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An overview into composite numbers and derivations
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 14 Jun 2021, 16:03.

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Composite numbers
Round composite numbers are formed by simple juxtaposition. E.g. Ring-ratu (fifty) while other composite numbers are formed by juxtaposition and the conjunction jën. E.g. Ring-ratu jën ring (fifty-five).

Ordinals are made by suffixing the particle shi. E.g. Shirishi (thousandth).
Fractions are formed by suffixing the particle -so. E.g. Në shiriso (one thousandth).
Frequency is formed by affixing -s. E.g. Sans (a million times).
Multiples are made by suffixing the particle -fish. E.g. tinafish (triple).
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