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2022 Lexember Personal Log
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Personal archive of 2022 Lexember entries
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 1 Jan 2023, 16:56.

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An archive of my 2022 Lexember posts for my own archiving!! I missed some days so I did them in my own time, but as the spirit of Lexember is to do it daily (and fast), it felt wrong including them here :]

total: 19/31

pretty good for my first lexember I think :D

Day 1 - relationships and marriage

There are four main stages of developed relationships in  Tsuheitsin -

- Pre-dating (more than friends, not yet together officially)
- Dating
- Married
- 16 years marriage anniversary

And, along with this, there are two categories of relationship. Romantic/sexual, our traditional human relationships; and platonic partners, who are equally as important just without the romance or sexuality.

Romantic relationships were originally connotated with the spring and summer - the new growth of plant life and in turn the new growth of these relationships. Autumn and winter were later adopted as matching terms for the platonic relations. Some traditions regarding this includes gifting your romantic partner daffodils (níbhema, lit: "sun mouth") and your platonic partners snowdrops (lausíteík, lit: "winter's dew") or potato blossoms (kratutsi, lit: "frost flower").

The people in pre-dating relationships are referred to as "petals", due to them being only a small part of what spring will become, but can also exist in their own right without necessarily being part of the season at all. They are relationships, but are not any form of commitment yet.


I haven't got a name for the anniversary yet! So take this for now :D

Day 2 - architecture

 Tsuheitsin people live in trees larger than any here on earth - the trunk width can grow up to the size of street blocks, and the roots spread out farther than our average urban neighbourhoods.. They build houses into the gaps between roots, and eventually will build staircases upwards to build houses on the branches or inside holes in the trunk.

They'll use carving techniques and zíphéreí to guide how trees grow, to even go as far as to grow holes into the trees that they can live inside of. Think of it as like how trees will grow around a rock, and then if you were to remove the rock, there's an indent left in its place.

mimo [mɪməʊ] - n. door, specifically to a house
heí [heɪ] - n. wall
heínqi [heɪnʀi] - n. fence, lit: wall branch, wall of branch
tínkbanqi [tɪnkbanʀi] - n. roof, lit: up branch, above branches
zíphéreí [zɪphəɹeɪ] - n. a specific artistry that this culture uses to guide trees to grow into certain shapes

keíjnot [keɪd͡ʒnəʊt] - n. builder (profession), lit: person build, person who builds

Day 3 - personal hygiene

 Tsuheitsin people wash in natural settings - they tend to have communal showers underneath local waterfalls. They have also been known to use the redirected rain water off of roofs to shower, or even to shower out in the rain. This does, however, make washing hard in the cold weather.

líbíb [lɪbɪb] - n. bubble
tsoíb [t͡sɔɪb] - n. lye, lit: wood water
íleítsoíb [ɪleɪt͡sɔɪb] - n. seeds set into lye; an exfoliating soap, lit: seed lye
dílobíb [dɪləʊbɪb] - n. wash basin; a bowl specifically for washing
polrom [pəʊlɹɔm] - n. hair comb

líbíb [lɪbɪb] - v. to make bubbles (with soap)
tónzabé [tʌnzabə] - v. to wash oneself under a waterfall

Day 4 - hot and cold


jokyé [d͡ʒəʊkjə] - n. warmness, warmth
thíyé [θijə] - n. coolness, coolth
aŕad [aɾad] - n. middle temperature; not cool or warm
tsípran [t͡sɪpɹan] - n. frozen food, lit: ice food

I already have a lot of words for temperature types, so I thought I should instead focus on how they'd keep themselves warm in winter:

rekos [ɹekəʊs] - n. shawl
tlust [tlust] - n. bandage
kosab [kəʊsab] - n. shoe
mírtlóst [mɪɹtlʌst] - n. leg wraps

deí [deɪ] - v. to tie, to bind
tlusdeí [tlusdeɪ] - v. to wrap something; to bandage oneself

