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 Kavrinian Word summary
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affix -se -se
becomes -te after sibilants and palatals

replacing the final -a with -e for verbs with the derivation -a

replacing the final -ta with -tse for verbs with the derivation -ta
Derivatives of this word (1288):
ašterun (act of running)N
gvaansesuicide (act of killing o...)N
nhotseannihilation N
zaasepassing (the passing of t...)N
oošerush (hurry!)N
nölhnetsemassage (backrub)N
kaarhsemodulation (rhythm)N
ovsakseshoplifting (theft)N
vinlatserole playing (genre)N
nhevsediscernment (the ability to j...)N
zenselistening (act)N
nyöckaaseboycott (refuse to give b...)N
cvesetranslation N
nenhseconvergence (moving together)N
ränsecorruption (political)N
czuyansesurrender (surrendering)N
cänhseconsumption N
näyselying (being in horizan...)N
ötsoštepetting (the act of petti...)N
cöšterest N
riinsedisappearance (disappear)N
saztespeculation (contemplation)N
täštestretch (the act of stret...)N
ranhseerosion (process of weari...)N
cookvelseweightlifting (sport)N
čaǧtegovernance (overall governin...)N
czïgökserepression N
qiinerivalry (competition for ...)N
raakaaseabandonment N
kyökseadoration (act of adoring)N
sözöštesleep-talking (somniloquy)N
csirhtseintegration (state or of bein...)N
koonhkaaysebombardment (bombing)N
yutovseevolution N
hagzaaserelay N
nhïsteinspection N
czitsebreathing (inhaling, exhali...)N
zanselooking (the act of seein...)N
gaattseenactment (law)N
kansecombustion (burning process)N
cväyseprovision (act of providing)N
aarsepermission N
rinhtsepersonification (symbol)N
yuuyekserepulsion N
czenvatsefortition (linguistics)N
tarhseconformity (matching others)N
yuucëërseeviction (getting thrown o...)N
qarqäkserebellion N
yököseprayer (the practice of ...)N
vagsefight N
vitstöölhsecharge (electricity)N
nanöšteinterview N
nyönhsepurchase (act)N
csenhsetest (general)N
qääntsereversal (instance of reve...)N
narhsemixture N
tacztespelling (of a document)N
nöötsteclosure N
tsatsestomping (e.g. stomping gr...)N
lhaaczörhtsedomestication (of plants or ani...)N
gerserise N
lhaylhalkaayseincarnation (the action/proce...)N
tälereign N
yeeštsepurification (the act of purif...)N
kaasethrow (flight of someth...)N
kënäysedependence (the state of bei...)N
cëroosteresentment (hate)N
orartseresonance (reverberation)N
tersetease (tease)N
czööztedisgust N
nhenagseconception (coming into bein...)N
azyöötseexportation (act of exporting)N
yötsenhseexploration N
kogsaztselactation (milk production)N
neesteincubation (eggs)N
czučaasedeployment (act of being dep...)N
yugonhehazing (initiation or be...)N
cïkseadvancement (progression)N
vezoštsöysedrumming N
ǧöyčutsevictimisation (falling victim o...)N
roostelibel (written defamati...)N
czëksecrouch (low stance)N
vozaarsedisplacement (liquid)N
aašaavenhsestall (in flight)N
colhčaasedelimitation (drawing of bound...)N
cöšisötsehibernation (act of saving th...)N
nyönhsebuying (action)N
töreseclusion (being away from ...)N
taaglatyakserecycling (recyclement)N
ečteseizure (convulsions)N
saktaagseembezzlement (theft or misappr...)N
vavesaasedemonstration N
cïsörsepropulsion N
nhïkakseimmigration N
yekseplacement (act of placing)N
laakserefusal (act of refusing)N
kakinhintsefantasising (fantasise)N
vëënsedisparagement (act of disparagi...)N
raarhsetransformation N
höštsedistortion (bend the truth)N
ganhseharvest N
čočtemaintenance (take care of; cf...)N
këǧaleaffirmation (emotional suppor...)N
cöšisötsehibernation (winter)N
ǧöysehurting (act of wounding ...)N
czučtepeck (with beak)N
cvöcztelawsuit (in court)N
vëǧansetreatment (rights)N
lostegain (something gained)N
talaarhsemetamorphosis (conspicuous and ...)N
tärseplaying (act of playing, ...)N
röntsecommemoration (act of commemora...)N
azcazteextraction (act of extractin...)N
azkääseemission (act of emitting)N
ǧičtesuccession N
lačtesuspicion (cautious distrus...)N
saksesneaking (noun for "to sne...)N
leteperformance (on stage)N
syukačtepause (brief stop)N
susunhtööksecentralisation (act of center-in...)N
häktsesorting (process)N
yaztespill (n)N
aziǧyansedodge (act of dodging)N
nhëvugtseterraformation (process of makin...)N
tärhsedomination (ruling)N
cïïrtsesacrificing (act of making a ...)N
gaarhseacclimatisation (becoming accusto...)N
zyeentsegeneralisation (non-specific sta...)N
yönsenhsecourtship (wooing)N
sörhsesolving (gerund)N
cïsyutovseprogress N
czïtaagseundertaking (enterprise)N
yoštegrooming (not just persona...)N
azyensediffusion N
vërtseawakening N
cënastereference (cited)N
rhansebaking (cooking)N
vënseswimming N
gäčteself-control (impulse control)N
zukčiinsegraduation (completion of ed...)N
šaakënvelsepromotion (raising)N
zansewatching (gerund)N
ačtegrasp (within one's)N
cëkääsesubmission (~application, pr...)N
ǧyööksedisturbance N
etkuskaaysestigmatisation (social)N
lacëlserecommencement (restarting)N
önsearrival N
vuutseenlargement (act of enlarging)N
totarsecruise (journey)N
geelhsetransgression (generic)N
laarsejudgement (opinion)N
tääštsecorrection N
