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Rogniam na Ta
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Comparison of the bear and the travellers text
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Jun 2015, 09:39.

[comments] This article provides an overview of the translation of the text The Bear and the Travellers (Rogniam na Ta) between two forms of  Nithalos.

The two versions compared here are Early Modern Nithalos (written 10 May 2011) and Modern Nithalos (11 June 2015).
EnglishEarly Modern NithalosModern Nithalos
Two travellers were on the road together, when a bear suddenly appeared on the scene. Rogniamu na ta maloka rogniva, dan evđae mae al komoi preduina us asuriva.Rogniam na ta maloka rogniya, dan evđae mae al komo preduina us asuriva.
Before he observed them, one made for a tree at the side of the road, and climbed up into the branches and hid there.Evđa skalava mae, rogniam na ud gatae ruksi alna samen uši kaksiva or laupe oe nupriva.Evđau kaiva mae, rogniam na ud gatae ruksi alna samen uši kaksi or laupeu nupriva.
The other was not so nimble as his companion; and, as he could not escape, he threw himself on the ground and pretended to be dead.Anađ rogniam yuva onsani iruviođ oš eva makokit i ev kaunišayon, đo ev dutia oe yoniva i šinila yumsiva.Anađ rogniamu eva makokit šo iruvioniva i ev kaunišavayo đo, ev dutia'l yoniya i šinila po yumsiva.
The bear came up and sniffed all round him, but he kept perfectly still and held his breath: for they say that a bear will not touch a dead body.Komo dutia oena rogniam ot arkiva i ev uđ loigiva, evi rogniam uštođka staniđ i sudavu šopiva, đo komo šinilana kardau tasiyon op vlomađ.Komo dutia'lna rogniam to arkiya, i ev đu loigiva, evi rogniam uštoka stani no sudavu šopiva, đia komo šinilana kardau tasiyo po voma.
The bear took him for a corpse, and went away. Komo ev yu šinikard op amiva, i ev iv dramiva.Komo, evu šinikard aks po amiya, i ev ko vi dramiva.
When the coast was clear, the traveller in the tree came down, and asked the other what it was the bear had whispered to him when he put his mouth to his ear.Kolapui ovarava os, samen alna rogniam oruriva i anađ rogniam eg, komoa gude eva mima tikođka ugogiva os, vri komo kuepiva op prostiva.Kolapu ovarava so, samen alna rogniam oruriva i, gude eva mimae tikoka ugogiva so, komo vriu kuepiva, po anađ rogniam eg prostiva.
The other replied, "He told me never again to travel with a friend who deserts you at the first sign of danger."Anađ rogniam "apunia skalita mo iv kašina yuda og matel rognio op ev an eg vlomiva" op kendiva.Anađ rogniam "apuniau kai so, mo vi kašina yuda go matel rognoyo po an eg voma" po kendiva.
Misfortune tests the sincerity of friendship.Onyošerka yudađnae vistinu miđ.Onyošerka yudađnae vistinu mi.
[link] [quote] 13-Feb-16 21:27 [Deactivated User]
A number of things in the modern version above are outdated as well. The most obvious changes are a few changes to the vocabulary (skal- → kai-). The other would be the changing of the handling of the past tense. The past tense copula 'yuva' is no longer used at all in the modern language, and where there is more than one clause to the sentence, the past tense (-va) is now only added to the final verb, not to all of them. Many of the particles underwent metathesis as well: iv → vi, op → po, uđ → đu, os → so, oš → šo etc. Finally, the final -đ was dropped from verbs ;)
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 13-Feb-16 19:24 [Deactivated User]
What are the biggest changes in grammar between them?
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