Numbers in Lonish
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How do I number?
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Nov 2015, 15:44.
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4. Êv Lodêst ân Âbo
9. Numbers in Lonish
10. The Kamadri Calendar
11. The Lonish Article
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How do numbers work in Lonish?
Well, first of all, it's important to know how to recognize a number in Lonish. There's several "states" for a number to be in, each with their own specific declination. Here's the table for the numbers 0-10.
# | English | Pure State | Nominalized State | Counting State | Ranking State | Fractionizing State |
0 | zero | pêîd | pêîdêv | pêîdâv | pêîvêv | pêîêlêv |
1 | one | uni | uniêv | uniêv | univêv | uniêlêv |
2 | two | du | duêv | duâv | duvêv | duêlêv |
3 | three | rit | ritêv | ritâv | ritivêv | ritêlêv |
4 | four | kât | kâtêv | kâtâv | kâtivêv | kâtêlêv |
5 | five | dêns | dênsêv | dênsâv | dênsivêv | dênsêlêv |
6 | six | sis | sisêv | sisâv | sisivêv | sisêlêv |
7 | seven | pêp | pêpêv | pêpâv | pêpivêv | pêpêlêv |
8 | eight | iti | itiêv | itiâv | itivêv | itêlêv |
9 | nine | ûv | ûvêv | ûvâv | ûvivêv | ûvêlêv |
10 | ten | vi | viêv | viâv | vivêv | viêlêv |
All righty. Now, when do you use which state?
Pure State
As the simplest of the states, the Pure State has no affixes or declinations associated with it. It's used primarily to count up or down quickly (like hide and seek), or in most mathematical contexts, such as when verbally reciting a problem or formulas.
For example:
uni, du, rit, kât
one, two, three, four
kât plûz dêns ês ûv
four plus five equals nine
Nominalized State
Doesn't really look like a noun, despite what the name implies, the nominalized state is the Pure State with "-êv" suffixed to it. While it looks like an adjective, the Nominalized State is a noun with the article on its end, and as such declines like an adjective would, but without the noun behind it. The Nominalized State is used to refer to numbers directly. Also uncommonly used to refer to certain standalone numbers.
For example:
Ritiêv gêl ês af dîzangêl ês zovisôs.
The number three looks like the letter S on top of another letter S. it checks out in lonish conscript! i promise!
Sisêv ân îfer
The Six of Clubs
Robôt Dutûnteêv
Robot 2000
Counting State
The Counting State is most likely the most commonly used state of the bunch. It is exactly described as the Pure State suffixed with "-âv", but it's more common to denote it as the plural of the Nominalized State, except for uniêv, because, well, "one" isn't plural. The Counting State acts like an adjective, and is used to count things.
For example:
dênsâv rêr
the five cats
Dugâs fremâfûn visâ.
I see two towels.
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