Is it just me, or does this not work as of now?
Import your lexicon (from Excel)
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 13 Apr 2015, 04:25.
[comments] cws help
3. Dialects
13. Pronouns
14. Relative clause
IMPORTANT #1: when you import, and you see words with odd characters like this: �, or similar gibberish, then you need to ensure that your *.csv file was saved using UTF-8 encoding. This is not always the default, but will cause issues with your CWS import if set to anything else.
IMPORTANT #2: It is not recommended to import a large amount of lexicon into CWS when you already have a dictionary with substantial lexicon. The reason for this is that if for some reason the import fails, your only option is to painstakingly remove each word one at a time, OR purge (delete) your entire dictionary and start over. If you are importing into an existing CWS dictionary, it is recommended that you export your lexicon first in order to back this up.
VERY IMPORTANT #3: It is vital that the parts of speech in your *.csv file match the codes used on CWS. The reason for this is otherwise the CWS database will not know how to interpret your parts of speech. We use one uniform code system for these in order to avoid ambiguity (for example, would "a" be adjective, adverb, or adposition?). Excel has a find and replace feature you make use of to ensure that your file uses the same codes.
Please be aware that if you import words into the dictionary using non-standard codes and they're NOT updated (you will have a green notification banner warning you of this), they will be marked for deletion after 28 days (4 weeks), and no backups will be made.
You can find a reference of the codes here.
[top]The process
First, you need to convert your excel spreadsheet to a *.csv file. You can do this from within excel by going 'File' > 'Save As' and using the drop down at the bottom of the Save As dialogue to select *.csv (comma-separated values). This should save your excel spreadsheet to a format like this:
"word1","definition1","other information1", ...etc
"word2","definition2","other information2", ...etc
"word3","definition3","other information3", ...etc
Then, if you go to the 'Dictionary' page (under the green menu) and click the '> Import' button and follow the instructions on screen, you can import your *.csv lexicon to CWS. The instructions on the import page may be a little confusing but there are help bubbles - the blue squares with ? on them - designed to give you more information. CWS supports importing your already existing data from an excel spreadsheet (if you use this method of database) to save you manually inputting huge amounts of data.