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Adjectival Verbs: A Rarity
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A look at conjugational, copula-less adjectives.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 30 Sep 2023, 17:01.

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Compare these two syntax trees:

This compares the phrase "YOU ARE FINE" in English and my conlang Tsekhesse. The thing with a lot of languages, including English, is that you require a copula (be - is/am/are/was/were) for every adjective, and adjectives don't mostly conjugate except for plurals. The closest are languages like Korean and Japanese, but even those require the copula, such as "You are fine -- あなたは元気です" where です is required as 'be'. But while researching ancient Egyptian, I came across an oddity, that was that the adjectives were not 'well', but 'to be well'. They were using the conjugation markers that ordinary verbs were using, and essentially were verbs. In such a language, 'you are fine' is 'you fine', and 'the good elephant' may use a participle of 'to be good'. I hope more people start to use this feature as it is a linguistic marvel and rare at that too.
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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 30-Sep-23 17:02 [Deactivated User]
Proud of my first article.
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