Day 5 - creepies, crawlies, pests, and vermin

missed :(

Day 6 - pets and domestic animals

missed :(

Day 7 - words that contain /n/ in your native language

missed :(

Day 8 - spheres

missed :(

Day 9 - customs and traditions

missed :(

Day 10 - No theme!

missed :(

Day 11 - mathematics

missed :(

Day 12 - change and transformation


tíŕekos [tɪɾekəʊs] - n. caterpillar, caterpillar stage of the life cycle
kesíb [kesɪb] - n. butterfly, butterfly stage of the life cycle; lit: wing water
tradkya [tɹadkja] - n. cocoon of a bug; lit: hole bug
kyamz [kjamz] - n. dragonfly; lit: bug grass
kyazabél [kjazabəl] - n. mayfly; upwing bug family;lit:bug river

haŕímíl [haɾɪmɪl] - v. to soul search; to find oneself internally
meíké [meɪkə] - v. to grow, to get bigger
baík [baɪk] - v. to shrink, to get smaller
kothreí [kɔθɹeɪ] - v. to churn milk into butter

ehti [ehti] - n. baby, a child between birth and walking
ajeíl [ad͡ʒeɪl] - n. baby, when it has begun walking but before speaking
pleím [pleɪm] - n. child, generic
thídét [θɪdət] - n. teenager, too old to be a child but too young to be an adult
neíraté [neɪɹatə] - n. elderly; notably older than the average adult

Day 13 - fighting verbs


holaíd [həʊlaɪd] - v to bleed
hurek [hurek] - v to damage
hureíd [huɹeɪd] - v. to injure; n. a light wound

steít [steɪt] - v. to argue
konoté [kəʊnəʊtə] - v. to insult, to injure emotionally

Day 14 - music

Song is a large part of  Tsuheitsin. All of the arts are both forms of entertainment and of communication, in the same way that people make art to express how they're feeling. Viewing their art is the same as being told their personal feelings.

nerdi [neɹdi] - n. sound
paté [patə] - n. song; a melody
patéhaíd [patəhaɪd] - n. a song for rituals, lit: song blood
pyíthís [pjɪθɪs] - n. birdsong, the singing of birds, lit: music bird
kítspyít [kɪt͡spjɪt] - n. musical instrument of any type, lit: tool music

Most of their instruments are wooden, or wood with leather:

tínoknerdi [tɪnəʊkneɹdi] - n. xylophone, marimba, lit: plank sound
qoŕet [ʀəʊɾet] - n. hand drum; tambourine without the cymbals
qoheíd [ʀəʊheɪd] - n. bass drum; very large drum
patékíbas [patəkɪbas] n. a circular, wooden ocarina-type musical instrument, lit: song wind
patébanqi [patəbanʀi] n. two hollow sticks hit together to make a note; a type of clave lit: song branch

kake [kake] - v. to hit
théqa [θəʀa] - v. to shake (something)

Day 15 - stars

 Tsuheitsin already has the celestial names they need, so for today's Lexember, I'm doing the names of some key constellations in their southern sky.

bakam [bakam] - the hunter
tót thon [tʌt θəʊn] - the doe; the female dear
aqu [aʀu] - the soul; the spirit
rítsram [ɹɪt͡sɹam] - the herbalist
paŕul [paɾul] - the wolf
heíd kídu [heɪd kɪdu] - the big newt
míln [mɪln] - the warrior

Day 16 - words that rhyme


thím [θɪm] - v. to rhyme; n. a thing that rhymes
kaprím [kapɹɪm] - n. family, a group of relatives

kudotíŕét [kudəʊtɪɾət] - n. moment, a point in time; a short while
plonét [pləʊnət] - n. room, a room within a building (i.e., kitchen)

potsi [pəʊt͡si] - n. story, a narrative, a tale
thaltsi [θalt͡si] - v. to hold

slíspe [slɪspe] - n. spine, lit: back snake
rípe [ɹɪpe] - v. to vote (on something)

