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Nicktongue [NKTNG]
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Typology New 222 words Nicktongue
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 30 October 2023
Language type Not specified
Species Human/humanoid
Sample of Nicktongue[view] Hlaford bë mín skehphirdr, / Eģ sulëhef nún vant. / Hë mi mekkë téy mí løyer í grehn akrar / Mi líydëþ asíd frín shteln vódren, / mekkëþ nÿ mín sól på sehk aaf zín naam. / / Yaar, ðu eģ í frí laagr aaf frí shadowë aaf díþ felkë, / Eģ súlëhef nún féyr aaf íføl, / Ast þú vetrå míy bë, / Þín rót ont þín stapf, / Dë mí felnmekkë. / / Fórm...[view all texts]
Latest vocabulary
aat þéyz síd aafadpon this side of
Typological information for Nicktongue

Definite articleDistinct article
Demonstrative proximityDistal/Proximal
Primary directional systemRelative egocentric (right/left)
Double negativesNot possible

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