Mantiqo Syntax
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 29 Nov 2019, 12:22.
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1. Mantiqo Grammar
2. Mantiqo roots
3. Mantiqo Syntax
VSO word order. Pronouns often embedded in verb.
Subject before verb. Pronouns only occasionally embedded in verb.
SVO, with subject in the vocative. Pronouns often embedded in verb.
These correspond to verbs of having.
Object in instrumental comitative + stative verb in infinitive that agrees with the subject + subject in dative, formally, or nominative, informally.
V plus any nouns, all after the modifier. Pronouns almost always embedded. Verb takes relative clause marker
OSV word order, with no additional particles. Pronouns cannot be embedded in verb. ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article