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Khiij Numerals
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Nonal, Duodecimal, and Restricted, oh my!
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 24 Jul 2017, 22:02.

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Menu 1. Nonal: 2. Duodecimal:
[edit] [top]Nonal:

In speech the nonal system is used. It arose from tapping the left thumb to every other finger. All nonal numerals agree with noun in class. Before 9 they agree with an ending, 9 and after a particle is used.
[edit] [top]Duodecimal:

Pure numerals are always written in duodecimal, sans particles, and it can be used in more formal situations.
-sor or -or is an affix to multiply a number by 12, equivalent to english -ty. Order is from biggest to smallest
-nii is an affix for hundreds
-jaso or -aso is an affix for thousands
-liis is an affix for millions
Duodecimal numerals only can be used subtractively if oliko is inserted in between
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