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Panujihani [PBU]
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Typology Progressing 329 words
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Registered by [Deactivated User] on 8 January 2018
Language type A priori
Species Human/humanoid
About Panujihani The Panyçihæni (panyçihæni) language was on the brink of extinction less than 50 years ago due to the prohibition of the language by the Önssu Empire. The Liberation Wars of 1990 saw the freedom of ethnic Panyçis from the oppressive regime. With the creation of a new state, the language saw a revival.

Note: Panyçihæni has three main dialects: Fotim (fotim), Púgðïp (púgðïp), & Läśćòź (läśćòź). The standardised version of Panyçihæni is the Fotim dialect.
Sample of Panujihani[view] uàlvuçśi bíh lömätlòx faźövÿnsö cubæt.

I didn't realise this was a sad occasion.
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Latest vocabulary
Language family relationships
[view] Läśćòź (Loshchozh)This dialect is spoken in the eastern mountains of Panyçi.
[view] Púgðïp (Pugdhip)Púgðïp is spoken is the south-western regions of Panyçi.
Nasal m     n     [ɲ]1   ŋ      
Plosive p b     t d         k g q [ʔ]2  
Fricative   f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ [ɕ]3 [ʑ]4 [ç]5 [ʝ]6   [x]7 [ɣ]8 χ ʁ [ʁ̥]9 h [ɦ]10  
Affricate         t͡ʃ d͡ʒ [t͡ɕ]11 [d͡ʑ]12            
Lateral approximant       l     [ʎ]13         [ɫ]14
Approximant   [ʋ]15         j w       [ɥ]16
Trill       r                
Flap       [ɾ]17                
  1. Only occurs before rounded vowels, allophone of /n/
  2. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable, allophone of /h/
  3. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /ʃ/
  4. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /ʒ/
  5. Only occurs before rounded vowels, allophone of /h/
  6. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /k/
  7. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable, allophone of /χ/
  8. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /g/
  9. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable, allophone of /ʁ/
  10. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /h/
  11. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /t͡ʃ/
  12. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /d͡ʒ/
  13. Only occurs before rounded vowels, allophone of /l/
  14. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable, allophone of /l/
  15. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /v/
  16. Only occurs before rounded vowels, allophone of /w/
  17. Only occurs between vowels, allophone of /r/
Close i y     ɯ u
Near-close     ʊ  
Close-mid e ø ɵ   ɤ o
Mid   ə    
Open-mid ɛ œ     ʌ ɔ
Near-open   ɐ    
Open a ɶ     ɑ ɒ
Below is the orthography for Panujihani. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
Ää/ɶ/Àà/ɐ/Aa/a/Bb/b/Çç/d͡ʒ/, [d͡ʑ]1Cc/ʁ/, [ɣ]2, [ʁ̥]3Ćć/t͡ʃ/, [t͡ɕ]4Dd/d/Éé/ɛ/Ee/e/
Ëë/ø/Ff/f/Gg/g/Hh/h/, [ɦ]5, [ʔ]6, [ç]7Ii/i/Íí/ɤ/Ïï/y/Jj/j/Kk/k/, [ʝ]8Ll/l/, [ʎ]9, [ɫ]10
Mm/m/Nn/n/, [ɲ]11Ńń/ŋ/Óó/œ/Öö/ɔ/Oo/ʌ/Òò/o/Pp/p/Qq/q/Rr/r/, [ɾ]12
Ss/s/Śś/ʃ/, [ɕ]13Tt/t/Úú/ʊ/Uu/ɑ/Üü/ɒ/Vv/v/, [ʋ]14Ww/w/, [ɥ]15Xx/χ/, [x]16Yy/ɯ/
Ÿÿ/u/Zz/z/Źź/ʒ/, [ʑ]17Ææ/ə/Ðð/ð/Þþ/θ/Œœ/ɵ/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order
  1. Only occurs between vowels
  2. Only occurs between vowels
  3. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable
  4. Only occurs between vowels
  5. Only occurs between vowels
  6. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable
  7. Only occurs before rounded vowels
  8. Only occurs between vowels
  9. Only occurs before rounded vowels
  10. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable
  11. Only occurs before rounded vowels
  12. Only occurs between vowels
  13. Only occurs between vowels
  14. Only occurs between vowels
  15. Only occurs before rounded vowels
  16. Only occurs as the coda of a syllable
  17. Only occurs between vowels
Latest 8 related articles listed below.
Panujihani (Panyçihæni) Alphabet
An overview of the script used to write Panyçihæni
18-Jul-18 02:04
Typological information for Panujihani

Morphological typologyAgglutinative
Morphosyntactic alignmentNominative/Accusative
Vowel harmonyRound-unround
Vowel harmony scopeWhole word harmony
Vowel harmony exemptionsNo exemptions; all vowels harmonise

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