tönsemerger (act of mergin)N
taksesplit (A split)N
ööqsesatisfaction N
nazesymbolism (symbolising)N
qarqäkserevolt (struggle against...)N
këtvöczteimpeachment (a charge against...)N
cëkacteseduction (temptation)N
czävseshock N
czïtanhsesubscription (cf. subscribe)N
tesnörhseconfrontation (a clash)N
nëlhsestreaming (act of streaming)N
tsašteloitering (gerund of 'to lo...)N
tuutseunification N
vyönhsejump N
nhötsecollaboration (the act of colla...)N
vaactefrightening (act of making so...)N
nöölcaztedistillation (chemistry)N
rhuuvagsebrawl (bar fight)N
laataaksebisection (equal parts)N
göstootsefabrication (act of fabricati...)N
yutovsedevelopment N
oonkaaseauthorisation (permission)N
kaačteremoval (from office)N
cogtsedepiction N
siincörsedictatorship (state ruled by d...)N
vënhinseadmiration N
tyoonczïïtsestandardisation (making standard)N
šölhsechange (becoming differe...)N
nhatsedemolition (destruction)N
čenhseintrusion (action of intrud...)N
oqedate (calendar)N
yukeensedissociation (disconnect betwe...)N
nösebargaining (haggling)N
nhïtserecording (the process of r...)N
šaqtsemoderation (just enough)N
aazrhaantseoverheating (sensation of bei...)N
zolätstestrangling (process of stran...)N
vaatsesuccess N
ǧyösereply N
azyansepublication (act of publishin...)N
kontseignition (start a fire)N
koksemotion N
täšteextension N
cïgseanticipation (expectation)N
karsescratching N
azcaysewithdrawal (monetary)N
lakunsereuse (using again)N
csaczteexamination (investigation)N
yaarsetrim (cut)N
rhunhensemeditation N
vööstecivilisation (process of being...)N
nhëlavkvesereconquista (reconquest of an...)N
lanestereincarnation (living again)N
zugsemeasurement N
zöökooksementorship (teaching)N
öytseupdate N
geegtsemarking (nominalization o...)N
vënhöyseedition N
rööcserhsesoldering (solderers' work)N
tïïštseland reclamation (process of makin...)N
geelösepersuasion (act of persuadin...)N
rönsememorisation (memorise)N
velselift (act of lifting)N
zveečteinterpretation (expression/view)N
vëcevtseconservation N
cïkaaseforecast (e.g. weather)N
votseslaughter (massacre, bloodb...)N
ǧevseredemption (the act of redee...)N
këtaakseallocation (sharing out)N
raataagseconfiscation (the act of confi...)N
kočtetorture N
nölhsefriction N
takseseparation N
čaaczteinstallation (software)N
ǧiyekseprocrastination N
nhatsedevastation (catastroph)N
këtaczteaccreditation (for example scho...)N
ayöötsedigesting N
tsulhzaanvästeoration (a public speech)N
cazgiirtseabsolution (freedom from gui...)N
raarhlayääseremodelling (changing)N
geqseaccumulation N
gökörseoppression (~mistreatment, s...)N
ceevseassurance N
voolhseappreciation (enjoyment of)N
tääntanaanseproliferation (rapid multiplica...)N
väsëqseadvocacy (advocating)N
latyakserecreation (A remake)N
vösediscussion (conversation)N
qaksewelcome N
geelzansesupervision N
tošedisposition (willingness)N
aarhseadjustment N
gezečtedecapitation (act of decapitat...)N
koolčatsesurf N
nätsesewing (the act of stitc...)N
sutsepinch (ouch)N
geeltanseoverthrowal (government, cham...)N
täqarsemutiny (uprising)N
cëtöčkyättsefederalisation (quality of feder...)N
vyonseendowment (furnishing)N
cïyeklutsedelegation (to delegate)N
czinhsefollowing N
këtäšteattendance N
tääšterepairment (act of repairing)N
lahavčaaserelocation (new home)N
naastereveal (noun)N
kënasteappointment (new role)N
czïgtseenslavement (act of making so...)N
nhëlhazvatselandslide (avalanche)N
vokseflow N
cevsesafeguard (a measure taken ...)N
zyänsedevotion N
vitskaayseelectrification N
čaavikacztebarbecue (a type of cookin...)N
tätsesuspension (state of being s...)N
yelkaaseprojection (through another)N
vaactescare N
kevseebullition (general)N
ceevsereassurance (confirmation)N
azacteeruption N
laarsearbitration N
colhtseconfinement (imprisonment)N
orčenhseinfringement (violation)N
töšteblow (general)N
kvosegaze N
yaašteinheritance N
čaaksecontinuation (act of continuin...)N
vööstecivilisation (state of being c...)N
lhalsaasesomatisation (somatize)N
tönlhalarhtsepersonalisation N
göyseslip (tumble)N
raatseabolition (ending law, cust...)N
zattseexposure (cf. expose)N
yäärseannealing (smithing practic...)N
rorsevibration (e.g. soundwaves)N
csacztecheck (typographic)N
ǧistinzöseecholocation N
yörnistseionisation (chemistry)N
söztsedreaming N
geelötsetransition (change, transfor...)N
gičaasecustomisation (action of custom...)N
veezkokseteleportation (teleport)N
vuutseaugmentation (enlargement)N
raštesuffocation (asphyxia)N
yääseconstruction N
kekseagitation (opposite of sere...)N
yu'evsediscovery N
öcztewailing (crying aloud)N
zyööntsebeautification (make beautiful)N
kanseburning N
kečteshearing (act of shearing)N
tyeksecomposing (process; music)N
nhölivequackery (fake medicine)N
kaasethrowing (what you're doin...)N
sonhsesearch N
äsnizyöötsepraxis (theory in practi...)N
senhzökseexperiment (e.g. scientific)N
rästerepentance (remorse)N
czëërteksedecomposition (rotting away)N
nhïzanhseosmosis (net movement of ...)N
ränranhsecorrosion (eating away)N
henseprescription (medication)N
nhïčteimplication (suggestion, insi...)N
vöcztelamentation (lament)N
