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Sáharían [SHI]
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Registered by [Deactivated User] on 21 November 2016
Language type Artistic Language (Artlang)
Species Human/humanoid
About Sáharían Sáharían is spoken by the people of a small island in a conworld, comparable to 6th–8th century southwestern Britain, but smaller, with fewer cultural layers, more remote, and highly isolationist for most of its fairly short history.

Sáharían is an analytic, fluid-S, strongly head-final, OVS language. Words can generally switch part of speech quite easily; its verbs and nouns are very regular, though there are transformations for changing between nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

The language as it is on CWS represents Sáharían at the end of Sáharía's existence, and the beginning of its successor state Vúlnoría, after the stage where kennings, compounds (including object-verb compounds), and poetic phrases had stopped being reduced and replacing existing words (the language before that process began is called Old Sáharían).

The common dialect is termed Lúrathen, when disambiguation is needed. Its claim to being the main form of Sáharían is held by being the dialect spoken throughout central Sáharía and the southwest (where the capital is located), and by the travelling story-tellers (to whom "Lúrathen" refers).
Sample of Sáharían[view] Hár; therýne ría jéya | gíriáno héine ilís / Hév oyárne ráthane eróa: | Súgarva ’rés jyrún unórvu / Núth thurór sunólne jýrnal. | Eróal narésh, jes bílgira yéna, / Járan bíne thálashára | yevóru thíru yórvar gíra. / Feóa thánelvéshca hév | cáhuronévrar vátoráth, / Yáfuthó cavó syéf | súlucírne íreóra, / Thálonó cavó jes rélcirna | hésran véb ...[view all texts]
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Language family relationships
Language treeHlorasan-Erkavic
 ⤷  Proto-Hlorasan-Erkavic
  ⤷ Proto-Célibrían
   ⤷ Early Célibrían
    ⤷ Middle Célibrían
     ⤷ Tílthorían Dialect
      ⤷ Old Sáharían
       ⤷  Sáharían
[view] About Hlorasan-ErkavicA large and disparate family, with its two main branches being the Hlorasan languages (a narrow group rather comparable to the Romance languages) and the Erkavic languages (a more varied group, with multiple branches within it). There are other minor...
[edit] [view] Thúroshó (North Port)Spoken in the area around Sáharía's main harbour, its town and the Táranórn, on the north coast.

It shows significant influence from Quemar, most obviously with the phonemes d, m and z, the use of t and d as word-final codal consonants, and the shifts of ʃ to t͡s and ʒʱ to d͡z. More subtly, it uses /ʔ/ between vowels. It also shares a few affixes kept distinct in the Lúrathen, which could have first been used in either language, as they derive from Sáharían adpositions/particles/adverbs.
[edit] [view] Ároca (Northeastern)Spoken in Sáharía's northeastern forests—its primary borderlands. Accordingly, it shows some Shêlanian influence, though also a degree of Quemari or Thúroshór influence.

Ároca has a penchant for shortening common adverbs and other pseudo-adverbs/particles. It has also unstressed e as ə and unstressed i as ɪ, voices /t/, /θ/ and /s/ next to voiced phonemes, collapses /eɪ/ ("ay", "ei", etc.) into /e/, and changes /b/ to /v/ when combined with /ʀ/ (which breaks any "br" combinations.
[edit] [view] Ároásh (Northwestern)Spoken in the far northwest of Sáharían. The moors, downs and coast where the Ároashánal (Northwesterners) live are the most remote part of the country inhabited, and their dialect reflects this.

Its key differences from the rest of Sáharían are that its consonants are aspirated or murmured before stressed vowels, and that it retained the Old Sáharían ð. It also retains distinct /ai/ and /ei/, as well as /au/ which went to /eo/ in other dialects.
[edit] [view] Sílcavón (Southeastern)Spoken in Sáharía's far southeast, in the forests along the coast.

