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Gita Deliana
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Meet the Delians, the deities of the Lithian universe, just below Lithia
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 6 Mar 2017, 06:02.

3. Heron
Menu 1. Hanalufta (Earth) 2. Wilwatikta (Force) 3. Teknastra (Time) 4. Farahalkia (Knowledge) 5. Midapha (Life) 6. Phinatia (Emotion) 7. Vezura (Afterlife) 8. Nathasha (Cosmos)
hanagaŋ · reynah
The Delians (Delia) are a group of genderless high-level deities of the Lithian universe (Hanagant) that has the power to control the eight key elements of the universe (Bernehan). They also have the power to guide the mankind into peace and prosperity. They are directly subjects of worship in the religion of the Old Delianism, that is founded in the ancient city of Wilau (which now became Wilwatikta) about 4000 years before today. On Menairon 31Leap day!.40 (January 9, 1334), which is roughly 700 years ago, the prophet Maida then brought a revamped version of Delianism, or what is known as New Delianism, or just Delianism as we know today. In the new religion, the Delians are no longer directly worshiped, and the Delians are now represented as a part of THE ONE CREATOR, Lithia. Despite of this, the kingdom of Luhangida did popularized the Delians in a variety of arts, including paintings, sculptures, poets, songs, and the list goes on.

In the ancient times, the Delians reside in the Lithian home planet, Luf, to guide the mankind into building great civilizations. At one point, however, the Delians left Luf, as a great test for the Lufian mankind to live and govern themselves. This turned into a chaos, in a worldwide civil war, that started due to great disagreements between the people and the kingdoms, that only ended when the Delians summoned the first prophet, Milwa, to end the civil war. Since then, no one, except the prophets like the first prophet Milwa and the last prophet Maida, has ever directly seen a Delia.

The name "Delia" itself literally translates to "flower", which is a nod to the Lithia's symbol, called the Delia Lithia "flower (of) Lithia". It is the symbol you see in the Lithian language flag as well as the Luhanese kingdom flag as well as the symbol of the New Delianism. Depending on the definition, it can be said that there are eight Delians, or nine, in a definition where Lithia is included as a Delia who controls all eight Bernehans. Nowadays, the Lithian people preferred to say "there are 8 Delians" as Lithia is THE ONE CREATOR, instead of a Delia, although in Old Delianism, Lithia is a part of the Delians.

In this article is an overview of the eight deities, with a bit of story.

[top]Hanalufta (Earth)

Hanalufta. The Delia of the Earth (or Luf, because it's planet Luf, not Terra). The Delia that keeps the Lithians' home planet, Luf, in a state of stability. Hanalufta has the power to bring natural disasters if it Hanalufta wants to. In the ancient times, Hanalufta, together with Wilwatikta, guided the founding of the city of Wilau, that grew to a prosperous cultural and agricultural city that then grew even more into a great kingdom that spans the entire Honshu-sized island of Mailan, which is where Wilau is located. Hanalufta is a Delia that is often depicted as a bird, similar to that of Terra's Garuda (but not anthropomorphic), that can live in both the land, the sea, and the air. Hanalufta became the name of Luhangida's most populous city and a large economic powerhouse, Hanalufta-Naga.

[top]Wilwatikta (Force)

For the Pokemon called Wilwatikta in Lithian, see Gallade.
Wilwatikta. The Delia of Force, Power, and War. Wilwatikta is the possessor of a sword, unlike any other sword, that possesses telekinetic and mind-controlling powers, kinda similar to those of the Force. Only Wilwatikta has the knowledge and the power to possess and use the sword. Wilwatikta itself is a war master, and legends say that if Wilwatikta leads a war, its army will almost always emerge victorious. Despite of this, Wilwatikta has never directly participated in any war. Wilwatikta guided the founding of the city of Wilau, along with Hanalufta. Wilwatikta is depicted as an armorless knight holding a sword and holding no shield. Wilwatikta is the most popular Delia among the Lithian people. Wilwatikta is also a name of Luhangida's administrative capital city, Wilwatikta.

