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Darlzance Elections
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How MPs are elected to parliament and how the Áxikil is selected
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Nov 2019, 15:54.

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Menu 1. Introduction 2. Defined Prerequisites for Running 3. Cultural Prerequisites for Running 4. Campaigning 5. The Election Process 6. Once Elected 7. Superior Roles <nomenu>
[edit] [top]Introduction

So, you want to kickstart your political career by being elected to the Darlzómeau Pallaumieurú (Darlzome Parliament). Well being elected isn't easy, in fact, unlike many other parliaments, being elected to the Parliament of Darlzance requires more money (for campaigns), more personality, and surprisingly, previous military service. These rules date back all the way to the first Darlzome Parliament, under Júgræs II. Darlzome nobles wanted a parliament strong in its legislative ability, respected in its nobility, and enlightened in its debate.

[edit] [top]Defined Prerequisites for Running

In order to even begin to run for MP, you must qualify for the following prerequisites:
  • 28 years of age
  • At least 2 years of military service
  • Darlzome citizenship for at least 6 years
  • Permanent resident of the MP you plan to represent for at least 6 years
  • Active or previously active in some community service for 6 months

Most candidates complete the first four requirements with ease, as military service is mandatory and most leave the military at 28, and when the do, if they didn't already, the automatically become citizens for the required time. Most candidates get halted at the community service requirement. This can be anything, from volunteering at your local nursing home, to cleaning up a beach, but many candidates have never done community service. This is a relatively new requirement due to the growing problem of global warming. This requirement intends to create MPs who see the problem in front of them and are willing to act on it, but in practice has done nothing to affect a MP's behavior.

[edit] [top]Cultural Prerequisites for Running

Though none of these prerequisites are required to run, they are required if you wish to even have a chance at winning the election. These are:
  • Fluency in Darlzome, relative to that of a native
  • Speaking ability
  • Darlzome heritage or ancestry
  • Be a member of a political party

Rarely has a MP been elected without all of these prequisites completed.

[edit] [top]Campaigning

Just like any other office, no one will vote for you if no one knows who you are? Correct? There are many laws regulating how a candidate may campaign. Which include:
  • You may not bribe a news office to campaign for you
  • You may not campaign in a workplace
  • Your campaign cannot disrupt public life in any way, this includes stopping a theatre show to campaign, or stopping people in a marketplace
  • You may not use paid actors in any advertisement for your campaign, nor pay people to glorify you
  • If you promise to do something in your campaign, you must at the very least attempt to do it during your term
  • At some point in your campaign, you must describe what you are going to do about major issues once in office. The people should know exactly what you mean, so answering vaguely on this is very much not allowed.
  • Personally insulting another candidate is not allowed
  • And finally, no campaigning is allowed at public events, including musical concerts, cinemas, etc.

[edit] [top]The Election Process

On the 1st Sunes of the 5th month every 4 years, the election process starts. Citizens can vote between this date and the final Sunes of the 6th month of the same year, when the votes are collected and counted. It is not a traditional voting system, where each citizen gets one vote, and no more, but instead what the government calls a "rated voting system". Essentially, a citizen arrives at a local voting booth, once there, the citizen gets handed a paper with a list of the candidates available. The number of candidates fluctuates every election, but the average is usually 5 candidates, so in this example there will be 5 candidates. Next to each candidate is a box, inside that box the citizen writes a number, in this case, 1-5, 1 being the most disliked candidate and 5 being most liked candidate. The citizen rates the candidates and writes their number in the box next to their name. Those candidates then get that number of votes, so the most liked candidate gets five votes, while the least liked only gets one. The candidate with the most votes then wins the election, becoming the MP of the area for the next 4 years.

[edit] [top]Once Elected

The newly elected MP now has the job of attending the "Pallaumieuw Væskasí" or the "Election of Parliament" where the more senior jobs, like the Speaker and Áxikil, are selected. While there are no requirements for any of these roles, the Áxikil usually goes to the most senior MP, or the Áxikil from the previous Parliament, and the Speaker to the most "noble" MP, usually meaning the MP with the best connection to the Crown. After attending this gathering, the MP then goes back to their respective parish, where they govern local affairs until called to attend another Parliament gathering. Where they make the trip to Kálzdwiv, debate for a few days, possibly push through legislative, then go back to their Parish. Where they once again govern the local populus.

[edit] [top]Superior Roles

As stated previously, the Áxikil is selected at the Pallaumieuw Væskasí, usually being the previous Áxikil or the most senior MP. The Áxikil's main purpose is to be the Head of Government, whose power is second to only that of the King. He/She is charged with regulating the economy, to proside over the Parliament, to apoint diplomatic positions, and to keep the King's power checked. The Speaker is essentially the police officer of the Parliament. He (always male) can remove any of the MP's positions for any reason (though this usually means political suicide), keeps the King updated on the going-ons of Parliament, and keeps Parliament peaceful and calm. The leaders of the political parties also get their own powers, for example, all party leaders can make a request to the Áxikil to call Parliament together, and all party leaders are allowed to speak in any situation.

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