czërsedecline (slope)N
öqseprotrusion N
taaksedivision (split)N
rontsesolidification (to solidify)N
sakizenteeavesdropping (sneakily listeni...)N
nhïtanhseregistration N
yuunölhseabrasion (scraping)N
cïzöseprophecy (act of prophesyi...)N
ränsecorruption (general)N
cïkseadvance (physically move ...)N
vyaarseconfirmation (confirm)N
ronhseatrophy (wasting away)N
nhaanhoysestarvation (going without fo...)N
lhätsedeletion (act of deleting)N
hööšteshot (eg. gunshot)N
gaasemanufacture (fabrication)N
laröcteretelling (repetition)N
czuzäntseenlightenment N
šaakënczëërsedemotion (lowering)N
hööšteshooting (instance of firi...)N
azlaavsequarantine (sickness)N
niitserefining (purifying)N
taaksedivide (area of division)N
azatseweathering (erosion)N
aalhseselection (choice)N
vëvästedebate N
rharnitsesealioning (type of trolling)N
tyatsehit (strike)N
vötseskinning (process)N
tyonhseimitation (copy)N
ǧöysevandalisation (to vandalise)N
šänseshyness (being shy)N
tiitčaaztseimmunisation (disease protecti...)N
naksetwist N
yeelseduplication (act of duplicati...)N
ǧalevoting (election)N
rheentsevalidation N
nhïčvagseboxing (sport)N
nhëërooseassassination (murder)N
cazöytseprosecution (legal)N
rosiheštedeformation (distortion in sh...)N
nhörseaggression N
gänseflight N
kokczaqtsemobilisation (army preparation)N
layägsecover (A recording of a...)N
tošetendency N
väzoštebeat (pulsation)N
yozǧyöökseincest (tsk tsk)N
söttsehypnosis (trance state wit...)N
rërseripening (the act of)N
czeseadhesion (act of adhering)N
svetsteglance (look)N
tošepropensity (tendency)N
elhserebuke (reproof)N
kunseuse N
velseraising (cf. lowering)N
nhïzonseintrospection (the act or proce...)N
tääntseincrease (addition)N
nhëcästedistrust (lack of trust)N
anaarhsecoordination (synchronisation)N
kookseguidance (guide)N
cikverhsetitration (determination of...)N
yuucayčetseabstraction (idea)N
koksemove (act of moving)N
czeseadherence (stickiness)N
yukeensedisassociation (Disconnection an...)N
zoyeltsesynchronisation (In accordance, a...)N
čööseplagiarism (stealing of idea...)N
qarqäksedefiance (standing up to s...)N
nhačteintervention (interference)N
sacztemanagement (act of managing)N
höštsediffraction (physics)N
vonhööšteinjection (shot)N
csontseenhancement (improvement)N
caltsealignment N
tösecommunication N
vunciitseamputation (cutting off)N
nhenoltöčteconcentration (focus on somethi...)N
ǧikseregression N
yaaseparking (act of parking c...)N
kösepoke (prod)N
saztseliquefaction N
nhäcztefailure (instance)N
csonöseapproval N
riczïïntsereduction (in size)N
saaztepainting (act of)N
geeläysetransfer (act of moving)N
nhatsetsesabotage (vandalism)N
zyöötseexecution (carrying out)N
vukseexpansion N
kësaaseexhibition (An instance of e...)N
gešnhïntselegalisation (making legal)N
kyekseinfection N
geerserelief N
kikseknock N
lataltsereform (renewal of polic...)N
ciitsesevering (cutting)N
ragserescue N
azlaavsesegregation (act of segregati...)N
öcztecrying (tears)N
ciistebelittlement (humiliation)N
äčtecontrol N
qvöserefutation (act of refuting)N
tinsonhsesound navigation and ranging (the technique, n...)N
keensemarriage N
geeltansecapsizing (overturn)N
ǧiksereturn (homecoming)N
taqiitsecarcinogenesis (creation of canc...)N
zërökseBig Bang (astronomical the...)PPR
nhöyzööšteinternship (job taken by an ...)N
teeviitsepackaging (material somethi...)N
töšteboasting (Ha, ha!)N
kotseincitement (encouragement of...)N
šaaqsebloating (sensation of bei...)N
ǧalevote (formal choice)N
czuurazkaasedefenestration (the act of throw...)N
soorhepuzzlement (bewilderment)N
laczutsereorganisation (organising anew)N
toraarhseconversion (act of convertin...)N
ǧyutöseinterrogation (questioning)N
latseacting N
yooštsesanitation (keeping sanitary)N
geelanseextradition (cf. extradite)N
gavsecalling (gerund)N
nhöösehiring (act by which an ...)N
vëzöseacknowledgement (achievement)N
sïïvlhazvatseavalanche N
tazteexclusion (nominal of exclu...)N
ötnetserationalisation (making something...)N
cäztedirecting (act of giving di...)N
vëlaarsecriticism N
yaktsedepravity (moral corruption)N
höösansediscrimination (individual preju...)N
raakaasedisposal (of waste)N
yukseavoidance N
čööšaatsecolonisation N
sanzösewitnessing (act or instance ...)N
yuukactededuction (conclusion)N
roosösevilification (act of vilifying)N
ǧyöseresponse N
kokunsedriving (act of operating...)N
caanseyearning (deep want for st...)N
vugeqtesönhinkepler conjecture (conjecture about...)N
näätvelseupgrade (improve)N
eentseconstriction (narrowing)N
saklhagsepoaching (illegal hunting)N
kaksemigration N
votroosemassacre N
geelhaysesurvival (live through smt...)N
äksecomfort (alleviated; to b...)N
yoštecleaning N
yuǧatediscouragement (persuasion again...)N
lacsonhseretry (trying again)N
halsefencing (swordfighting)N
zäägöksepenetration (of something)N
tïšëgsemining (c.f. mine; act o...)N
ǧalösepronunciation N
czërsedescent N
tölseblend (mixture)N
ratseremoval (act of removing)N
azkäseacting out (emotional and ph...)V
yuyeltsedissimilation (cf. assimilation)N
sivagoštethreshing (act)N
sazčäsecondensation N
geeltanserevolution (insurrection)N
