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links to elements of Ssamaf's typology
This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 12 Jun 2016, 23:17.

[Public] ? ?
[Public] ? ?
8. Names ? ?
9. Nouns ? ?
12. Typology ? ?
14. Verbs ? ?
This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.

Morphosyntactic alignment - tripartite
Ssamaf treats the subject of an intransitive verb and the subject-object pair of a transitive verb with three different marks.

Morphological typology - synthetic-agglutinative
Several morphemes may appear in one word, but they are all independent, and when used together they do not fuse.

Primary writing system - Coptic/Greek
[*insert sample of a text into Coptic and Greek]

Genders/classes - animate/inanimate

Animacy distinctions - four distinctions
    abstract: what is not tangible

    inanimate: what does not move

    animate: what lives, moves, or is jointed

    intelligent: (generally) has both life and agency

*write an article about the exceptions: colour, _, ...

Noun numbers - singular/plural

Number of nominal cases - one

Number of prenominal cases - one

Indefinite article - none
Nouns are assumed indefinite until otherwise indicated.

Definite article - words for 'this' and 'that'
One cannot say exactly "the bed," but one can say "this bed" or "that bed."

Noun head-directionality - head initial
The head precedes all other elements in the noun phrase. Example: "one pink elephant" becomes "elephant pink one."

Verb head-directionality - head initial
The head precedes all other elements in the verb phrase. Example: "have been chosen" becomes "chosen have been."

Adposition head-directionality -

Primary word order -

Polar question marking -

Polar question answers -

Relative clause morphology -

Constituent dislocation possible -

Noun-adjective order -

Noun-numeral order -

Marked tense (verb) -

Marked voice (verb) -

Marked transitivity (verb) -

Marked person (verb) -

Future tense -

Verb agreement -

Coding of evidentiality -

Negation marking -

Double negatives -

Reflexives -

Reciprocals -

Valence decreasing voices -

Valence increasing voices -

Noun incorporation -

Copula dropping -

Pronoun numbers -

Inclusive/exclusive pronouns -

Pronoun-noun possession -

Pronoun dropping -

Demonstrative proximity -

Fixed stress location -

Stress marking -

Phonemic vowel length -

Base counting system -

Noun-relative clause order -

Relative clause head -
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