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Noun derivations
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Description of noun derivations
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 13 Jun 2021, 21:11.

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Person who does: add -end- to make the noun a person who does. E.g. Lama (cow) > lamendo (cowboy).
Place: add -ege to transform the noun into a place. E.g. Chene (sky) > Chenege (country of the sky).
Collectives: add -lu to transform the noun into a collective. E.g. Jendeo (man) > jendlu (people). Note that collectives form a special category that inflects differently from normal nouns. See the grammar tables.
Tool: -ane will form tools. E.g. Lamo (ox) > Lamane (prod).
Characteristic adjective: adding -or- will transform the noun into an adjective. E.g. Lamo (ox) > lamore (bovine).
Causatives: -ost will transform the noun into a verb. E.g. Lamo (ox) > Lamost (stupefy).
Diminutive: -t- will make the noun in the diminutive. E.g. Lamo (ox) > Lamto (calf).
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