Lesson #1 (Obsolete)
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The Click (This is obsolete and no longer applies, it is kept for archiving)
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 23 Aug 2024, 18:50.
[comments] corvilessonslesson 1
4. Phrasebook notes
This article has been marked as out of date. There's a possibility that some information is incorrect.
This article has been marked as out of date. There's a possibility that some information is incorrect.
Rabnaska does have one click, it's the clicking sound people make when calling an animal over, this is in this language because ravens actually make a sound quite similar to it by forcefully closing their beaks, it almost sounds like two rocks hitting each other. This sound is represented through Ꞇ in standard Rabnaska, but is represented as ᛐ in Runic Rabnaska, or Runoska. The most effective way to make it 'correctly' is by placing the tongue right where the alveolar ridge starts sloping up into the palate, then quickly releasing backwards and down. As an IPA representation, I will be using the Alveolar click, "!", just keep in mind that the "!" represents this sound.
Here's a video of a raven doing said 'clicking'; ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article