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Jihhan [MSYBO]
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Ǹpưkúng Ṣhyìe
[ᵐpʊkuŋ˦ ˈʂʰiə̯˥˩]
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 1 June 2023
Language type A priori
Place & SpeakersJihhan is spoken in Imperial Jigh.
Species Human/humanoid
About Jihhan

Welcome! This is the Jihhan language page. Enjoy your time here!

Keṭoe ksou! Ṣyơṭò ḷekyơkóu ǹpúng Ṣhyìe ṣyeu. Ṭthyè ṭo thmaṭyá ṣyeuṛ!

/kəˈʈoi̯˨ kə̆sɒu̯˨ | ʂɐˈʈo˥˩ ɭə.kɐˈkɒu̯˦ ᵐpuŋ˦ ˈʂʰiə̯˥˩ ʂou̯˨ | ʈə̆tʰe˥˩ ʈo˨ tʰə̆mɶʈæ˦ ʂou̯ɻ˨ /

fire<2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
.CNSConstruct state
noun being possessed
> continue | this page<3Third person (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
.CNSConstruct state
noun being possessed
> language jigh COPCopula
used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate
| here at time<2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
.CNSConstruct state
noun being possessed
> enjoy
Sample of Jihhan[view] Ṇúṛ kyòḷ kyoe Phkhmúṛ múṛ ṭyu ṭò ṇepúṛ ṭyu pṛouṛ.

When the air burns, only death breathes deep.
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Latest vocabulary
ḷyeuvpick up
Language family relationships
Language treeTiengic
 ⤷  Proto-Tiengic
  ⤷ Darimic
   ⤷  Classical Darimic
    ⤷  Mban
     ⤷ Classical Ybon
      ⤷ Archaic Ybon
       ⤷  Jihhan
Nasal m   n ɳ   ŋ  
Plosive p [pʼ]1 [ᵐpʼ]2 ᵐp pʰ ᵐpʰ   t [tʼ]3 [ⁿtʼ]4 ⁿt tʰ ⁿtʰ ʈ [ʈʼ]5 [ᶯʈʼ]6 ᶯʈ ʈʰ ᶯʈʰ   k [kʼ]7 [ᵑkʼ]8 ᵑk kʰ ᵑkʰ  
Fricative     s sʰ ʂ ʂʰ      
Affricate     t͡s [t͡sʼ]9 [ⁿt͡sʼ]10 ⁿt͡s t͡sʰ ⁿt͡sʰ ⁿd͡z ʈ͡ʂ [ʈ͡ʂʼ]11 [ᶯʈ͡ʂʼ]12 ᶯʈ͡ʂ ʈ͡ʂʰ ᶯʈ͡ʂʰ ᶯɖ͡ʐ      
Lateral approximant     l ɭ      
Approximant   ʋ ɹ ɻ j   ɥ
  1. allophone of /pʰ/
  2. allophone of /ᵐpʰ/
  3. allophone of /tʰ/
  4. allophone of /ⁿtʰ/
  5. allophone of /ʈʰ/
  6. allophone of /ᶯʈʰ/
  7. allophone of /kʰ/
  8. allophone of /ᵑkʰ/
  9. allophone of /t͡sʰ/
  10. allophone of /ⁿt͡sʰ/
  11. allophone of /ʈ͡ʂʰ/
  12. allophone of /ᶯʈ͡ʂʰ/
Close î í ì ŷ ý ỳ       û ú ù
Near-close   [ɪ]1   [ʊ]2  
Close-mid ê é è ø̂ ǿ ø̀       ô ó ò
Mid     ə ə̆3    
Near-open æ̂ ǽ æ̀   [ɐ]4    
Open [ɶ]5       ɒ̂ ɒ́ ɒ̀
Polyphthongs øə̯̂ øə̯́ øə̯̀ oî̯ oí̯ oì̯ oû̯ oú̯ où̯ eû̯ eú̯ eù̯ yə̯̂ yə̯́ yə̯̀ ɒû̯ ɒú̯ ɒù̯ iə̯̂ iə̯́ iə̯̀
  1. allophone of /ə/
  2. allophone of /ə/
  3. minor syllable short ə
  4. allophone of /ə/
  5. allophone of /ə/
Stress informationRoot-final, characterized by the tone on the stressed syllable, but more of a pitch accent than true tone.
Below is the orthography for Jihhan. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 JihhanOrthography [edit]
Mm/m/Pp/p/PH ph/pʰ/ǸP ǹp/ᵐp/ǸPH ǹph/ᵐpʰ/Nn/n/Tt/t/TH th/tʰ/ǸT ǹt/ⁿt/ǸTH ǹth/ⁿtʰ/Ṇṇ/ɳ/
Ṭṭ/ʈ/ṬH ṭh/ʈʰ/ǸṬ ǹṭ/ᶯʈ/ǸṬH ǹṭh/ᶯʈʰ/NG ng/ŋ/Kk/k/KH kh/kʰ/ǸK ǹk/ᵑk/ǸKH ǹkh/ᵑkʰ/Ss/s/SH sh/sʰ/
TS ts/t͡s/TSH tsh/t͡sʰ/ǸS ǹs/ⁿt͡s/ǸSH ǹsh/ⁿt͡sʰ/ǸZ ǹz/ⁿd͡z/Ṣṣ/ʂ/ṢH ṣh/ʂʰ/ṬṢ ṭṣ/ʈ͡ʂ/ṬṢH ṭṣh/ʈ͡ʂʰ/ǸṢ ǹṣ/ᶯʈ͡ʂ/ǸṢH ǹṣh/ᶯʈ͡ʂʰ/
ǸẒ ǹẓ/ᶯɖ͡ʐ/Ww/ʋ/Ll/l/Rr/ɹ/Ḷḷ/ɭ/Ṛṛ/ɻ/Jj/j/JW jw/ɥ/YI yi/ì/YU yu/ỳ/Uu/ù/
YE ye/è/YO yo/ø̀/Oo/ò/YA ya/æ̀/Ơơ/ɒ̀/Ii[ɪ]Ưư[ʊ]Ee/ə/Aa[ɶ]YƠ yơ[ɐ]
✔ Shown in correct order [change]
    Additional NotesMinor syllables don't mark /ə̆/ in orthography.
    Latest 8 related articles listed below.
    A quick introduction to the Jihhograms
    25-Oct-24 21:56
    Typological information for Jihhan

    Base counting systemDuodecimal (12)
    Double negativesNot possible
    Coding of evidentialityParticle/modal
    Unmarked evidentialDirect/witness/firsthand
    Evidentiality distinctionsMixed

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