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Ushnagos Pronouns
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All the pronouns in Ushnagos
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 8 Mar 2020, 18:36.

[Public] ? ?
1S KaKadaDaVaVada
2S EpZhuSoCheGhoFi
3M ZaZawaArWarOlWol
3F ZayaYarYol
12 KapKonKhiGosU*Nin
13 KazDazDarKelValDal
2P ÁpápBekhUmTikNgi
23 ÁpazEtSorNuGholOru
3P TiSideAlArarBuDor

*Conjugates as "Wu" in verbs.
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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 07-Oct-21 04:24 [Deactivated User]
I love how the formal present second person is "che", In Argentina, it's exactly the same, but casual
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