gezečtebeheading (decapitation)N
čingaltseglobalisation (global/internati...)N
narnhëseinkwell (ink container)N
tanseturn (in direction)N
cëtaaksedistribution N
yeečočtehousekeeping (homecleaning)N
čatseriding (generic)N
nhöykaačtestrike (work stoppage)N
yörsedeparture N
tinhseastonishment (surprise)N
seysemating dance (ritualistic flir...)N
öktsetorment N
cïčaaksebooking (reservation)N
cëlaarsesentence (judgment)N
nhačtejamming (Interfering with...)N
yuczïnhedesalination (removing salt)N
körsecompellence (the ability of o...)N
csuušaarhsetransformation into an animal-like monster (shapeshifting)N
läksepet (like a pat given...)N
rosösedisapproval (act of disapprov...)N
käčteparry (act)N
vonhselibation (religious)N
čincsontseperfection N
nhottseruin (state)N
yansegiving (to give)N
cuqseinsult N
ašteruntime (program executio...)N
čenhseinvasion N
čintïïlsestatistic (data)N
gerseascension (rising)N
oštetrembling (shaking)N
čenhsetrespass (transgression)N
lostevictory (winning)N
vaksestrike (hit)N
čaaksepersistence N
töörtseisolation (being alone)N
vilkaarhseair conditioning (system, process)N
qöktsetickle (act)N
cänhseingestion (of food or drink)N
rhaaseirritation (annoyance)N
yozarsehaemorrhage (medical)N
orëgseusurpation (throne taking)N
nhïïrhtyonhsesimulation (imitation)N
yöötseconveyance (transporting)N
konhvaksecrash (impact)N
läznhevseradar (radio detection ...)N
azaalhseelection N
kenselabour (work)N
zasepassage ("safe passage")N
lataltsereformation (process of refor...)N
nhacztecollapse (it gone now)N
vontsedilution (act of diluting)N
lhatsesymbiosis (diffetent organi...)N
yeštecleansing N
ǧutsebullying (act of intimidat...)N
ǧaštepursuit N
yeläkanhsecannibalism (eating one of yo...)N
lhätseextinguishment (act of extinguis...)N
raanhseblur (smudge, smear, b...)N
čincsacztescrutiny (close examinatio...)N
čiinsecompletion N
yuhavedislocation (joint)N
yeltseassimilation (act of being ass...)N
kyanseadmittance (act of admitting)N
tyäseexpenditure (act of paying ou...)N
hatičtepossession (ownership)N
yääczteestablishment (act of establish...)N
tïïlsecalculation (numbers)N
nhaarösedenial N
nhaztattsetransaction (instance of paym...)N
tövsedissolution (disintegration o...)N
verhsedetermination (resolve)N
yosewalking (action)N
taqtseinsulation (~protection)N
zööštetraining N
nhërheenvatseexpiration (expiry)N
tučtedial-up (archaic internet...)N
naanhsesubjugation N
okazkääseluminescence (emission of ligh...)N
nhïyöötseimportation (act of importing)N
syutseinteraction N
yöštealternation (alternate succes...)N
tëkseflogging (corporal punishm...)N
qarseopposition (bad guys)N
tuutsesolidarity (solidarity)N
taanvarseact of trying to help but messing everything up (unintentionally ...)N
caanhcanhsegluttony (stop eating! :o)N
yöötsebringing (the act of bring...)N
köstenaming (giving a name)N
czävsedaze (instance of conf...)N
yäčkaaysespanking (corporal punishm...)N
keyseshaving (process of shavi...)N
vaacaǧtedeterrence (discouragement)N
cëërseshove (rough push)N
vësonhsesojourn (a brief visit)N
tönlöötsesimplification (act of making si...)N
höštserefraction (physics)N
zyöötseexecution (legal killing)N
zäsewading (act)N
ačtegrip (hand-hold)N
yuukunseabuse (misuse)N
raarhkatsecatalysis (chemistry)N
roonhetanning (making leather)N
czuyöötseupbringing (childhood)N
czvënsehover (flying in place)N
nhïczteswallow (act of)N
vïïziczörhsebeekeeping (raising bees)N
aaznhöyseoverwork (excessive work)N
lazöserecognition N
nölhserub N
cöötacogtseportrayal (depiction)N
tërseconnecting (gerund)N
naksetorsion (twisting of an o...)N
sonhošteresearch (investigation )N
czeeltaaqvatsecirrhosis (disease)N
vaavefarming (process)N
cvöcztesuit (lawsuit)N
gerseascent N
ötereasoning (thought)N
yuntösetelecommunication (via internet, et...)N
rucösenarration (a rettelling; a ...)N
kööšteroaming (act of roaming)N
yuvoredehydration N
ǧiskäsereaction N
ceevseguarantee N
catseblaming (blame)N
yösemetabolism (chemical reactio...)N
cziičteagglutination (linguistics)N
coogseveneration N
nhääseamazement (amazing-ness)N
rharočepickpocketing (stealing from on...)N
nhëërhsecasting (metallurgy)N
sučtecompromise N
vočtewashing (wash)N
aaštseacceleration N
šaakënczëërsedebasement (making worthless)N
giraacaysesecession N
vooctseblackmail (demand with mena...)N
nhööseemployment N
vyönhseconleap year (year with leap d...)N
vëcevsepreservation N
lhäätvatseextinction (poor dinosaurs)N
yötkunseride (trip in a vehicl...)N
nhööqsedisappointment (event)N
cookseadventure N
yurtsecancellation (the act of cance...)N
vaceegtsesuburbanisation (development of s...)N
činvevseshroud (wrap the dead)N
šaksedesecration (blasphemy)N
tozansescan (technological)N
qätsequarrel (dispute)N
acaysepreoccupation (worry)N
lanhseinclusion N
ǧaštechase N
cactetug (sharp pull)N
roysedeath (abstract)N
ločteretention (continued holdin...)N
cserhgaasesynthesis N
takcsaczteanalysis (analyse stuff)N
aztezteoutbreak (illness)N
čenhčööšteinfestation (colony of vermin)N
nyöseexchange N
cakseprecipitation (rain snow etc)N
guksefrying N
začtespasm (sudden, involunt...)N
