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How To Kyrete
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Kyrete should be short, concise, and contain no articles.
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[edit] [top]How to Kyrete

Kyrete is a priori language, so it is very different from every other natural language you've been exposed to. Kyrete can be written both vertically and horizontally, however vertical writing is preferred. The character's of Kyrete's writing system form an alphasyllabary, a set of 120 consonant vowel pairs. All words follow a CV[CV[CV[CV]]] structure. Each CV pair is a morpheme, each representing either a semantic prime or a grammatical modifier like an honorific, or to express a tense. As a general rule, sentences in Kyrete should be short, concise, contain no articles, and express no tenses.

Simple Example

we ni jo/

Before we jump into phonology and all of that, let us get a feel for what Kyrete looks like. Above is an example of romanized Kyrete. This is a simple sentence.

we - (adj.) good, to be desired
ni - (v.) hello, to greet
jo - (pro.) you, a secondary individual, or group that individual represents

Kyrete follows a SVO word order, which we will in this reference document call the Subject Secondary Target word order or SST. In this example sentence, the subject is the good feeling, the secondary is the greeting, and you would be the target. The reason this “verb” position is the secondary is because it always immediately follows the subject, making it secondary to the subject.

Moderate Example

ge jo xi nano tujito kixova/

This example is a little more complicated. This sentence was chosen because the word order is the same as it is in English. Although the word order is the same, it is not for the same reasons. Let us try to break this one down.

ge - (v.) do
jo - (pro.) you
xi - (v.) know, think about, are aware of
nano - (adv.) any, at all, or to some degree
tujito - (adj.) cheap, inexpensive
kixova - (n.) hotel, inn

After knowing the meaning of each word, what the sentence is trying to get across is obvious. “do you know any cheap hotel”, this sentence is clear without any additional information. Though there is some implied information in this sentence that are missing that are present in English. English would put a question mark at the end of this sentence. It is ended with a “/” which is the romanized full stop in Kyrete. Where in the sentence does this tell the reader that this statement is a question? Well by the same way you already knew it was a question, because it begins with the word “do”. In Kyrete, by leading a sentence with a question particle, for words like to: do, can, if, would, could, who, what, where, when, why, and how; there is an equivalent. This eliminates the need for a question mark.

Another difference is the concept of plurality in Kyrete. In English one would say “any cheap hotels” with the “hotels” as a plural. Kyrete circumvents this by pluralizing some of its particles innately. By simply using the “na” particle in the Kyrete word “nano”, it pluralizes the target of the sentence, in this case “hotel”. Just as the “ki” particle in the Kyrete word “kixova” implies a known, nearby, or frequently visited locality.

Phonetic Inventory

Because this language was created as a fictional language for a book read primarily by English speakers, the phonetic inventory as well as the romanization of that inventory is “ta kynegilica”.

IPA Consonants
Plosivep bt dk g
Nasal- m- n
Fricativef vs zʃ ʒh -
Approximant- ɹ
Lateral Approximant- l
Digraphs, Diacritics,
Affricates, and Other

IPA Vowels
Closei -- u
Close Mide -- o
Opena -

/ b /b/ k /k/ s /s/ a /a
/ t͡ʃ /c/ l /l/ t /t/ e /e
/ d /d/ m /m/ v /v/ i /i
/ f /f/ n /n/ w /w/ o /o
/ g /g/ p /p/ ʃ /x/ u /u
/ h /h/ t͡s /q/ z /z/ ʊ /y
/ ʒ /j/ ɹ /r

In order to truly understand Kyrete, I will need you to keep your mind open about what Kyrete is attempting to accomplish. Kyrete means to be simple and direct. Kyrete’s view is that language with tenses, structure words, and artifacts are not necessary. Do not misunderstand, representing tenses and grammar structures in Kyrete can be done. However, they are not necessary for a majority of conversational cases, as Kyrete’s sentences are brief. Of course the tools are available to represent tenses if you so choose. Mostly, the grammar structure of Kyrete ignores tenses.

Kyrete gives a few new concepts that need to be learned. The first of which, are Particles. A particle is the simplest root of a concept. A particle is synonymous with a morpheme, the smallest unit of speech. In Kyrete, the stress or tone of a word gives little information compared to the sound produced of the words themselves. This makes speakers of Kyrete tend to speak slowly or clearly. These root particles consist of a consonant vowel pair, CV. This is always CV and never greater. Two or more particles in Kyrete can be joined to make words of an increasing order of complexity. Words by rule of the language do not exceed 4 particles, with the exception of proper names. There are 120 unique particles in Kyrete, 20 groups of 6.

