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Deinau [DEJ]
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Registered by [Deactivated User] on 28 May 2015
Language type Artistic Language (Artlang)
Species Human/humanoid
About Deinau Deinau is a language spoken in Tnaaq, on the Nousian territories. It belongs to the East Vajusan branch of the Vajusan language family. It is a very conservative language in its phonology, retaining the 10 vowels developed since the split and few phonological changes. The morphology has been reworked, though, and both nouns and verbs have become more inflected.
Some features:
  • It is a SOV, tripartite language, mostly dependent-marking.
  • It has 10 short and 6 long vowels. There is also a vowel harmony system that controls the backness of vowels within a word, and a disharmony system that rules over highness. Some suffixes have special harmony rules.
  • There are 17 consonants that can be at syllable onsets and 6 at the coda. There is an aspirated-plane contrast in plosives and fricatives, and Four points of articulation including retroflex sounds. Deinau has only a liquid, but lateral fricative is present in some dialects. There is right-spread coronal harmony.
  • Its nouns are inflected for 4 numbers, 7 cases and definiteness by suffixes and tone. There is also a noun-class system of prefixes. Locative cases add an infix l- to argument cases.
  • Verb stem formation and tone depend on transitivity. Verbs are inflected for four numbers with suffixes and 3rd-non3rd person with tone position. There is a system of TAM suffixes that comes from older auxiliaries and sometimes codes a past-non past distinction and plurality. Some verbs have suppletive plurals
  • Pronouns have a clusivity contrast, and 3 persons including paucal/collective. The only proper pronoun paradigm is in the absolutive case, pronouns for other cases are conjugated postpositions.
  • Deinau's word derivation includes about 20 deverbal noun suffixes and a set of participles according to verb class.
  • Interrogative and indefinite pronouns are used only for core arguments, obliques are verbal and subordinate the rest of the sentence.
Sample of Deinau[view] Báz bláŋa ·dluboṇletpa ·ene ·kaapkata.

She sells sea shells by the seashore.
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Latest vocabulary
Language family relationships
Language treeNolian
 ⤷ Proto-nolian
  ⤷ Nauan
   ⤷  Deinau
[view] About NolianDeinau and friends
[edit] [view] madaana (Daan)Spoken in the region of the gulf, south of Nousdutu and surrounded by Tnaaqian languages.
Phonological cluster simplification, verbal morphology also changes. Nouns have fewer classes.
Nasal m   ɳ [ɲ]1 ŋ  
Plosive p [ʰp]2 pʰ [b]3 [t̪]4 [ʰt̪]5 t̪ʰ [d̪]6   ʈ [ʰʈ]7 ʈʰ [ɖ]8 [c]9 [ʰc]10 [cʰ]11 [ɟ]12 [k]13 [ʰk]14 kʰ g  
Fricative [ɸ]15 [θ]16 s [ʰs]17 sʰ [z]18 ʂ [ʰʂ]19 ʂʰ [ʐ]20 [ç]21 [x]22  
Lateral approximant     l [ɭ]23     [ɫ]24
Approximant       [ɻ]25      
Flap     [ɾ]26        
  1. with front vowels, allophone of /ŋ/
  2. allophone of /pʰ/
  3. allophone of /p/
  4. allophone of /t̪ʰ/
  5. allophone of /t̪ʰ/
  6. allophone of /t̪/
  7. allophone of /ʈʰ/
  8. allophone of /ʈ/
  9. with front vowels, allophone of /k/
  10. allophone of /kʰ/
  11. allophone of /kʰ/
  12. with front vowels, allophone of /k/
  13. allophone of /kʰ/
  14. allophone of /kʰ/
  15. allophone of /pʰ/
  16. allophone of /t̪ʰ/
  17. allophone of /sʰ/
  18. allophone of /s/
  19. allophone of /ʂʰ/
  20. allophone of /ʂ/
  21. with front vowels, allophone of /kʰ/
  22. allophone of /kʰ/
  23. allophone of /l/
  24. allophone of /l/
  25. allophone of /ʈ/
  26. allophone of /l/
Close i i: [í]1 y y: [ý] ɯ ɯ: ɯ̂ [ɯ́]2 u u: û [ú]3
Close-mid e ê [é]4 ø ø̂ [ǿ]5 ɤ ɤ̂ [ɤ́]6 o ô [ó]7
Near-open æ æ: æ̂ [ǽ]8  
Open   ɑ ɑ: ɑ̂ [ɑ́]9
  1. allophone of /i/
  2. allophone of /ɯ/
  3. allophone of /u/
  4. allophone of /e/
  5. allophone of /ø/
  6. allophone of /ɤ/
  7. allophone of /o/
  8. allophone of /æ/
  9. allophone of /ɑ/
Below is the orthography for Deinau. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 DeinauOrthography [edit]
Aa/ɑ/AA aa/ɑ:/Bb/p/Cc/g/Ḍḍ/ʈ/, [ʈ]Dd/t̪/, [t̪]Ee/ɤ/Gg/k/, [k]Ii/ɯ/
II ii/ɯ:/Kk/kʰ/Ll/l/Mm/m/Nn/n̪/Ṇṇ/ɳ/Oo/o/Pp/pʰ/Ṣṣ/ʂ/
Ss/s/Ṭṭ/ʈʰ/Tt/t̪ʰ/Uu/u/UU uu/u:/Ẓẓ/ʂʰ/Zz/sʰ/Ŋŋ/ŋ/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
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    Typological information for Deinau

    Morphosyntactic alignmentTripartite
    Primary word orderSOV
    Verb agreementNone

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