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noun declination
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Dec 2016, 22:49.

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9. Nouns ? ?
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14. Verbs ? ?
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Menu 1. Introduction 2. Pre-appended Particles 3. Post-appended Particles 4. The Plural Prefix 5. Suffixes 6. Complete Form

[edit] [top]Introduction

Nouns are marked in three different ways: pre-appended particles, post-appended particles, and suffixes, applied as shown in the image below. Within each of these categories, there are sometimes overlapping values, in which multiple of one type of suffix or particle can be applied. In this situation, there is a specified order of marking that must be followed.

[edit] [top]Pre-appended Particles

Pre-appended particles (shortened to PRPs) are not directly attached to the noun. They are separate, but have a defined order in front of the noun and cannot appear without a noun following them. The PRPs of nouns are the:
    PROX, proximative

    MED, medial

    DIST, distal


These are all mutually exclusive, as a noun cannot express something that is both simultaneously close and far, nor have overlapping arguments. The order is:

[PROX|MED|DIST] (case) {noun}

[edit] [top]Post-appended Particles

Post-appended particles (shortened to PSPs) are not directly attached to the noun. Just like PRPs, they are separate, and cannot appear without a noun preceding them. The PSPs of nouns are the:
    VIS & NVIS, visible and non-/invisible

    WK & STR, weak and strong

VIS and NVIS are proximity markings that identify a noun as either in or out-of-sight for the speaker. These particles only define how the speaker sees or does not see an object. WK and STR represent light values in colour nouns. See the {colour article} for a detailed description on the usage of colour in Ssamaf.

{noun} [VIS|NVIS] [WK|STR]

[edit] [top]The Plural Prefix

A noun has only one possible prefix, which pluralizes it.

[edit] [top]Suffixes

Suffixes are attached directly to the end of a noun. The noun suffixes are:
    DESP, despective

    FAM, familiar

    FOR, formal

Formalities are used based on attitude and addressee. They can all be combined, but it is not very common to find FOR used with another formality affix, due to its inherent meaning and intended usage. Nevertheless, the order is:


[edit] [top]Complete Form

This is the complete construction of a fully-declined noun in Ssamaf.


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