ǧelsetermination (causing to end)N
aašespeeding (driving too fast)N
röczoštechat (idle conversatio...)N
sarhseentanglement (the action or fa...)N
nhïtavseimmersion (in fluid)N
nösenegotiation (discussion, deli...)N
azgävseproclamation (proclaim)N
cvekseresignation (quit job)N
šölhsemutation (DNA change)N
yuutefluctuation (rapid shifting)N
nhaksefinding (investigation)N
vöörsecooking N
vokaaysehydration N
iilhepardon N
vakseblow (strike)N
czöztevomiting (act/experience)N
nhëërcënasteinnuendo (indirect referen...)N
vočtewash (act of washing)N
činhsehealing (heal)N
coogseworship (reverence)N
tïïlcaysetaxation (act of being tax...)N
ciitsecastration (chop chop)N
qäkseresistance N
tönsefusion (act of fusing)N
vööstecivilisation (advanced society)N
ronhroytsemummification (embalming)N
rhotnäägtääštseorthodontics (study of arrangi...)N
ciistescorn (contempt)N
qagseaccomplishment N
vyeeyöötseshipment N
yuvöörhsedisrespect (not respect)N
geelagseconquest (military)N
veekseoffence (act of offending)N
kyakseattack (the action of at...)N
ayaksedisintegration (falling apart)N
yäkseplanting (the act of plant...)N
tonhsecollision N
qëtoogseabstinence (act of abstainin...)N
čaagsereplacement (process of repla...)N
huvespam N
csacztecheck (a test of accura...)N
gääštaagsearrest (under it)N
šaakënczëërsedegradation (humiliation)N
azyörseomission (act of omitting)N
lhääǧyötsegreeting N
qansewait N
vileventilating (blowing air on)N
czëërsedepreciation (lowering of pric...)N
nhöksepretence (false claim)N
czïsteespionage (intelligence gat...)N
lhätseerasure N
tevsewrapping (act of enclosing)N
cvökserenouncement (act)N
geeltenseoverhearing (act)N
čininhatseextermination (DALEKS)N
tarsepatrolling (act of going on ...)N
zaarseperspiration (sweat)N
čöncetseaggravation (exacerbation)N
yurtseannulment (cancellation)N
höšnaksedistortion (twist out of sha...)N
yuuyöötseabduction (state of abducti...)N
gväčtseautomation (making things au...)N
czukääsesubmission (~compliance)N
čaygerseenthronement (becoming a monar...)N
enhseapproach (nearing)N
yarhehug N
uurëčtesailing (sailing)N
sötsesleep N
csonhsetrial (attempt)N
zaarseostracisation (phenomenon of os...)N
haatselocalisation (being at some pl...)N
sutektseinterruption (.)N
czërhseabasement (evaluating as wo...)N
giirtseliberation (free)N
soonaatseidealisation (the action of re...)N
narënhgöötsesmear campaign (effort to damage...)N
raataagsedeprivation (deprive)N
čočteupkeep (maintenance cost)N
yöötsedelivery (process of)N
nhëzonyekseneglect N
tiitekaaysevaccination (disease preventi...)N
käčteobstruction (blockage)N
zyööksecaution N
hööseerror (difference betwe...)N
kööšvagseguerrilla war (a form of irregu...)N
töörsedesolation N
lagaaseregeneration (process of formi...)N
ersereading N
eelhseliking (a feeling of reg...)N
löserepetition (repeating)N
nateparenting (being parents an...)N
czaqtsefacilitation (work of making h...)N
änhsegrazing (feeding or suppl...)N
yuuteundulation (waving)N
cëëlseinitiation (to something)N
atsecheer (hoorah)N
ronhtsedrying (act of making st...)N
ayöötsedigestion N
ogeelnhensedeliberation (deliberate quali...)N
zëcörseresolution (solution)N
äästerealisation (figured it out)N
koottsearousal N
lastereview (second or subseq...)N
czuuksesalute (respectful gestu...)N
sutöökseconcentration (of a material)N
tyonhsemimicry (immitation, ofte...)N
yötejourney (trip)N
vookseirrigation (e.g. aqueduct)N
lonerental (act of renting)N
nvaksemelee (close combat)N
vyenhsedancing (action of doing ...)N
taanyelaagsemisidentification (identify incorre...)N
tïïlsereckoning (action of calcul...)N
ronvatsestiffening (act of becoming ...)N
nhötsecooperation (working together)N
cëlaarseverdict (court)N
cïcaǧteprevention (stopping)N
yeelsecopying (to copy)N
seetseexhaustion N
zyänsededication (e.g. literary wo...)N
hetunekiss N
gansegrowth N
kokvogcänsetraffic jam (traffic jams)N
taagiczörhseadoption (act of adopting)N
lääsezukalgebra (mathematics)N
örsepush N
qööseyawn (when you are dro...)N
näävkaayseclassification (categorization)N
yotsetseovulation (reproductive)N
oknhevselidar (light detection ...)N
rhaaštenag (bother)N
vuutsemagnification (enlargement)N
nhëërseinsertion (act of putting s...)N
viitseresult N
čaaksekeeping (noun form of to ...)N
rhinczaaqsediscount (lowered price)N
cvästebetrothal (engagement)N
czaksestumble (fall)N
czukseclimb (ascent)N
lövëǧiskaaserevenge N
taanyeksemisplacement (loss, mislaying)N
sörsehit (in sports or sim...)N
czavsequake (shake)N
acaysedistraction (diversion)N
zyöstesensation (feeling)N
čatööštemounted archery (practice of shoo...)N
zyänsededication (passion, importa...)N
azkakseemigration N
vyönhsëintercalary (leap year, leap ...)ADJ
ästserealisation (implementation)N
ǧisnhenseremembrance (state of remembe...)N
qöqsesucking (act of sucking)N
čvaksepunch N
konhsebump N
czusaaseappearance (cf. disappearanc...)N
nharsesinking (Titanic)N
rööcserhsewelding (welders' work)N
zökselearning (gerund)N
nyözkëcästeconsignment (delivery)N
këtaagseacceptance N
tonserotation N
gaaseproduction (produce)N
vöcztemourning (after-death ritu...)N