Day 17 - cheese and dairy

Small one today lads


aŕeí [aɾeɪ] - n. curd, milk solids
aŕeí reíleth [aɾeɪ ɹeɪleθ] - n. cottage cheese, lit: curd cheese
zoreíleth [zəʊɹeɪleθ] - n. cheese containing fruit

Day 18 - cognition and thought


qíkazíst [ʀɪkazɪst] - v. to contemplate
momqín [mɔmʀɪn] - v. to imagine

Day 19 - under the sea

The  Tsuheitsin people are mainly inland, so their experiences of the ocean are from travellers or, rarely, imports.

teki [teki] - n. eel
jeíl [d͡ʒeɪl] - n. shell
bíndeíl [bɪndeɪl] - n. mussel, lit: shell stone
hopé [həʊpə] - n. oyster
bíndét [bɪndət] - n. gravel

Day 20 - no theme!

missed :(

Day 21 - today in history

missed :(

Day 22 - things made of paper

missed :(

Day 23 - reasons you're coughing

 Tsuheitsin people have a lot of recreational drug use in their society. Children are forbidden from consuming them, and at the turn of 16, they're allowed to start dabbling at their own want.

haku [haku] - n. sneeze; v. to sneeze
haku'et [hakuʔet] - n. cough; v. to cough; lit: sneeze small
qok [ʀɔk] - n. gag; v. to gag
blín [blɪn] - n. lung, organ
pílrom [pɪlɹɔm] - n. throat, the inside of the neck

kíbakamz [kɪbakamz] - n. allergy; lit: wind grass
líbók [lɪbʌk] - n illness, disease
buŕód [buɾʌd] - v. to choke
leíthuŕód [leɪθuɾʌd] - n. asthma attack; lit: air choke

harod [haɹɔd] - n. smoke, a cloud of; ash in the air
yath [jaθ] - v. to burn; to smoke substances

heíntríqi [heɪntɹɪʀi] - n. marijuana, weed; lit: plant finger
tídílalut [tɪdɪlalut] - n. datura; lit: petal moon
haídreí [haɪdɹeɪ] - n. nicotiana, the genus that produces tobacco lit: blood milk
reíro [ɹeɪɹəʊ] - n. opium
klelkan [klelkan] - n. salvia divinorum lit: night purple
thalaíd [θalaɪd] - n. nutmeg; lit: hand blood

Day 24 - money, currency, and banking

 Tsuheitsin have no currency or method of banking. Basic food, housing, clothes, and warmth are viewed as rights and have no need to be purchased. Clothes and food beyond basic necessity are generally made by oneself, and the materials to do such are traded.

yej [jed͡ʒ] - v. to trade; to exchange goods
kudoyej [kudəʊjed͡ʒ] - n. trade deal, an agreement to regularly trade long-term lit: time trade
pori [pɔɹi] - v. to lend; to borrow
mílad [mɪlad] - v. to owe

People regularly specialise in an area of trade - such as cooks making a large batch of food to trade out in portions, or artists trading their decoration skills. Those who can make with materials are equally as important as those who create the materials. The time it takes to produce dictates the value.

Labour is usually paid in a cut of what they produce. Those who work on fields will take a portion of what they've gathered that day - the exact amount depends on who, what, and when; any who gather wheat will usually take a portion of the flour once milled, but can choose to take the raw grain instead if they have use for it. Those who work in carpentry or other types of building will take a cut of what is traded for the finished piece, and so commissioning large pieces requires a lot to trade for said piece.

If one cannot pay for what they trade in one go, they can pay in chunks, but the exact rate of this depends from tree to tree, or even person to person. It can be anything from "pay whenever you can."¹, to "pay me soon or there will be consequences"².

