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A basic description of Theedish grammar.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 4 Sep 2018, 10:55. Editing of this article is shared with Conlanger.

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1. Pronunciation

Teedish pretty much follows the letter-to-sound correspondence, that is, the principle that every letter is always pronounced the same way. There is only one exception, which is listed below.

A Teedish syllable typically has a vowel as a nucleus, a single consonant or digraph as an onset and a single consonant as a coda. Some unusual syllables, however, may lack an onset, a coda, or both. That said, the penulitmate syllable is always the stressed one on words with more than one syllable.

The Teedish alphabet consists of the following 24 letters:

Every letter is always pronounced the same way, with the exception of E, which is not pronounced (and mostly ignored gramatically) when it is the last letter of singular nouns.


2. Morphology

As in Esperanto, every part of speech in Teedish has a unique termination. It goes as follows:

- Every verb in the infinitive ends in -en.
- Every singular noun ends in -e. That -e is not pronounced.
- Every plural noun ends in -er.
- Every adjective ends in -a.
- Most adverbs end in -an.
- The remaining parts of speech generally end in other consonants.

- Verbs have five different terminations besides the infinitive:
--- s (present)
--- ed (past)
--- eda (participle)
--- in (progressive)
--- uy (imperative)

Separated words preceding the infinitive form the future (sil) and conditional (ud).

An example of verb conjugation with the verb "zen" (to be):
# zes (is, are)
# zed (was, were)
# sil zen (will be)
# ud zen (would be)
# zin (being)
# zuy (be!)
# zeda (been)

In addition, the following tenses are formed with the combination of auxiliary verb "haven" (to have) and "zen":
# havs zeda (has been)
# haved zeda (had been)
# sil haven zeda (will have been)

All verbs are regular and follow those same rules. There is no such thing as strong (irregular) verbs in Teedish.

Adjectives do not decline according to tense, person or number. But they may have the on- preffix (very similar to Esperanto mal-), which indicates antonyms. Some nouns and adverbs can also take that preffix.


3. Syntax

Teedish follows a SVO order similar to English. An optional accusative, only used when the order is not SVO, is formed by adding a -p to adjectives and nouns. In case of singular nouns, the final -e, which becomes -ep, will be pronounced in the accusative. See examples below.

Standard order (accusative not used):
SVO: De onrika semite hered de kena lerseme (The poor man praised the wise teacher)

Alternative orders (accusative mandatory) with same sense:
OVS: De kenap lersemep de onrika semite hered (The wise teacher the poor man praised)
VSO: Hered de onrika semite de kenap lersemep (Praised the poor man the wise teacher )
VOS: Hered de kenap lersemep de onrika semite (Praised the wise teacher the poor man)
OSV: De kenap lersemep hered de onrika semite (The wise teacher the poor man praised)
SOV: De onrika semite de kenap lersemep hered (The poor man the wise teacher praised)


4. Vocabulary

The main source of Teedish vocabulary are Germanic languages, particularly English, Dutch and Swedish. Sometimes, instead of the on- preffix, the device of reverse spelling is used to form antonyms. For example, the antonym verb "leren" (to learn) is "relen" (to teach).

Edit history
on 04/09/18 10:55+6[Deactivated User]Fix
on 04/09/18 10:54+6[Deactivated User]Update
on 24/08/18 22:360[Deactivated User]Summary change
on 24/08/18 21:37+28[Deactivated User]Formatting
on 24/08/18 21:350[Deactivated User]Changing title
on 24/08/18 21:34+4[Deactivated User]Adding bottom line
on 24/08/18 21:30-9[Deactivated User]Removing wip tag
on 20/08/18 11:36-1[Deactivated User]Little change
on 20/08/18 10:45+1[Deactivated User]Fixed minor grammatical error
on 09/08/18 07:35+828[Deactivated User]Additions
on 09/08/18 06:58-1[Deactivated User]Correction
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