vočtelaundry (clothes)N
azägseexcavation N
nhazkääsetransmission (signal)N
cööteresemblance N
roosemurder (killing)N
kääsesending (gerund)N
köksecough N
vëgavsechallenge (task)N
cëëlseinstigation (act of instigati...)N
yuntanhsetelegraphy (communication by...)N
ǧansetreatment (eg. water treatm...)N
cëztegermination N
tääšaarhserevision (a revised form o...)N
sonhägsereconnaissance N
yaartsestrengthening N
tääczteflip (noun)N
ǧerhseobedience (action)N
tsemaking (crafting)N
heštesculpture (practise of scul...)N
čäsecoagulation (water treatment ...)N
töytöšteglassblowing (craft)N
nölhserubbing (rub)N
löytserenewal N
zagsederivation N
czïïntsedecrease (drop)N
zyöösedispensation (act of dispensin...)N
sutekseabortion (the canceling of...)N
kacteconduction (electricity/heat)N
nolhkaaysepollination (botany)N
cïïltseinitialisation (starting up)N
činratseeradication (complete destruc...)N
tööčtsespecialisation N
tonserolling (act of to roll)N
gaagootseindustrialisation (transformation o...)N
vacoogseawe N
töösealliance N
taanugsemisunderstanding (not understandin...)N
rhotseafforestation (conversion to fo...)N
geelgersetranscendence (above all)N
cäctekick (hit)N
iinesocial interaction (conversation, et...)N
tarhseaccordance N
qarqäkseinsurgency (rebellion)N
tsulhvöörhsegenuine respect to anyone, including one’s own opponents and those who are seen as not deserving respect (virtuous behavio...)N
nheelhsedislike N
olhnanevolunteering (willing)N
rösemelt (transition of ma...)N
yägsesinging N
caytaagsedeal (bargain, exchang...)N
ugsecomprehension N
zakseexit (act of leaving)N
zöštepractice N
csontseimprovement N
tattantseactivation N
gäänselaunch (of a rocket, etc...)N
göökäčtemanipulation (manipulating)N
nhatseperdition (ruin)N
vëgavsedare N
lhäštethriving (act of "to thriv...)N
nhyelösedisagreement N
vësonhsevisit N
aalhsechoice N
yensespread (act of spreading)N
czutöšteexplosion N
consepoisoning (state of being p...)N
këcaztefascination (being interested)N
zaarsedischarge (electricity)N
väčteoperation (use)N
saksethievery (stealing)N
lözöšterehearsal (time for rehears...)N
tarsecirculation (the process of g...)N
ošteshiver N
cënasiitsemention (reference to som...)N
csonhsetry N
vaansekilling (act)N
qätseargument (dispute)N
santsevisualisation (to visualise)N
aarhsemodification (act of modifying)N
czïtansesubversion (overthrowing, un...)N
zantseestrangement (state of being e...)N
zatsepass (document)N
söölhseswelling N
yuuyöötsekidnapping (an instance wher...)N
tääšterepair (fix)N
rarseswing (movement)N
gizacteshower (instance of taki...)N
cserhsecombination N
tyoonsecomparison N
vägseburial N
caanselonging (a yearning desir...)N
ǧinhensereflection (rethinking one's...)N
ǧiskaasevengeance (revenge)N
nhoontsenullification (Nullified)N
göklätsteexploitation (c.f. exploit)N
ešvakseambush (an attack from b...)N
cëlsecommencement (start)N
iintsesocialisation (process of learn...)N
aztezteoutburst N
hatinhacztebankruptcy (status of being ...)N
ačoštegrapple (hold; grab)N
cëkaaserejection (no.)N
gööksedefraudation (act of defraudin...)V
yukeensedivorce (end of marriage)N
yöseswap (exchange of two ...)N
vaczterain (weather)N
ǧisryansetit for tat (a basic rule of ...)N
vyeeksenavigation (you are here)N
tošeinclination (tendency)N
ǧisryanserepayment (e.g., of debt)N
nagoštewrestling (martial art)N
okedaybreak (dawn)N
czucänhsedepletion (act of using up ...)N
vettsehumiliation (degradation)N
yusozediscolouration (change in colour)N
nhïgseinvolvement (condition or qua...)N
cvekcöšteretirement (act of retiring)N
tanhraarhsetransliteration (product of trans...)N
ǧisagseretrieval (act of getting s...)N
göötsebribery (extortion)N
yucazeamnesty (pardon from crim...)N
ogerseconvection (circulation)N
söseguess (estimate)N
czegeqseaccretion (accumulation)N
cëtääntseauction (public sale)N
nhvëgeerseinfidelity (unfaithfulness)N
czöztevomit N
nhïkacteinduction (mathematics)N
cïǧtoczeindex N
hayutovsepoldering (act of creating ...)N
cašterecursion (cf. recursion)N
czïkseservice (act of serving)N
soontseideation (process of think...)N
ränsedecay N
zuksestudying (gerund)N
zëkontsearson (fire crime)N
söörhvatselenition (linguistics)N
cukseavoidance N
saaseshow (display of somet...)N
nhensethinking (process)N
yääsebuilding (act)N
gaasegeneration (electricity)N
keenseassociation (relationship bet...)N
kaaneenvy N
körsecoercion (persuading someo...)N
czucsëëqseupload (online)N
ǧölnhaztejaywalking (crossing a road ...)N
yäsestand (of an object)N
zööseteaching N
örhserobbery (action of robber...)N
ragsesalvation (deliverance)N
votseslaughter (kill for food)N
czëërcsëëqsedownload (from internet)N
yunhërserecommendation N
ölhselaugh (expression of mi...)N
yugenemoult (shedding)N
yarheembrace (hug)N
ragsesaving (rescue)N
ǧisryanseretribution (punishment)N
vaasecheat (a rule break)N
sagsesurveying (act)N
avenhsedegeneration (tissue diminishm...)N
avsepresentation (oral)N
laganseregrowth (grow back)N
naasterevelation N
göynetselubrication (process)N
nhëǧerhsedisobedience (refusal to compl...)N
zasepassing (a test, exam)N
