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Nombres Selvescs
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Silvish Numbers
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Jun 2016, 04:32.

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Menu 1. Nombres Cardinals - Cardinal Numbers 2. Nombres Ordinals - Ordinal Numbers 3. Nombres Aproissimaz - Approximate Numbers 4. Aritmetia - Arithmetic
[edit] [top]Nombres Cardinals - Cardinal Numbers

In the table below are the first 100 cardinal numbers:
Larger numbers are based on cint (100), mill (1,000), millión (1,000,000), milliarde (1,000,000,000) and so on.

  • Spaces are put between each number word, except between the tens and ones, when a hyphen is used. (e.g. dos cint sissanta-siet [267])
  • Pay attention to "vînti", which is written with a circumflex when it appears unmodified, to differentiate it from "vinti" (I won). But when it is followed by a hyphen, the circumflex is dropped.
  • An epenthetic et is inserted before ún and oit. It is pronounced like a normal et: /ɛ‿ɾ/.
  • Numbers ending in -illión, -illiarde are treated as nouns - 3rd declension and 1st declension respectively - when they are exact. They are followed by de and a plural noun. e.g. "un millión de piedras" (a million rocks), but "millión unas piedras" (a million and one rocks)
  • Most numbers are invariable as nouns, but a few decline when used as adjectives.
    • Ún and dos agree with the noun they modify in gender and case, ún's forms being identical to those of the indefinite article, un. Dos' forms are: NOMNominative (case)
      TRANS subject, INTR argument
      .MASCMasculine (gender)
      masculine or male
      - dos, NOMNominative (case)
      TRANS subject, INTR argument
      .FEMFeminine (gender)
      feminine or female
      - düas, OBLOblique (argument)
      indirect or demoted object
      .MASCMasculine (gender)
      masculine or male
      - dus, OBLOblique (argument)
      indirect or demoted object
      .FEMFeminine (gender)
      feminine or female
      - dus
    • Mill agrees with the modified noun in case, but marks its own plurality. No other Silvish word has this mixture of adjectival and nominal traits. Here are the declined forms with dos and piedra: SGSingular (number)
      one countable entity
      .NOMNominative (case)
      TRANS subject, INTR argument
      - mill piedras, SGSingular (number)
      one countable entity
      .OBLOblique (argument)
      indirect or demoted object
      - milli piedris, PLPlural (number)
      more than one/few
      .NOMNominative (case)
      TRANS subject, INTR argument
      - düas migla piedras, PLPlural (number)
      more than one/few
      .OBLOblique (argument)
      indirect or demoted object
      - dois migl piedris

[edit] [top]Nombres Ordinals - Ordinal Numbers

Numbers 1-19 have special forms that are used whenever they end a composed number (e.g. vinti-scond [22nd], not *vinti-dosens). Other ordinals are made by removing the final vowel from the cardinal form and adding -ens (F: -esma). e.g. vinti > vintens (twenty > twentieth).

  • The ordinal numbers are used as adjectives and as fractions.
  • As adjectives, ordinals agree in gender, number and case with the noun they modify.
  • There is disagreement over whether to keep or delete the epenthetic et that appears in the cardinals ending in ún and oit. Removing it (e.g. vint-prim, vint-oitav) is generally formal, while maintaining it (e.g. vint-e-prim, vint-et-oitav) is usually informal.
  • All ordinals can be abbreviated to a number plus a superscript <o> (e.g. 1o, 2o, 3o, etc.). The o is treated like an adjectival ending that declines for gender, number and case (e.g. "la 3a piedra" [the third rock]).
    • A more formal abbreviation pattern uses Roman numerals, again with the declining o (e.g. "lo XXIo síecol" [the twenty-first century]).

[edit] [top]Nombres Aproissimaz - Approximate Numbers

There is a set of numbers similar to English "dozen". They normally translate as "about [number]". Theoretically, any number can have an approximate form, but the most common ones are listed below.
about 10decena
about 12dogena
about 20vintena
about 30trintena
about 40parantena
about 50quimbantena
about 100centena
about 1,000millena
These are regular nouns, and they are followed by de and then a plural noun. e.g. "una vintena de piedras" (about twenty rocks).

[edit] [top]Aritmetia - Arithmetic

As stated, the ordinals are used for fractions, but there are also two non-numeric words used in fractions: tod (whole) and miege (half).

  • Dar means "equals". It always takes the singular. "Dos dá dos" (Two equals two)
  • Mais is used for addition. "Dos mais dos dá patre" (Two plus two equals four)
  • Mens is used for subtraction. "Patre mens dos dá dos" (Four minus two equals two)
  • Per is used for multiplication. "Tres per siet dá vint-et-ún" (Three times seven equals twenty-one)
  • En is used for division. "Vint-et-ún en tres dá siet" (Twenty-one divided by three equals seven)
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