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Possession (not the Exorcist kind)
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To describe the function of ownership/control
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 28 Sep 2020, 09:33.

[comments] Goblins live communally, with most possessions left in a pile in the middle of the cave and used as needed by whomever. That said, when a goblin of lower stature has in their possession something that a goblin of greater stature wants/needs, the greater goblin will demand it of them. Goblins are very possessive creatures- and the things they do own, meager as they are, are fiercely kept.

Grammatically, the possessor is treated as an adjective on the possessed object. To mark a possessive, double the initial syllable (onset and nucleus only) of the possessor, and then repeat that construction on the possessed object as well:
spundflint spearhead/point
bu'burk bu'spundspear's point

In common speech, most goblins will shorten the doubled syllable further, to just the onset:
b'burk b'spundspear's point

Does this double shortening lead to potential problems where two objects could take the same particle? Of course it does! Is it more or less useful than the Common tongue in this regard? Consider:
Ragmift and Ruʪgɛt fight over a sword (ʃæroz). in the end, the victor would say it is r'ʃæroz, his sword. But is it ra'ʃæroz or ru'ʃæroz? The rule (unspoken but generally understood) is that when proper nouns (like names) are applied, they use the unabbreviated version of the Genitive particle.

When an object possessed by something is in turn possessed by another something, this can have a nested effect:
Breklɛva goblin named Breklɛv
bre'breklɛv brebu'burk bu'spundBreklɛv's spear's point
bre'breklɛv breb'burk b'spundBreklɛv's spear's point

In extended conversation, a particular Genitive particle previously mentioned continues to be valid:
b'holfspear's strap
b'hæbspear's shaft
bre'xolpBreklɛv's shield

Pronouns and Possession
In casual speech, the possessive 1st and 2nd person singular pronouns have a special Genitive.
g'gab g'ʃærozliterally 'this goblin's sword' is formal, as one might report to a superior.
hoʃæroz'my' sword' as one might say to a lesser- a declaration of ownership and a demand for respect.
xæʃæroz'your sword'- an affirmation of ownership assigned to someone else and a renunciation of all claim to said object

Historically, the 1st person singular was hob, but later the language shifted, changing all 'h'-onset words to become 'g'-onset words (and an earlier vowel shift, where /ɤ/ became /ɑ/ in monosyllabic words). The 1S Genitive resisted that change, as it was used so often. (You'll note, perhaps, the  Goblin words holf 'strap' and hæb 'shaft'. Obviously a later rule for 'h'-onset words came into play...)

Those Damned Articles
Goblin Articles cause mutation in the first consonant of the nouns they describe:
gabthis goblin, 1S, proximal
bo-bokab'the' goblin, definite article
i-ikab'a' goblin, indefinite article
gɪ-kab'that' goblin, medial
ʪ(a)-ʪkab'that other' goblin, distal
ma-makab'some' number of goblins, partitive article
ɲo-ɲokab'no' goblin, negative article
znu-znukab'all' goblins, collective

So, who cares? What does this have to do with Possession, I hear you ask? Consider:
bog'kab gb'burk b'spund'the' goblin's spear's point

What you see here is the word gab undergoing Genitive case marking g'gab and then mutating because of the added article bog'kab.
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