[top]Teknastra (Time)

For the Pokemon called Teknastra in Lithian, see Gardevoir.
Teknastra. The Delia of the Past, Present, and Future. Teknastra has the power to see both the past and the future, even past the Menerhevet (apocalypse). Teknastra also has the power to actually enter the past and the future, as well as the power to manipulate time, although Teknastra cannot alter these. Teknastra built the foundation of the city of Tekna, which then grew to become the kingdom of Tehyena, which is partly named after Teknastra (or from the word, Tekna, meaning "future"), which then became "the Athens of Luf" - that excels in science and also philosophy. Teknastra is depicted as a white-haired psychic with Teknastra's hands shining small rays of sunlight, representing the ability to manipulate Time on Teknastra's own.

[top]Farahalkia (Knowledge)

Farahalkia. The Delia of Science, Philosophy, and Wisdom. Farahalkia has a strong mind-controlling powers, stronger than Wilwatikta. Farahalkia can even enter one's body for Farahalkia's own will, particularly towards the king of the city and the kingdom of Tekna, and even communicate with. Farahalkia, in the ancient times, made interactions with the mankind more than any other Delia. Farahalkia is depicted as those of a king, that is accompanied by three small orbiting orbs of light the size of a , that Farahalkia controls, representing the three different aspects of knowledge, which is science, philosophy, and wisdom. Farahalkia is where the name for "the Google of Luf", Halkia, as well as the name of the Mailan Island city of Halkia, is inspired from. Figuratively, one may say, a scientist as a Faratia, the people of Farahalkia and the explorers of knowledge.

[top]Midapha (Life)

Midapha. The Delia of the Fauna, Flora, and the mankind. Midapha created and maintained the circle of life (or technically, the food chain, not to be confused with the other circle of life), which also brings stability upon Luf. Midapha has the power to communicate, talk, and even make alliance with both fauna and flora, both in the land, the sea, and the sky, for Midapha's own will. Thus, Midapha is known as the guardian of nature. Midapha is depicted as a leaf-feathered bird, reminiscent of an eagle. Midapha is also infamous for building majestic places on Midapha's own, including the two known ones: Zato, the city of the deep sea, Helon, the city of gold, and Tethir, the interdimensional gate. Midapha has guided the founding of the city of Mendes, in the region that is now Lilia, into a kingdom that is united with nature, with a quite expansive territory.

[top]Phinatia (Emotion)

Phinatia. The Delia of the realm of people's emotions. Phinatia has the power to control and bring harmony upon the emotions of the people (but not eternal happiness, unless if it's heaven). Phinatia brings the balance between the light (happiness, joy, fun) and the dark (sadness, anger, boredom) emotions. To some extent, Phinatia can control the emotion of the animals, although such occurrences are very rare. Phinatia often interacts with mankind through Phinatia's temple near Mendes. Phinatia also laid foundation to some cities, as Phinatia collaborated with Midapha to build the city of Mendes. Phinatia is depicted as a person with the head that shines in a variety of colors.

[top]Vezura (Afterlife)

Vezura. The Delia of Death, Heaven, and Hell. Vezura is the lord of the Laitia (realms of afterlife) reigns in there, and decides who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. Vezura has the power to look upon people's good deeds and sins, thus making Vezura able to directly see the forces of light (good) and dark (evil). Vezura is the least people-interacting of the Delians, as Vezura has the duty of ruling the Vastugant (realm of the dead), until the Menerhevet (apocalypse), in which the Jetolumastra (the great judgement) may begin, selecting who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. Vezura is depicted as a person with a dark-colored cloak that encloses half of Vezura's head, and with both hands holding brightly colored orbs. Vezura is a reminder to the people of Luf that the forces of evil will dissolve in Hell and the forces of good will shine in Heaven.

[top]Nathasha (Cosmos)

For the solar system, see Hanagant#Nathasha.
Nathasha. The Delia of the stars, the planets, and the final frontier. Nathasha makes the Lufian solar system, which is also named Nathasha, orbiting in harmony. Nathasha can explode stars into a supernova at Nathasha's own will. Nathasha can also fulfill people's wishes at Nathasha's own will like this thing. Now, Nathasha is roaming around Hanagant, creating and destroying stars as well as to keep the stars and its planets in harmony. Nathasha became the name of planet Luf's solar system. Figuratively, one may say, an astronaut as a Nathalia, the people of Nathasha and the explorer of the final frontier.
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