¹ Pay whenever you can
me you give when can
loíp haza síjaz telt kríptaz

² Pay me soon or there will be consequences
me you give soon or you hurt will be
loíp haza síjaz hídít jo hazíp loa buŕétsu kutaz

Day 25 - things that grow



sarbníth [saɹbnɪθ] - n. lily flower; lit: poison white
hutsiŕeí [hut͡siɾeɪ] - n. peony flower; lit: flower milk
kost lausíteík [kəʊst lausɪteɪk] - n. hyacinth flower; lit: sweet snowdrop
zeídos [zeɪdəʊs] - n. tulip flower; lit: soft love
beíkaron [beɪkaɹɔn] - n. nasturtium flower; lit: hood orange
tyítsíki [tjɪt͡sɪki] - n. marigold flower; lit: yellow mouse
klelmi [klelmi] - n. iris flower; lit: night wise

laushubít [laushubɪt] - n. fir tree; lit: winter green
plítmaul [plɪtmaul] - n. ash tree; lit: tree-bark cat
tloppek [tləʊppek] - n. scottish pine lit: bat leaf
thíspek [θɪspek] - n. sycamore tree; lit: bird leaf
jedkyo [d͡ʒedkjəʊ] - n. cedar tree; lit: mountain oak
thoki [θəʊki] - n. aspen tree
zokedslek [zəʊkedslek] - n. sweet chestnut tree; lit: hedgehog fruit
tsobínd [t͡səʊbɪnd] - n. dogwood tree; lit: rockwood
paŕazo [paɾazəʊ] - n. blackthorn shrub; lit: frost berry
lídzo [lɪd͡zəʊ] - n. yew tree lit: death fruit
tónzapek [tʌnzapek] - n. willow tree, white willow lit: waterfall leaf
makaké [makakə] - n. rowan tree
senttínk [senttɪnk] - n. hornbeam tree; lit: winter roof
buŕétspek [buɾət͡spek] - n. holly bush; lit: hurt leaf
kyei [kjeɪ] - n. elm tree

Day 26 - gems and jewels

 Tsuheitsin don't have many uses for gemstones, and those that are encountered are surface level. They do not mine, but other cultures around them do, and therefore they can end up in possession of some rare materials.

bíntsíp [bɪnt͡sɪp] - n. quartz; lit: stone ice
hyílbínd [hjɪlbɪnd] - n. flint; flintstone lit: eye stone
kededníth [kedednɪθ] - n. chalk; lit: dust white
muqkan [muʀkan] - n. amethyst; lit: heart purple

zabéldeli [zabəldeli] - v. to refine; to erode; lit: river smooth

Their idea of "refining" is how the rivers in their forests slowly erode at the riverbanks, and how the rocks found in deep rivers are always smooth on top.

Day 27 - happiness


jospi [d͡ʒəʊspi] - n. platonic/familial love
joské [d͡ʒəʊskə] - n. romantic/sexual love
leíli [leɪli] - v. to have fun
pleŕélíd [pleɾəlɪd] - v. to grieve, lit: feel death

kaleŕét [kaleɾət] - adj. pleased; between 'happy' and 'neutral'; lit: happy small suffix
kaheíd [kaheɪd] - adj. ecstatic; more than happy
koyeí [kəʊjeɪ] - adj. proud
meímo [meɪməʊ] - adj. confident; outgoing
leíleŕé [leɪleɾə] - adj. playful; lit: to have fun emotion

dírkaz [dɪɹkaz] - adj. an emotion that is negative; unhappy

Day 28 - misery

not much for today :(

tupé [tupə] - v. quiet
sun [sun] - v. regret; n. regret
mab [mab] - v. tense; n. tension


oh, the misery~ everybody wants to be my enemy~
o, mekaz~ noz keíjsi kuteíz loar teleíz~

Day 29 - words in song titles

missed :(

Day 30 no theme!

missed :(

Day 31 old and new

A short one for the last one of the year, as now I'm starting on the next iteration of this language~


meínha [meɪnha] - n. sprout
pudzi [pud͡zi] - n. newborn
kabéŕa [kabəɾa] - ptc. dead plant or fungus

The term kabéŕa is only used before plants and fungi. Dead parts of plants, such as leaves that have fallen off or a cut branch, are referred to alongside other forms of 'dead' things, the term líd, simply meaning "dead".
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