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Pashanga [PASH]
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Pasanhña Chuñ Duinubhtuss
[paʃǎŋa kʊŋ dʊinʊ́t͡ʃʊʃ:]*
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 18 April 2020
Language type A posteriori
Species Human/humanoid
About Pashanga I don't even know what's going on here so enjoy.


  • SOV word order, with OSV in relative clauses and SVO in questions
  • Phonemic tones
  • Tones marked by consonant codas, much like Hmong
  • Though these consonant codes are still present in the language, prosodical intonation and stress systems feature more prominently and tones are less important, though still indicated in the script (here, prosodical intonation refers to the rising intonation at the end of questions, and emphasis put on certain words in different occasions)
  • For speakers that choose stress over tone, stress is placed on the last syllable (suffixes included) and the penultimate syllable when there is no consonant coda for the former
  • Noun-adjective
  • Possessee-possessor
  • Three noun classes - human, animal, and inanimate
  • 3 simple tenses, with different conjugations
  • Different conjugations for transitive and intransitive verbs
  • Word initial geminates exist only when marking a negated verb, plus all tense affixes are differentiated from the words they are attached to by their geminates
  • Weird (I guess) orthography
  • Sample of Pashanga[view] Senh fonhn anobh.

    It is raining now.
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    Latest vocabulary
    Sound samples in Pashanga
    Some sound samples of Pashanga. Maximum of 6 shown. Click the links to see the full texts.
    Senh fonhn anobh.
    It is raining now.
    Language family relationships
    Language treeMholredian
     ⤷  Old Novinian
      ⤷  Maldovian
       ⤷  Pashanga
    [view] About MholredianA family for languages spoken largely in northeast Mholred.
    Nasal m m:1   n n:2           ŋ ŋ:3  
    Plosive p   d   ɖ4       k  
    Fricative ɸ5 β f   ʃ ʃ:6         x7 h
    Affricate       t͡ʃ   t͡ɕ8        
    Approximant             j w    
    Trill     r              
    1. Class 1 noun accusative suffix only
    2. Transitive and intransitive negatives only
    3. Class 2 noun accusative only
    4. Transitive and intransitive past tense only
    5. Class 3 accusative only
    6. Plural suffix only
    7. Transitive negatives and both transitive and intransitive imperfect tense only
    8. Transitive and intransitive future only
    Close i    
    Near-close   ʊ  
    Open-mid ɛ   ɔ
    Open a    
    Syllable Structure(CC)(R)(VV)(R)(CC)
    Stress informationFor speakers that choose stress over tone, stress is placed on the last syllable (suffixes not included) and the penultimate syllable when there is no consonant coda for the former.
    OtherAll geminates are used to denote affixes, and differentiate them from the root words.
    Below is the orthography for Pashanga. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
     PashangaOrthography [edit]
    Aa/a/BH bh/́/CCH cch/x/1CH ch/k/Dd/d/DD dd/ɖ/2DH dh/j/Ee/ɛ/Ff/f/Ii/i/KH kh/̀/
    Mm/m/MH mh/w/MMH mmh/m:/3Nn/n/Ññ/ŋ/NH nh/̌/ÑÑ ññ/ŋ:/4NN nn/n:/5Oo/ɔ/Pp/p/PH ph/β/
    PPH pph/ɸ/6Rr/r/Ss/ʃ/SH sh/̂/SS ss/ʃ:/7Tt/t͡ʃ/TH th/h/TT tt/t͡ɕ/8Uu/ʊ/
    ✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
    1. Transitive negatives and both transitive and intransitive imperfect tense only
    2. Transitive and intransitive past tense only
    3. Class 1 noun accusative suffix only
    4. Class 2 noun accusative only
    5. Transitive and intransitive negatives only
    6. Class 3 accusative only
    7. Plural suffix only
    8. Transitive and intransitive future only
    Additional NotesThe graphemes <bh>, <kh>, <nh> and <sh> are zero consonants that mark high, low, rising, and falling tone respectively. These are not pronounced.
    Typological information for Pashanga

    Adjective agreementNone
    Animacy distinctionsThree distinctions
    Copula droppingNone
    Base counting systemDecimal (10)
    Definite articleNone

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