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The Script - Part 1
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Learn how to read the Adenish conlang
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Mar 2017, 17:50.

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Menu 1. 1'θ Λεκτρα: Μϟαϥδεζα Ϩεληνκειμηα - 1'θ Βεσκα
WARNING: This article is not complete, so take it currently with a grain of salt. Thank you.

[edit] [top]1'θ Λεκτρα: Μϟαϥδεζα Ϩεληνκειμηα - 1'θ Βεσκα

Lesson 1: The Hellenkemian Alphabet - Part 1

Πρεμουδο and welcome to the Adenish conlang, created by yours truly!
As with any other foreign language, we must first know how to read and properly enunciate it. In this lesson, I will teach you its writing system: an alphabet with a mixture of Greek (Modern and Ancient) and and Coptic symbols, called the Hellenkemian alphabet, literally "Greek-Coptic". You will first need to know all the letters, their names and pronunciation.
Note: With letters with more than one phoneme in their classified IPA, only use the first phoneme for the time being until details on the other phonemes are discussed.

Vowels (Εμϟϥοκαληρ)
A total of 14 vowels with a combined total of 20 phonemes. Each vowel has an accentuated equivalent which gives either a forced stress (in 3-syllable+ words) or an elongated vowel (in 2-syllable words), except in ⟨ωυ⟩. Of course, there are exceptions when we include noun cases and other word conjugations.

Α α/ɑ~a/Αλ
Ά ά/ɑː~ɑ/Αλ Δοξκε (Accentuated 'A')
Ε ε/e~e̞~ə/Ελς
Έ έ/eː~e/Ελς Δοξκε
Η η/i~ɪ/Ητ
Ή ή/iː~i/Ητ Δοξκε
Ο ο/o~o̞/Ον
Ό ό/oː~o/Ον Δοξκε
Υ υ/u~u̯/Υς
Ύ ύ/uː~u/Υς Δοξκε
Ω ω/ɤ~œ~ə/Ωλν
Ώ ώ/ɤː~ɤ/Ωλν Δοξκε
ΩΥ ωυ/ʊ/Ωυ
ΏΥ ώυ/ʊ/Ωυ Δοξκε

Consonants (Εμϟϩηϯυρηρ)
A total of 26 consonants with a combined total of 31 phonemes.

Β β/b/Βητ
Γ γ/g/Γαμ
Δ δ/d/Δελτ
Ϟ ϟ∅*Συρλ
Ζ ζ/z/Ζητ
Θ θ/θ/Θηιτ
Ι ι/j~ɪ~ɪ̯/Ιοτ
Κ κ/k/Καπ
Λ λ/l~l̩/Λομ
Μ μ/m~m̩/Μει
Ν ν/n~n̩/Νει
Ξ ξ/ks/Ιεξ
Π π/p/Πη
Ρ ρ/ɹ/Ρου
Ῥ ῥ/ʁ/Ῥου
Σ σ ς**/s/Σην
Τ τ/t/Ταυ
Φ φ/f/Φηι
Χ χ/χ/Χει
Ϣ ϣ/ʃ/Ϣαιν
Ϥ ϥ/v~f/Ϥαιν
Ϧ ϧ/ħ/Ϧαβ
Ϩ ϩ/h~ç/Ϩυρ
Ϫ ϫ/ð/Ϫανδ
Ϭ ϭ/t͡ʃ/Ϭεμ
Ϯ ϯ/t͡s/Ϯεδ

* - Has no pronunciation and is only used for definite articles, clausal conjunctions and personal titles.
** - ⟨ς⟩ at the end of a word, ⟨σ⟩ elsewhere

Alphabetical Order


You may be wondering I haven't listed a "Latin transliteration", or romanisation, of the Hellenkemian alphabet (to appease the Europeans); I believe that learning the script will come easier without having to rely on a secondhand, to make the reading portion in the future come more natural.
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