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Isky Ruttay Pidgin [MWB]
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New 1,041 words Isky Ruttay Pidgin
Yīktés mɔ̄kǽ
[jkts mɔ́kæ̌]*
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 16 February 2017
Language type Pidgin
Species Human/humanoid
About Isky Ruttay Pidgin A street level patois spoken on the rusty corners of the slum of Isky Ruttay (Yiys khi Retei).

The orthography is IPA-like, save for some simplifications, and the tone marks are different:
a - low (22)
á - rising (24)
ā - high (55)
à - falling (52)
Sample of Isky Ruttay Pidgin[view] 1 Múk gɛ́ xìng nā gi ká yɔ̄ qi pú. / 2 Wēki rɔ̀ngwǣpin xǣnɔ̄ jàng, á èki mɔng ngē Sīnǣ nī, wɛ̄ gɛ̀ pitin. / 3 Ǽ yà kǽn nās mèngtǽ yā tsá tīwi, xā tōwǣwi cɔpɔ̀, wɛ̄ tsáwi xɛ̄ pé mɛ́. Æ ekìs cɔpɔ̀ tǽng co, wɛ̄ ekìs xāpɔ tǽng ɔ̄ga. / 4 Ǽ ekì ká, tsá tīwi, xā múwǣwi nāxā ngɛ̄ yɔ̄ ngɔ̄wìng, kás xɔ̄ æ̀wæ̀ tɔ̄. Ǽ xā tōwǣwi tsī...[view all texts]
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Language family relationships
Language treeMauic
 ⤷ Proto-Mau
  ⤷  Mau
   ⤷  Islander Mau
    ⤷  Isky Ruttay Pidgin
[view] About MauicThis family is basically the descendants of the imperial Mau language.
Nasal m n ɲ   ŋ
Plosive p b t d c ɟ   k g
Fricative   s     x
Affricate   t͡s      
Lateral approximant   l      
Approximant     j w  
Flap   ɾ      
Close î í ì ǐ û ú ù ǔ
Close-mid ê é è ě ô ó ò ǒ
Open-mid ɛ̂ ɛ́ ɛ̀ ɛ̌ ɔ̂ ɔ́ ɔ̀ ɔ̌
Near-open æ̂ ǽ æ̀ æ̌  
Open â á à ǎ  
Below is the orthography for Isky Ruttay Pidgin. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 Isky Ruttay PidginOrthography [edit]
Gg/g/Íí/ǐ/Ii/ì/Ìì/î/Īī/í/Jj/ɟ/Kk/k/Ll/l/Mm/m/Nn/n/NG ng/ŋ/
NY ny/ɲ/Ōō/ó/Òò/ô/Oo/ò/Óó/ǒ/Pp/p/Rr/ɾ/Ss/s/Tt/t/TS ts/t͡s/Ūū/ú/
Úú/ǔ/Ùù/û/Uu/ù/Ww/w/Xx/x/Yy/j/Ææ/æ̀/Æ̀ æ̀/æ̂/Ǽ ǽ/æ̌/Ǣ ǣ/ǽ/Ɔɔ/ɔ̀/
Ɔ̀ ɔ̀/ɔ̂/Ɔ́ ɔ́/ɔ̌/Ɔ̄ ɔ̄/ɔ́/Ɛɛ/ɛ̀/Ɛ̀ ɛ̀/ɛ̂/Ɛ́ ɛ́/ɛ̌/Ɛ̄ ɛ̄/ɛ́/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
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