Sentence Structure of Arusian
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This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 3 Jun 2023, 17:27.
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2. Adpositions
9. Lesson #6 (Tense)
10. Lesson 2 (Basics)
11. New vocab (Tep Jeks)
13. Word Order
Sentence Structure of Arusian
. med ,ajura as meF ark .
. med ,ajura as meF ark .
There are two ways how to write Arusian. Both are corrected and accepted.
Standard Arusian: More clear and easy to understand but, makes speech slightly more difficult. This is used in formal settings mainly. Indivual morphemes have adjective/verb endings.
Common Arusian: Relies more on context due to 2 or more morphemes dropping adjective/verb endings to form words.
Example in Standard Arusian: h. sarTo rce,av us ,r s,ak u sara rde,at cev .
Translation: The car intakes air because it goes very fast.
Literately: car breathes because it speeds a lot.
Example in Common Arusian: . sarTo rc,av us ,ac,r rde,at ara cev .
Translation: The car intakes air because it goes very fast.
Literately: car breathes because it speeds a lot.
IMPORTANT: If you look at the vocabulary, notice that for the common Arusian form, rdeAt ara cev can translate to, "The car breathes" or "The airplane takes." How can one know which one is corrected? Well in this case, It is easy to tell if the speaker is talking about a car and not a plane though context (Also, the sentence, " The airplane takes because it goes very fast" doesn't make a lot of sense, thus it must be about a car). If you do run into a sentence where the context isn't clear, just use stardard Arusian.
pet auM
pet auM
cev h=hcar
ara h=hair/sky
rdAt h=hto take
ara cev h=h airplane/air vehicle
rdAt ara h=h to breath
sara rdAt h=hto take airly (breath)
,ac,r h=h because (Literately means "of Reason")
us h=h it/he/she
rcAv h=h to speed/go fast
sarTo h=ha lot/very/too much
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