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Sheyan [SHYN]
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Typology Progressing 4,478 words
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Registered by [Deactivated User] on 20 September 2020
Language type A priori
Species Human/humanoid
About Sheyan Mostly a priori, although it does have Korean influences.

Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable
Main word order: Subject Object Verb (Prepositional phrase). "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary [the] door opened with [a] key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: Postpositions
Articles: Sheyan has no definite article ‘the’, or indefinite article ‘a’.
Word initial consonants: h, hj, j, k, kj, kw, kʰ, m, mj, mw, n, nj, p, pj, pʰ, pʰj, s, t, tʰ, w, ɾ, ʨ, ʨʰ, ʨʰw
Mid-word consonants: d, h, hj, j, k, kk, kkj, kpj, kpʰ, ks, kt, kw, kʨ, kʰ, m, md, mh, mj, mm, mn, mnj, mp, mpʰj, ms, mt, mɡ, mʨ, mʨʰ, n, nd, nh, nj, nk, nm, nmj, nn, np, ns, nt, ntʰ, nɡ, nɡj, nʨ, nʨʰ, p, pj, pk, ps, pt, pʨ, pʨʰ, pʰ, pʰj, s, t, tk, tt, tʨ, tʨʰ, tʰ, w, ŋ, ŋd, ŋh, ŋhj, ŋj, ŋk, ŋm, ŋmj, ŋn, ŋp, ŋpʰ, ŋpʰj, ŋs, ŋɡ, ŋɡj, ŋʨʰ, ɡ, ɡj, ɡw, ɭd, ɭk, ɭm, ɭp, ɭpʰ, ɭpʰj, ɭs, ɭt, ɭtʰ, ɭɡ, ɭɡj, ɭɡw, ɭɭ, ɾ, ɾh, ɾj, ɾw, ʨ, ʨʰ
Word final consonants: k, m, n, p, t, ŋ, ɭ
Sample of Sheyan[view] keoma kwut yeomda kakso ama tapoeu chae.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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Latest vocabulary
Nasal m n         ŋ  
Plosive p pʰ b t tʰ d         k kʰ g  
Fricative   s           h
Affricate       t͡ɕ t͡ɕʰ        
Lateral approximant     ɭ          
Approximant         j w    
Flap   ɾ            
Close i i: y ɯ ɯ: u u:
Close-mid e e: o o:
Open-mid ɛ ɛ: ʌ
Open a a:  
Below is the orthography for Sheyan. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
a/a/, /a:/ae/ɛ/, /ɛ:/b/b/ch/t͡ɕʰ/, /t͡ɕ/d/d/e/e:/, /e/eo/ʌ/eu/ɯ:/, /ɯ/g/g/h/h/i/i/, /i:/j/j/
k/kʰ/, /k/l/ɭ/m/m/n/n/ng/ŋ/o/o/, /o:/p/p/, /pʰ/r/ɾ/s/s/t/t/, /tʰ/u/u:/, /u/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order
    Typological information for Sheyan

    Definite articleWord for 'this/that' used
    Noun-adjective orderAdjective first

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