (he), mixi (it, for obtainable physical objects (e.g. pen, desk, car) or animals) or is (it, for phenomena (e.g. love, hatred, mind, snow, sky) or in impersonal constructions)
Pluralesu (we)xif (you pl.)evu (they)

To form constructions such as "I am", "you are", "they are" etc. (personal pronoun + copula), you simply add sem to the pronoun you need.

1 person2 person3 person
Singularessem (I am)xafsem (you are)ifsem (she is), afsem (he), mixisem (it is) or issem (it is)
Pluralesusem (we are)xifsem (you are)evusem (they are)

sem (to be) and other verbs have the same forms with all the personal pronouns (1p, 2p, 3p) and numbers (singular, plural). It means that the verb stays the same no matter these characteristics. However, there are three moods: realis, subjunctive and imperative. In imperative mood verbs get the ending -er, for example: "be kind!" - "semer kometakum!"

Word order in modern Evuyumish phrases is strictly SVO (subject, verb, object) with no exceptions. There are obsolete and fixed expressions which may include OVS or OSV, but these are extremely rare.

Indefinite article (ke or k') can be put to the end of a verb if the next word is a noun which needs this article. For example: essemke mav (I am human)

Adjectives have the ending -um if they are not attached to any noun. However, when a noun enters the sentence, adjectives start behaving as if they are adverbs with the ending -umu. For example: essem kometakum (I am kind), but essemke mav kometakumu (I am a kind human being). Note that the word order changes: the noun starts to precede the adjective.

1. How do you say "She is a nice person" in Evuyumish?

2. How do you say "I am a good friend" in Evuyumish?
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