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Constructed Imperial Tongue [CIT]
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Constructed Imperial Tongue
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 11 January 2017
Language type A priori
Species Human/humanoid
About Constructed Imperial Tongue The Constructed Imperial Language was developed at the formation of the Imperial Federation, consisting of thousands of individual planets that span many thousands of light years. Originally a conlang developed by super-intelligent beings, it soon became the lingua franca of the Empire. It's official grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and phonology are rigidly controlled by the central imperial government and was intentionally developed without any irregularities to facilitate its learning among the multinational empire.
Sample of Constructed Imperial Tongue[view] Zomvan aasasranebagadamegosetgos uuteregos

The day I met you was a good day.
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Latest vocabulary
sro zudsosro raonwater closet
Nasal m     n      
Plosive [p]1 b   [t̪]2     [k]3 g  
Fricative   [f]4 v [θ]5 ð [s]6 z [ʃ]7 ʒ   [χ]8
Affricate       [t͡s]9 d͡z      
Approximant       [ɹ]10      
Trill       r      
  1. allophone of /b/
  2. allophone of /d̪/
  3. Only when before the first vowel and immediately followed by a vowel, allophone of /g/
  4. allophone of /v/
  5. allophone of /ð/
  6. allophone of /z/
  7. allophone of /ʒ/
  8. Only when before the first vowel and immediately preceding another consonant, allophone of /g/
  9. allophone of /d͡z/
  10. Only occurs when the grapheme appears before the first vowel of the word, allophone of /r/
Close y   u
Mid   ə  
Open a   ɑ
Below is the orthography for Constructed Imperial Tongue. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 Constructed Imperial TongueOrthography
-//Aa/a/Bb/b/, [p]Dd/d̪/, [t̪]Ee/ə/Gg/g/, [k]1, [χ]2Mm/m/Nn/n/Oo/ɑ/
Rr/r/, [ɹ]3Ss/ʒ/, [ʃ]Tt/ð/, [θ]Uu/u/Vv/v/, [f]Yy/y/Zz/z/, [s]/d͡z/, [t͡s]
✖ Unknown alphabetical order
  1. Only when before the first vowel and immediately followed by a vowel
  2. Only when before the first vowel and immediately preceding another consonant
  3. Only occurs when the grapheme appears before the first vowel of the word
Typological information for Constructed Imperial Tongue

Primary word orderNo set order
Morphosyntactic alignmentNominative/Accusative

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