6 unique particles form a group called a Primitive. There are 20 primitives: Purities, Subjects, Emotions, Preferences, Qualities, Honorifics, Quantities, Measures, Directories, Survivals, Relationships, Forms, Arrangements, Pronouns, Moralities, Booleans, Astrologies, Groupings, Times, and Variants.

hahaPrefix: Plurality
hehePrefix: Future Tense

(adv.) during the period of time following (an event) {after}
hihiMarker: Marks a List (start and end)
hohoPrefix: Past Tense

(adv.) during the period of time preceding (a particular event, date, or time) {before}
huhuPrefix: Current Tense
hyPrefix: Numerical Value (especially for large numbers)

kaka(adj.) of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes {female}
kekePrefix: Body Part
kikiLeading A Sentence: Questioning Where

Prefix: Specific Place (a proper noun)

(adv.) in, at, or to that place or position {there}
kokoPrefix: Specific Person (a proper noun)
kukuLeading A Sentence: Questioning How

Prefix: Specific Event (a proper noun)

(n.) a thing that happens, especially one of importance {event}
kyPrefix: Specific Subject (a proper noun)

raɹa(v.) give sexual enjoyment or satisfaction to {pleasure}

Suffix: (adj.) moving or capable of moving at high speed {fast}
reɹe(adj.) feeling or showing pleasure or contentment {happy}
riɹi(adj.) composed of a single element; not compound {simple}
roɹo(adj.) feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy {sad}
ruɹu(v.) cause mental or physical pain to {pain}

Suffix: (adj.) moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast {slow}
ryɹʊ(adj.) consisting of many different and connected parts {complex}

Preceded by <hy>: one-thousand, 1000

lala(n.) an intense feeling of deep affection {love}
lele(v.) to regard (something) in a favorable way {like}

Suffix: (adj.) achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties {easy}

Suffix: (adj.) easy to mold, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch {soft}
lili(v.) be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched {feel}
lolo(v.) to regard (something) in an unfavorable way {dislike}

Suffix: (adj.) needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand {difficult}

Suffix: (adj.) solid, firm, and resistant to pressure; not easily broken, bent, or pierced {hard}
lulu(v.) feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone) {hate}
lyHonorific: a person married, engaged, or otherwise closely associated romantically or sexually

papa(v.) bring (something) into existence {create}
pepe(v.) fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object) {assemble}

Suffix: (v.) join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount {add}
pipi(v.) cause (an event or process) to happen {start}
popo(v.) take (something) apart {disassemble}

Suffix: (v.) eliminate or get rid of {remove}
pupu(v) put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it {destroy}
py(adj.) of an identical type; exactly similar {same}

Suffix: (v.) state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of {define}

Preceded by <hy>: one-hundred, 100

babaLeading A Sentence: Questioning Why

(v.) ask for information from someone {inquire}
bebeMarker: Marks a Name

(v.) perceive with the eyes; discern visually {see}
bibiPrefix: Organism
boboPrefix: Noun Group
bubuLeading A Sentence: Questioning What

Prefix: Specific Object (a proper noun)
byPrefix: Romanizer (means literally “this word is borrowed from a another language”)

Marker: Marks a Quote (start and end)

tataPrefix: (pro.) a greater or additional amount or degree {more}

(adj.) of considerable size, extent, or intensity {big}y {big}
tete(v.) freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to {give}

Suffix: (v.) obtain or secure (something desired, favorable, or profitable) {gain}
titiPrefix: (adj.) being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value {equal}

(art.) third person singulars {is, was, will-be; are, were, will-be}

Suffix: (adj.) at an equal distance from the extremities of something; central {middle}
toto(v.) lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold {take}

Suffix: be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something) {lose}
tutuPrefix: (pro.) a lesser or smaller amount or degree {more}

(adj.) of a size that is less than normal or usual {small}
ty(adj.) resembling without being identical {similar}

dada(adv.) at, to, or by a great distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing is distant from another) {far}

(adj.) measuring a great distance from end to end {long}
dede(n.) a straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle, sphere, or regular polygon {circumradius}

Suffix: (n.) a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center) {circle}
didi(v.) an act or instance of leaving a place; a departure {going}
dodo(v.) ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units or by comparing it with an object of known size {measure}
dudu(adv.) in a position so as to be very near to someone or something; with very little space between {close}

(adj.) measuring a small distance from end to end {short}
dy(pro.) not anything; no single thing {nothing}

Suffix: (pre.) in the absence of {without}

Preceded by <hy>: zero, 0

fafa(adv.) toward the sky or a higher position {up}

(adv.) in extended space over and not touching {above}

Suffix: (adj.) of great vertical extent {high}
fefe(adv.) in a position just ahead of or further forward than someone or something else {in-front}

(adv.) toward the front; in the direction that one is facing or traveling {forward}

