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Lesson 2: Pronouns
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ret sha iiy
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 17 Jun 2019, 03:21.

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Pronouns in Yherchian went through a reform during the Salzal Period. This allowed pronouns to be simplified and allowed more speakers of Yherchian to communicate easier with each other.

Yherchian doesn't use genders as strictly as Spanish or German does but in some circumstances gender can become important. One common area is when referring to oneself in a psychological or mental state rather than simply as a person. In everyday conversation and less formal Yherchian, genders are irrelevant and become obsolete.

The archaic pronoun system:

English PersonNominativeYherchianAccusative YherchianGenetive Yherchian
1SG I iiyMe tza-iiy Mine he-iiy
2SG You retYou retYours thel
2SGFShe gam HerzyēHers zyē-he
2SGMHe xum / ẍumHim txōHisjrot
1PLWe hyeUs hye Ours hye-he
2PLYou/Y'all hnin You/Y'all hninYours hnin-he
3PLThey jroThem jroTheir chosa

The new updated system:

English PersonNominativeYherchianAccusative YherchianGenetive Yherchian
1SG I iiyMe iiyMine / Myiiyzik
2SG You retYou retYours / Yourretzik
2SGFShe gam HergamHers gamzik
2SGMHe xumHim xumHisxumzik
1PLWe hyeUs hye Ours / Ourhyezik
2PLYou/Y'all hnin You/Y'all hninYours / Yourhninzik
3PLThey jroThem jroTheir jrozik

As you can see, there are some obvious changes that have been made for simplification. These changes were also made to rule out strange archaic rules that complicate and convolute Yherchian from being a more pure language.

Stems such as zik simply refer to "of" something or belonging to someone or something. You will see this pop up throughout Yherchian grammar frequently.

Txo is an example of a pronoun that still exists in Yherchian but only when referring to oneself in a psychological or mental manner, as mentioned above.
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