Ushnagos Expressions
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An ever-expanding list of Expressions in the Ushnagos Language
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Aug 2021, 07:01.
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4. LOTM Style Article
5. Pernagoese Cuisine
10. Ushnagos Expressions
11. Ushnagos Pronouns
Expression | Romanization | IPA | Gloss | Literal Translation | Meaning |
TÈ PedeŔ ŚipsÈ, â BurlÙ OxusomÒ. | Te peder shipse, á burlu okhusomo. | [te. pe.deɾ ʃ ə buɾ.lu o.xu.soˑ.mo] | CONDConditional (mood) would onion plant-2SSecond person singular (person) addressee (you).CASLCasual (respect/formality) normal, neutral, informal.PRESPresent tense (tense) current, CNSQConsequential (mood) 'then, and therefore' peach expect-2SSecond person singular (person) addressee (you).CASLCasual (respect/formality) normal, neutral, informal.PRESPresent tense (tense) current-NEGNegative (polarity) not | If you plant onions, then don't expect peaches. | Rudeness to others won't bring politeness from others; treat others they way you want to be treated. |
MaŃ ToĴ à IgÀ ŚáñatÀ. | Man toj a iga shángata. | [man todʒ a ʃə.ŋaˑ.ta] | hand all ACTActive voice (valency, volition) the subject acts, voluntarily blood touch-3PThird person plural (person) neither speaker nor addressee, they/them.CASLCasual (respect/formality) normal, neutral, informal.PASTPast tense (tense) action occurred before moment of speech | All hands have touched blood. | There is no person that hasn't done something wrong, you can find flaws in anybody (Implied: don't nitpick others) |
SiŔ à LurÌ IxeirtemÈ. | Sir a luri ikheirteme. | [siɾ a lu.ɾiˑ.me] | bird of prey ACTActive voice (valency, volition) the subject acts, voluntarily bird distinguish-3SThird person singular (person) neither speaker nor addressee.PRESPresent tense (tense) current-CAPCapability (mood) 'can'-NEGNegative (polarity) not | A bird of prey cannot distinguish birds (not of prey). | Those in power tend not to care for those subordinate to them, present yourself with more confidence to be noticed. |
ŚabÀ SekÈ | Shaba Seke | [ʃ] | sword give | To give a sword | To give a blessing (of marriage). |
GÒ RupiŅ CeÞ. | Go rupim chet. | [go ɾu.pim tʃet] | PASSPassive voice (valency) be verb-ed orca carry | Carried by an orca (killer whale). | To die. (Orcas are considered to be guardian angels that lead souls to the afterlife) |
OÈ ÁÀ. | Oe áa. | [o.e ə.a] | Grave Needle | A grave of needles. | Karma will get you eventually, even after death. (Made popular by the odd pronunciation. |
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