(adv.) in the direction of {toward}

(n.) the direction in which a compass needle normally points, toward the horizon on the left side of a person facing east, or the part of the horizon lying in this direction {north}
fifi(n.) the place to which someone or something is going or being sent {destination}
fofo(adv.) at or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it {behind}

(adv.) (of a movement) away from one's front; in the direction of one's back {backward}

(n.) the direction toward the point of the horizon 90° clockwise from east, or the point on the horizon itself {south}
fufu(adv.) toward or in a lower place or position, especially to or on the ground or another surface {down}

(adv.) extending underneath {below}

Suffix: (adj.) of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground {low}
fy(adv.) moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location) {through}

Suffix: (n.) strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement {force}

vava(n.) a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger {shelter}
veve(n.) a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function {tool}
vivi(n.) a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms {water}
vovo(n.) combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke {fire}
vuvu(n.) any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth {food}
vy(n.) the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen {air}

sasa(n.) the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected {relationship}
sese(n.) firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something {trust}
sisi(n.) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse {sex}
soso(n.) the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death {life}
susu(adj.) of or denoting the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized or inseminated to produce offspring {male}

Suffix: (n.) the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality {power}
sy(n.) vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear {sound}

Suffix: (n.) the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds {speech}

zaza(adj.) shaped like or approximately like a circle or cylinder {round}
zeze(adj.) having an even and regular surface or consistency; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations {smooth}

Suffix: (n.) the surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function, in particular {side; face}
zizi(adj.) arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances {regular}
zozo(adj.) having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level {rough}
zuzu(adj.) (of an object) having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something {sharp}
zy(adj) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence {abstract}

Suffix: not previously visited, seen, or encountered; unfamiliar or alien {strange}

cat͡ʃa(adj.) physically in contact with and supported by (a surface) {on}
cet͡ʃe(adj.) expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else {in}
cit͡ʃi(v.) come or bring to a final point; finish {end}
cot͡ʃo(adj.) situated far or at a particular distance from somewhere {out}
cut͡ʃu(adj.) moving away and often down from {off}
cyt͡ʃʊ(adj.) on every side of {arround}

jaʒaHonorific: Family Member
jeʒeHonorific: Friend
jiʒi(pro.) a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action {I, self, me}
joʒo(pro.) used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing {you}
juʒu(pro.) used to identify a specific person or thing observed by the speaker {that, them, they}
jyʒʊLeading A Sentence: Questioning Who

(pro.) a human being regarded as an individual {person}

wawa(adj.) concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character {moral}

Suffix: (n.) the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible {light}
wewe(adj) to be desired or approved of {good}

Suffix: (n.) a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute {positive}
wiwi(adj.) not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial {neutral}

Suffix: (n.) the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method {order}
wowo(adj.) of poor quality; inferior or defective {bad}

Suffix: (n.) a word or statement that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal {negative}
wuwu(adj.) not conforming to accepted standards of morality

Suffix: (n.) the absence of light in a place {dark}
wy(pro.) asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set {which}

(pro.) used referring to something previously mentioned when introducing a clause giving further information {which}

gaga(adj.) free from error; in accordance with fact or truth {yes, true, correct}
gege(adj.) able to be done; within the power or capacity of someone or something {maybe, likely, possible}
gigi(adj.) actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed {real}

Suffix: (n.) a material thing that can be seen and touched {object}
gogo(adj.) not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable {scarcely, unlikely, improbable}
gugu(adj.) not in accordance with fact; wrong {no, false, incorrect}
gy(adj.) used to introduce a condition that is necessary as well as sufficient (if and only if)

mama(n.) the star around which the earth orbits {sun}
meme(adj.) on, toward, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the east when the person or thing is facing north {right}

(n.) the direction toward the point of the horizon where the sun rises at the equinoxes, on the right-hand side of a person facing north, or the point on the horizon itself {east}
mimi(n.) the substance of the land surface; soil {earth}

(n.) the solid surface of the earth {ground}
momo(adj.) on, toward, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west when the person or thing is facing north {left}

(n.) the direction toward the point of the horizon where the sun sets at the equinoxes, on the left-hand side of a person facing north, or the part of the horizon lying in this direction {west}
mumu(n.) the natural satellite of the earth, visible (chiefly at night) by reflected light from the sun {moon}
myPrefix: (v.) make or become different {change}

(n.) a fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun {star}

Suffix: (adj.) not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality {different}

nana(pro.) used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing {all}
nene(pro.) a large number of {many}
niniLeading A Sentence: Hello, Greeting

(adj) having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something {able, can}
nono(pro.) a small number of {few}
nunu(adj.) inside (something) {containing, holding, within}

