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Thnickle, a Linguistic History
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An article describing the language itself of Thnickle, not the LORE that grew out of it's original purpose
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 1 Jun 2023, 17:53.

[Public] ? ?
The Conlang  Thnickle was originally formed as a fun experiment with Celtic /kεltɪk/ languages as an inspiration. It's alphabet comprises of standard latin: excluding letter <Qq>, and <Kk>, adding in <Þþ>, and <Ðð> as new full letters, also adding the variations: <Ææ>, <Çç>, <Łł>, <Ŋŋ>, <Òò>, <Øø>, <Ṡṡ>, <Ẅẅ>, and <Żż>. This alphabet is also home to rare phonemes, such as; /ʍ/, and /ɬ/.

It's word order is VSO: for example, "hæð tjw cæþy" /hæð tju kæθi/ "hæð", the word for "is"; "tjw", meaning "you"; and finally "cæþy", meaning (a) cat: "you are a cat". The full sentence structure is identical to that found in Scottish Gaelic.

Many of the words come from blends of Gaelic and Welsh words, or are exact words from Gaelic. some however, are words that I made up.

in the past <Ññ> was in place of <Ŋŋ>, and <Ÿÿ> was /j/ instead of <j> which was /ʤ/, now made by <dż> and only in borrowed words. <Kk> once made /k/, and <Cc> made /ʧ/. <Xx> was added for /ʍ/, recently as alternative to <hw>.

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