Khiij Interjections
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interjections and usage notes
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Jul 2017, 10:02.
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1. A Report On Khiij
2. Hyperplural
3. Khiij Derivation
5. Khiij Kinship
6. Khiij Numerals
7. Khiij Texts
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This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.
Khiij interjections
Good morning:
The original, long, and formal way to say good morning is Ezqeon ka rif ru gitullo om, literally I meet you with the sun. Friends and close family are permitted to say ezka, a shortening of the first two words. EKRRGO is often used in writing as an abbreviation but rarely spoken.
Good Day:
Ezqeon vrell is considered the commonest form, one you cannot go wrong with, but good day and good morning entries are used interchangeably.
Kjaqa om l juheiteco zag u giro ka, literally i hope that the day will treat you well, is the formal way to say goodbye. ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article