Instead of the stress/pitch system of other dialects of Sáharían, Sílcavón makes use of a tense-lax distinction in its vowel system (which most other Sáharíans can't hear). As in Ároca /ʀ/ is realized as a fricative in all positions, and similarly the sequence /bʀ/ has shifted, in this case to [ʁʷ] (though some speakers still pronounce it [βʁ] in slow speech). It also features palatalization of alveolar and velar sounds
Nasal [m]1 [ɱ]2 [n̪]3 n   [ɲ]4 [ŋ]5 [ɴ]6  
Plosive b   [t̪]7 t [d]8     k g9 [q]10 [ɢ]11  
Fricative [ɸ]12 [β]13 f v θ [ð]14 s ʃ ʒ [ʒʱ]15   [x]16 [χ]17 [ʁ]18 h
Affricate       [t͡s]19          
Lateral approximant     [l̪]20 l          
Approximant           j      
Trill               ʀ [ʀʱ]21  
  1. before b, allophone of /n/
  2. before v, allophone of /n/
  3. before or after θ, allophone of /n/
  4. before j, allophone of /n/
  5. before k and g, allophone of /n/
  6. before or after ʀ, allophone of /n/
  7. after θ and sometimes before stressed vowels, allophone of /t/
  8. before ʀ and l, allophone of /t/
  9. also occurs as an allophone of k before ʀ and l
  10. after ʀ, allophone of /k/
  11. after ʀ, allophone of /g/
  12. before unstressed vowels, esp. word initially, allophone of /f/
  13. before unstressed vowels, esp. word initially, allophone of /v/
  14. before n, b, ʀ, and l, allophone of /θ/
  15. before stressed vowels, allophone of /ʒ/
  16. free variation, allophone of /h/
  17. free variation, allophone of /h/
  18. in codas, allophone of /ʀ/
  19. after n, allophone of /s/
  20. before or after θ, allophone of /l/
  21. before stressed vowels, allophone of /ʀ/
Close i   [ɯ]1 u
Close-mid e   [ɤ]2 o
Mid [e̞]3   [o̞]4
Open a [ä]5  
Polyphthongs [aɪ]6
  1. in unstressed syllables unless after a rounded vowel, allophone of /u/
  2. in unstressed syllables unless after a rounded vowel, allophone of /o/
  3. in closed syllables and non-final unstressed syllables, allophone of /e/
  4. in closed syllables, allophone of /o/
  5. in unstressed syllables, allophone of /a/
  6. Free variation, allophone of /eɪ/
Below is the orthography for Sáharían. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 SáharíanOrthography [edit]
Aa/a/, [ä]1AY ay/eɪ/, [aɪ]2Bb/b/Cc/k/, [q]3Ee/e/, [e̞]4Ff/f/, [ɸ]5Gg/g/6, [ɢ]7Hh/h/, [χ]8, [x]9Ii/i/Jj/ʒ/, [ʒʱ]10Ll/l/, [l̪]11
Nn/n/, [n̪]12, [ɱ]13, [ɲ]14, [ŋ]15, [m]16, [ɴ]17Oo/o/, [ɤ]18, [o̞]19Rr/ʀ/, [ʁ]20, [ʀʱ]21, [χ]22Ss/s/, [t͡s]23SH sh/ʃ/Tt/t/, [d]24, [t̪]25TH th/θ/, [ð]26Uu/u/, [ɯ]27Vv/v/, [β]28Yy/j/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
  1. in unstressed syllables
  2. Free variation
  3. after ʀ
  4. in closed syllables and non-final unstressed syllables
  5. before unstressed vowels, esp. word initially
  6. also occurs as an allophone of k before ʀ and l
  7. after ʀ
  8. free variation
  9. free variation
  10. before stressed vowels
  11. before or after θ
  12. before or after θ
  13. before v
  14. before j
  15. before k and g
  16. before b
  17. before or after ʀ
  18. in unstressed syllables unless after a rounded vowel
  19. in closed syllables
  20. in codas
  21. before stressed vowels
  22. before voiceless obstruents
  23. after n
  24. before ʀ and l
  25. after θ and sometimes before stressed vowels
  26. before n, b, ʀ, and l
  27. in unstressed syllables unless after a rounded vowel
  28. before unstressed vowels, esp. word initially
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Typological information for Sáharían

Base counting systemQuinary (5)
Morphosyntactic alignmentFluid-S
Primary word orderOVS
Stress marked?Yes - diacritic
Marked tense (verb)Past, Non-Past

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