(n.) a piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with other pieces makes up the whole {part}
ny(adv.) in addition; too {also}

(adv.) another time; once more {again}

xaʃa(adj.) not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time {new}

(adj.) having lived or existed for only a short time {young}
xeʃe(n.) a period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time, reckoned from one midnight to the next, corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis {day}
xiʃi(n.) the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought {mind}

Suffix: (n.) facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject {knowledge}
xoʃo(n.) the period of darkness in each twenty-four hours; the time from sunset to sunrise {night}
xuʃu(adj.) having lived for a long time; no longer young {old}
xyʃʊLeading A Sentence: Questioning When

(n.) the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole {time}

qat͡saVariant 1
qet͡seVariant 2
qit͡siVariant 3
qot͡soVariant 4
qut͡suVariant 5
qyt͡sʊVariant 6

Variant particles are either; used to make distinction between words of indistinguishable difference in meaning, often only used in creative writing (Examples: humongous, ginormous, gargantuan, tremendous, colossal... etc); or alone as semantic variables defined by an author in place of long proper names in extended texts (Example: <{ppr} National Institute of Mental Health is-variant_1> [benatinola kitaxi nu xinu kewa qa] to just simply [qa] later in text). This function replaces the use of [boha] in dated translations.

Joining Particles
In this section, we are going to cover the basics of joining particles. Most words on Kyrete are made up of multiple particles. The great thing about particles in Kyrete, is that the meaning of any word can be easily approximated by looking at its particles. Let us start off with an easy word.


This word “myni” is constructed from two particles; “my” and “ni”.

my - When used as a prefix (the first particle of a fusional); means “to change”.
ni - When not used to lead a sentence; means “able to”.

Together, these particles fuse to create a new meaning. “able to change”.

myni - Means “changeable”.

Easy right? Okay here is another, more complex, example.
A four particle word must be pretty complicated right? Let us break them down; “wo”, “vi”, “pa”, and “xi”.

wo - “bad” or “negative”
vi - “water”
pa - “create”
xi - This is a suffix, so it means “knowledge”.

Let’s put this together:

“bad water create knowledge”

Alright, not really that clear. However, we forgot something. You can join two words made up of two particles each. Let us try breaking it down again.


wovi - “bad water” - Something poisonous maybe?
paxi - “create knowledge” - Research is normally how you create knowledge.
wovipaxi - “poison research”?

So what are the actual definitions?

wovi / - (n.) an antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin, especially one produced by or derived from microorganisms and causing disease when present at low concentration in the body {toxin}

paxi /pa.ʃi/ - (n.) the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, especially by means of books {study}

wovipaxi /ʃi/ - (n.) the branch of science concerned with the nature, effects, and detection of poisons {toxicology}

Simple Translation
Alright let us tackle a translation. We are going to translate this quote by Saint Augustine.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

Let us start off with the first part. “The world is a book,”. Kyrete doesn’t care if the statement is part of a large complex sentence. If “The world is a book.”, has a subject, a secondary, and a target, we can break it from the sentence. Kyrete also does not care about the existence of articles.

“world is book”

The subject is “the world”, it is being compared to the target “a book”, it is being compared with an “is” making a simile. With all of the components of the first sentence in place, replace the words.

nami - planet, world
ti - comparative is, equal to
buxi - book (specific object of knowledge)

Okay we now have our first complete thought, “nami ti buxi”. What about the second half? “and those who do not travel read only a page.”. There is a lot of information going on here. Who is our subject? This one is a little difficult, but our subject is “who”. Actually, it is “those who”. What are “those who” doing? They are “reading reading one page”, so “read” is our secondary verb. What are they targeting with their reading? They are targeting the “one page”. Let us look at what we have so far.

“who read page”

Because this “who” is now leading a sentence, it is now asking a question. We therefore need to precede it with the complete subject.

“those who read page”

Is there anything describing the target? Yes, there is “only one” target.

“those who read only one page”

Is there any cause of this reading of one page? Yes, it is their “not travelling”.

“those who read not travel only one page”

We omit “and” because it was joining the two sentences which have now been separated. All we need now is our words in Kyrete.

ju - generic they, them, those people
jy - people, humanity
buxibe - read (made up of “book; buxi” and “to see; be”)
gu - boolean false, no, not
nyfe - travel, movement through free will
gusa - only, not more than
nu - singular adjective (as opposed to the numerical one; hynu)
nubuxi - page (made up of “singular; nu” and “book; buxi”)

We get, at the end of all this, our completed statement.

nami ti buxi/ ju jy buxibe gu nyfe gusa nu nubuxi//

Hopefully, this example can show clearly how in Kyrete “page, book, and read” are connected.
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