qiisvëcevserefrigeration (process of prese...)N
ralhseendorsement (approval, suppor...)N
tiintseamplification (AMplifi)N
kërectereliance (trust)N
očtehold (grip)N
niiseadultery (cheating)N
enhselimit (mathematics; of ...)N
aakseillumination N
vöörhserespect N
čansedrinking (act of)N
ǧatkaayseencouragement (you can do it)N
yozarsebleeding (injury)N
gavsecall N
csonhtsetemptation N
yuucëërsedeportation (eviction)N
vätseencounter (meeting)N
riinhvenhsefaint (loss of consciou...)N
kaarserelease (the act of relea...)N
nhërheenvatseexpiry (expiration)N
hoǧyötseorder (act of ordering(...)N
tsedoing N
lačtedoubt N
qvästeobjection (argument in oppo...)N
cïtsepreponement N
caavsesquandering (wastage)N
vyaarseverification (checking)N
čösestabbing N
kuursecharge (rush forward (as...)N
šaksespoilage (process of spoil...)N
czentäštetension (things are getti...)N
kantosefuel tank (holds fuel)N
toontsecriminalisation (making illegal)N
vaysesiege N
kačtestop (interruption of ...)N
gööksedeception N
rhatsebite N
lhagsehunting (how one hunts)N
gaalhserelaxation (emotion)N
gaalhserecreation (play)N
nhïnhaczteimplosion (opposite of expl...)N
lhäšteprosperity (general)N
kyanseadmission (acknowledgement ...)N
vileventilation (replacement of s...)N
začtecramp (muscle contracti...)N
nhërtanhseencryption N
rhozečtedeforestation (ridding of trees)N
nisteshrinkage (the proportion b...)N
yägaansecultivation (of e.g. vegetabl...)N
tönseannexation (of a country)N
giroolheimprovisation (something you ha...)N
nörhoštestruggle N
ciitizuksedissection (act of dissectin...)N
časesitting (act of)N
azyensepervasion (diffusion)N
rhuvästewhisper (shh!)N
tyaksecreation (action)N
zantsealienation (act of alienate)N
nheeseenforcement (act of enforcing)N
kintseblessing N
höštseinflection (grammar)N
raacaysewithdrawal (removal of somet...)N
qiiskölhsesneer (expression)N
čenhsakseburglary (illegally breaki...)N
ačteseizure (taking possessio...)N
lhökseleakage (leaking liquid)N
tarseorbiting (the process of o...)N
yutseabuse (mistreatment)N
latseredo (A restart)N
ränserot (decay)N
nyösetrade (exchange of good...)N
golhčaaksepeacekeeping (creating lasting...)N
cënhöyseprocessing (act of taking so...)N
töčtemonopoly (total market con...)N
czïnhkaaysesalting (act of to salt)N
cëkanseincineration (burning down)N
saalkaaysecoronation N
vatsebecoming (act of becoming)N
cästetrust N
këcazteattraction (c.f. repulsion)N
geelostedefeat N
czuqöqseabsorption N
ǧiscayseretreat N
ateksespallation (fragmentation du...)N
čanoysedrowning (death by water)N
hatseforging (metal)N
saczteadministration (government)N
keekaaysesignalling (inform)N
ǧutsepersecution (nominal of perse...)N
rašteasphyxiation (deprivation of a...)N
tovsyuntseinternationalisation N
kusvelsenomination (act of nominatin...)N
göksepress (the action of pr...)N
vyöönhvakseraid (attack)N
lunraarhsealchemy (pre-chemistry)N
kovörhsepiracy (the practice of ...)N
nääksearrangement (general)N
ugseunderstanding N
ǧaltsevocalisation (sound)N
ölhselaughter (mirth)N
oqisöztsedaydreaming (action)N
čözteperforation (holes)N
rucösestorytelling N
hegikaaseimprisonment (being in prison)N
vosestare (look)N
västespeaking (action of speaki...)N
röösesmelting (metal)N
aztaltseeducation (learning)N
lahöqtserefreshment (the feeling of b...)N
ǧugösedenunciation (act of denouncin...)N
soztsecolouring (act of coloring)N
yöötsecarrying (act of)N
zašteescape N
nhazkääsetransmission (generic)N
nhërseconcealment N
rhunëgsewhaling (practice of hunt...)N
önsecoming (come)N
qärseviolation (rule break)N
zyöötseperformance (amount of useful...)N
yutattantsedeactivation (turning off)N
hööneevösespecification (act of specifyin...)N
gekseprinting (process)N
csensebetrayal N
taqlhazvatserockslide N
kööštewandering (a journey withou...)N
genyeksefletching (arrow)N
vaaczkaayseintimidation (causing worry or...)N
nhëërcënasteallusion (suggestion of so...)N
laataaksedichotomy (partition of a w...)N
konhvakseimpact (impact)N
koksemovement (motion)N
rolgavsenecromancy N
äyoštenurture (care)N
nyönhošteshopping (I'm going~)N
tavsedive N
hölselying (act of telling l...)N
öytyakseinnovation (new method/idea/...)N
gööltsefertilisation (act of fertilisi...)N
anarhsecorrespondence (correlation)N
tezteburst N
yeentsesharing N
venhseloss N
varolkaasebeneficence (act which benefi...)N
yuzötseintroduction N
kacteleading (act of leading)N
sevsetearing (act of tearing)N
yeštepurge (removal)N
qeetseintensification N
lääserestoration (renewal)N
czïyöötsesmuggling (illegal importin...)N
cziintsenormalisation (the act of getti...)N
geštselegislation (proposed laws)N
ekäysenursing (caring for patie...)N
yöötsetransportation N
aqtselightening (act of making so...)N
yöötsecarriage (act of carrying)N
caaykääsebroadcasting (radio and televi...)N
tokëgseparticipation N
iilheforgiveness N
këröctecheck-in (process, into ho...)N
öczteweeping (crying)N
väzkaayseindoctrination (brainwash, teach...)N
coogsereverence N
nöölvatseevaporation N
göyseskating (action or sport)N
riinhčinhtseresuscitation (e.g., CPR)N
ööqtöölhsesaturation (saturation)N
vaysebesiegement (an act of besieg...)N
täroštegambling (wagering of mone...)N
cörsedecision-making (process)N
cïsyutovseprogression (developing and m...)N
orarseoscillation (act of oscillati...)N
konvägsecremation (burial practice)N
kvaagnhöyseeffort (vigorous/determi...)N
yuzonyekseignoring (act by which som...)N
vaaysetillage (working the land)N
czugerseuprising (popular rebellio...)N
kečteslash (swing of a sharp...)N
qanagseexpectation N
lalhaytseresurrection (coming back to l...)N
rästeregret N
näätczëërsedowngrade (un-improve)N
ǧitsedelay N
cseerhseaddition (act of adding an...)N
vëgeersebelieving (act of having fa...)N
ǧisryanseretaliation (violent response...)N
czoqeripple (liquid)N
yecvekseabdication (act of abdicatin...)N
zonseobservation N
csonhseattempt N
vogaatsemilitarisation (becoming militar...)N
tërčinkaaysesystematisation (to put into a sy...)N
laarsediagnosis (cf. diagnose)N
veelvatsesublimation (change from a so...)N
roostedefamation (libel)N
caayröcteadvertising (Ad)N
karëgseconscription N
zëlövtseabomination N
kelhseassault (an attack)N
aarhseadaptation (adaptation)N
tälerule (power)N
czöörcuqseaffront (insult)N
haksedispersal (splitting up, sc...)N
tattseaction (a doing)N
qätsedispute (conflict)N
nhägseinvestigation (legal)N
naztsesignature (on a document)N
yaksefall (action)N
nhïkseentry N
rinhïrhkaayseanthropomorphism (attribution of h...)N
irtsetexting N
saksetheft N
yoosestimulation (excite)N
ceegyeltsecartography (maps)N
rïvatseageing (the process of b...)N
notnhïtsebookkeeping (accounting)N
ǧöyčunhöksevictim playing (fabrication of v...)N
nhvästeinvitation (invite)N
činhserecovery (recuperation)N
naansebreeding (propagation)N
giilzašteevacuation (everyone out!)N
cëtöölhsefulfilment N
czavseshaking (many shakes)N
yänsedonation (act)N
czavseshake (shake)N
uzvenhsebereavement (loss of a loved ...)N
këǧyötseapplication (for candidacy)N
aanhsefeeding N
anhseeating (ingestion)N
czïïrseseunderestimation (underrating)N
aazanhseovereating (the state of hav...)N
tetsedivergence (going apart)N
caysepull (Noun)N
suyänitsenaturalisation (the process of b...)N
kaasethrow (act of throwing)N
zuksestudy (act of studying;...)N
nestebirth N
teeškaayseregulation N
czunserowing (sport)N
nhatsedestruction N
rinhvaansehomicide (person-killing)N
rhaačitseharassment (upsetting behavi...)N
nhïntseinternalisation (of norms and val...)N
nasedeficit (lack)N
yuukooksemisleading (deception that m...)N
čääcztesettling (act of settling,...)N
rotetrolling (internet activit...)N
taltseformation (beginning)N
rööctsepreparation N
tsaatsemarinade (food prep)N
zaarsesweating (act of to sweat)N
yuukečteexcision (removal by cutti...)N
ǧuksecondemnation N
qagseachievement (hooray)N
tïïlsecomputation (calculation)N
gaatatseimplementation (putting into pra...)N
kentseacidification (make acidic)N
kölhsemockery (scorn)N
čaantseintoxication (Alcohol)N
rhuunyaartsefortification (act)N
hagseacquisition (act of acquiring)N
raašukseevasion (act of evading)N
cveečtecrush (act of crushing)N
hagseprocurement (obtaining or pro...)N
örhyeelsepiracy (on the Internet)N
yuuǧyansedeviation (departure from c...)N
naatseelimination (removal)N
yutaagoštereception (receivng someone)N
votroosegenocide (mass killing)N
antanhsecorrespondence (conversation bet...)N
csensetreason N
toonhseportfolio (files)N
vëëntselightening (act of making so...)N
vyönhsejumping (gerund)N
czïïntsemitigation (reduction)N
začtetwitch (twitch)N
gelciintseminimisation (make minimal)N
csenhseexam (test)N
lasratsecensorship (suppression of u...)N
keyoštewhittling (act of shaving w...)N
nyucëëlseentrepreneurship (business)N
czïgöksesuppression (state of being s...)N
yusansedisregard N
voocëčteextortion (obtain through t...)N
nhvatgaaseinfusion (steeped beverage)N
nyövemarketing (promotion and sa...)N
zvokseoverflow (inundation)N
ralhsesupporting (act of the verb ...)N
rhansetoasting (cooking)N
ceksedrop (fall, act of dro...)N
qyasecontradiction (opposing)N
nhënhetnetseincapacitation (loss of abilitie...)N
teeksefrustration (being frustrated)N
teksebreak (intance of break...)N
saczteadministration (business, instit...)N
czoqtsefrown N
kencetseoxidation (providing of ele...)N
vënhërsecommanding (the act of)N
këcozvëntsemaglev (train system)N
csagseforgetting (ceasing to remem...)N
uyuukunseverbal abuse (abuse through wo...)N
teerefrolic (joyous play)N
genhvočtebrainwashing (act or state of ...)N
nyötektsesanction (economic)N
šoqutsegentrification (urbanism process)N
veelqagseoverachievement (better than expe...)N
neestebrood (egg)N
käälkääsemailing (the process of s...)N
rivsenibble (small bite)N
qëtyoonsecontrast (difference)N
kogaarhsetransformation into an animal (shapeshifting)N
* Pronunciation of this word was estimated based on phonology/orthography
↺ 28 February 2018, 14:19

Synonyms (0)
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 case affix (container of/for sth.)affix-se
 containing suffix (indicates a place for keeping or holding something)affix-se
 adjectival suffix (-ive)affix-së
 -ment (-me)affix-se
 -ing (gerund)affix-se
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